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Posts posted by JJCRU23R

  1. you know wat mish i WANT my wife to be able to drive the bugger but its a manual.

    she wants to drive auto.

    i dont mind the 89 model but geez... id make sure the engine and trans was definately in good nick.

    i got screwed on my first car. every 6-8 weeks something would kcuf up... all coz we believed the BS the salesman was giving us.

    bought a ('85?) laser kc model for $5000.. 2 weeks later my classmate bought a tx3 for the same price... and his didnt break down all the time like mine!?! :/

    hate salesmen! once they start telling stories i just wanna turn my back and say no thankyou..

  2. gday littleblacks...

    toyota dealerships that stock TRD would be a start.

    i think i remember seeing one at penrith toyota parts b4? havent been there since mid last year.

    there has to be a toyota stocking trd parts in melbourne. thats where toyotas main offices is isnt it? (correct me if im wrong) but i remember being driven past a HUGE building with toyota badging on the side... (didnt look anything like a dealership from the highway).

    or maybe a melbourne tocau member has one on their car? try to go to one of the melbourne meets.. maybe you can feel 1 there

  3. gday guys,

    would really appreciate your collective advice.

    in the next few months, my wife and i plan on looking for her first car.

    shes still on her L's ATM and i want to get her something reliable she can practice on, then go for her P's in.

    definately wouldnt want her to be driving a lemon like my first car was... but at the sametime, we definately arent the richest people in the world right now.

    just wondering where in sydney can you TRUST a 2nd hand car dealer on purchasing a car that wont break down within a few months? (reliable after sales service a major plus)

    we're possibly looking to spend $5000 max. which probebly means im looking at a car made as early 1990 (id rather not buy a car that old, but i guess thats as old a car as im willing to let my wife drive)

    at least 4 doors, automatic. sedan/hatch is ideal...

    if you were looking into buying something like this, which models would you trust?

    what 10 year old cars have proven themselves as reliable?

    which 1s to avoid?

    considering factors such as possible cost of parts/repairs, running costs, fuel economy.

  4. id just call em up n get a straight answer.

    from what sb was saying it looks like theyll do what you want... though they probebly wont have one ready in stock.

    whether they need your car there in order to make it is another issue... i would assume they would have kept the recipe 4 cooking up the parts you need so they wont need your car, and its not that different from the 2zz part which they also make... but im only assuming things..

    just call em! on their homepage it does say:


    ph: (07) 3200 2333 fax: (07) 3200 2344

  5. welcome to tocau!

    loving the shaved boot! always wondered what it would look like with the boot smoothed over!

    also where did you get it done?

    more importantly - HOW DO YOU OPEN UP YOUR BOOT NOW? LOL!

    in what way did you modify the standard front and rear bar?

  6. yea ive read heaps on this topic.. (and still confused up to this point) i have a "sportivo" exhaust for that deepthroat sound but im curious bout my girth.. so my 1zz is only 2"?

    i can change this to 2.25"?

    and another thing im curious about is the catback.. 1zz's have this as stock or not? i dont think i see one on mine

    Jase I think you bought the "Sportivo" factory accessory that looks like the Levin exhaust with the little droopy tip. That's just the last piece (axleback) off the end of the normal 2" system. If you grab the actual exhaust system off a Corolla Sportivo it will be 2.25" and optimum size for 1ZZ, might not be as throaty as the "Sportivo" accessory but should make more power (wouldn't really notice I think).

    If you think of the exhaust as 4 pieces it's easier to understand. You've got the headers/extractors/exhaust manifold which you probably know about, then the down-pipe bit that comes down out of the engine bay to the bottom of the car, then the catalytic converter and the "cat-back" part, then the last piece from the axle-back which is pretty much the muffler and a foot of pipe. All modern cars have a catalytic converter as it contains chemicals that react with the harmful gasses coming out of your engine and turn them into less harmful gasses (carbon dioxide?).

    so in theory a sportivo exhaust headers, downpipe, cat back would be a straight swap and fit my axleback?

  7. true! its not the amount weight that you can pull.. if your not doing it properly then its a waste of time! i can pull 20kg dumbells if all i wanted to do was swing the weights round... frustrated me when i saw people doing that in the gym!

    do it properly! FEEL THE BURN!

  8. seriously.. id go to any car accessory store that stocks them and take a closer look before deciding buyin off ebay. it is TRD, but you might not be happy with it! when it comes to TRD accessories like the knobs, fuel covers, etc., it seems like people would only buy it cos it has TRD on it and has nothing to do with performance.. just for looks and bragging rights for saying "i got TRD parts in my car". as x_tarcy said the stock knob is smoother.. so yea its personal taste i guess.

    i have a white leather isotta knob..but was a birthday gift! its pretty good stuff! though i wish it was black now coz it looks strange cos everything else inside the car is dark/black. the stock knob was comfortable, but i dont like the hard plastic. but yea i guess just go 4 the knob that makes you happy.

    btw the comment i made earlier wasnt intended to be interpreted that way! get your head out the gutter! muahahahaha

    edit- just in case you wanted to see.. heres a pic of my knob


  9. do you already have subs for your lexcen?

    ive got 2 x 10inch ported subs sitting at home that could use a new home...

    if you plan on changing over to the corolla within a few years i wouldnt bother doing up the lexcen.. good car though, my parents bought 1 brand new back when they were new... hehe

  10. people talking bad of ces?

    i dont recall seeing anything negative bout em in these forums...

    if i had the dosh theyd be the place id go to coz of the things people say in here bout them? i remmber someone saying their CAI is better than most other more pricey brands

  11. for the back, i would try opening up the hatch and removing the panels from inside.. just to see if there are in fact plastic clips holding it in place. if the emblem isnt bolted/screwed/clipped in, then its just a case of using fishing wire and some heat to warm up the glue/tape in order for easier removal.

  12. Very over priced but at the end of the day

    "you pay for what you get"

    true.. i had problems with my ground wires coz they weren't properly grounded... but i DIY'd it.. paid nothing to get it done.. DIY'd again to fix it and no problems in relation to the equipment or anything else since then:P my $$$ still managing to go a long long way :P

  13. just make sure you bought the right gauge for cables, all the fuses are properly connected, all your ground wires have the best contact to bare metal as possible (SCRATCH THE PAINT OFF) and that the battery is disconnected whenever you do this kind of work. i choose to wrap the positive and negative connectors to the battery up in plastic bags.. more of a visual reminder that i have/have not connected the amp wires to the battery.

    if you stood there and watched the professionals install it, you would hit yourself in the head thinking GEEZ... i shoulda and coulda done that myself!


    thats the thread where i was still trying to figure out my install.

  14. yea ive read heaps on this topic.. (and still confused up to this point) i have a "sportivo" exhaust for that deepthroat sound but im curious bout my girth.. so my 1zz is only 2"?

    i can change this to 2.25"?

    and another thing im curious about is the catback.. 1zz's have this as stock or not? i dont think i see one on mine

  15. ive done this b4.

    heres the diagram i made up while i was planning my install


    i forgot to include a couple things in this diagram that i ended up putting in the install.

    *2 more inline fuses on the (+) cables between the distribution block and both amps. (just in case)

    *i forgot to include the adaptor thingy between the stock head unit and the first amp.. (the adaptor for the rca cables). its connected to the (+) and (-) of both front left and right speakers. costs roughly $14 from autobarn

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