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Posts posted by JJCRU23R

  1. bulldogz arent bad... i like em almost as much as the eels but congrats to the eels!

    too bad bout tahu saying "i wish" when johns asked him post match if it was possible to get out of the rugby union contract :P

    but yea tahu'z the man! great game!

    PARRA! :clap::clap::clap: PARRA! :clap::clap::clap: PARRA! :clap::clap::clap:

    one thing im curious about -

    the dropkick that parra did during the game made me think about the way the players kick in the NRL compared to aussie rules.

    why does the ball have to bounce off the ground before you can kick it in NRL? is it against the rules to kick it aussie rules style?

  2. yea... learnt this in my teaching course...

    we overlook the spelling mistakes to read what it meant 2 say.

    Or we know the story off by heart and therefore can recite it almost verbatim without even reading it

    This thing is incredibly old, and incredibly already known by everyone

    umm.. i 4 one wouldnt remember this crap verbatim.. and i didnt really knwo bout it before i started studying teaching.

  3. ummm.. the audience is there for free.

    besides kennedy.. i cant think of any other host that was actually funny. kennedy didnt read the same crappy jokes that the other hosts had to read.

    jackie mcdonald needed somewhere to go after leaving heyhey...

    i watched when jo beth was host mostly coz she was hot which meant that i didnt care what she said at the time (dont hate me for saying that - i was like 11 or something when she was still the host?).

    there were a few other people in between but i cant remember their names... but they were all kinda on par with toni pearin though... not too funny.. nothing spectacular to look at.

    on foxtel you get to see all the US home video shows... one was hosted by dl hugley. pretty popular black comedian who had his own sitcom a few years back. even when he was hosting, he had to read off cue cards and the jokes were as bland as toni pearins.

    its just the same corny formula that has been proven popular. the think that keeps people watching is the new videos and the not so bad prizes.

    as for the voiceovers... i guess someone still finds them funny.. i guess it wouldnt be funniest home videos without it. on a positive note, they do occasionally let the original audio play instead of adding in the voiceovers if the audio was actually funny.

  4. there was an artist in sydney (i think?) that got a government grant to make art... she basically made little detailed trinkets made of gold... little objects that would fit in the palm of your hand. instead of putting em in a gallery like regular art, she hid them throughout the city streets.

    i cant be bothered explaining that 1. i think that is a waste.

  5. thinking bout this in more detail.. i remeber more..

    "they dont make fritz in sydney, (kid says: NO FRITZ?)

    theyve never tried a woolies lemonade, (old man says DONT KNOW WHAT THEYRE MISSING)

    at the show - theres no honey ice cream,

    and no popeye ever sails...

    somewhere in there someone says "in melbourne they dont have a pie cart!?!"

    anywayz back to the norwood redlegs... why the hell are they called redlegs!??

  6. i remmber that damn commercial coz i was still in primary school when that was on tv!

    it went something along the lines of...


    "they dont make fritz in sydney,

    theyve never tried a woolies lemonade,

    at the show - theres no honey ice cream,

    and no popeye ever sails...

    voice over-

    theres a lot of things that make south australia unique.

    well sure, maybe theyre small- but they make living here different than living anywhere else.

    (i know theres a couple more lines after that but my brain goes funny.. cant rembber the rest!?!)

    oh wait this was the last bit:


    say it with me! S.A. GREAT! muauaahahahahhahaha

    go the redlegs :P

  7. nowadays a long ride for me is driving home trying not to spill my large coke after leaving maccas drive thru... or driving home after overfilling myself @ chillis on the great western... hmmm... chocholate chip paradise piee..... uuuuuggghhh

  8. Theres this thing called the visual arts conceptual framework, which basically consists of the following:


    each of them are related to the others.

    without going into too much detail into explaining this stuff...

    basically the artist wants the viewer to question what is valuable and what is not.

    the artist creating this (artwork)performance/video/sculpture, wants you (the audience) to get the kind of reaction you are expressing right now.

    you are thinking it is a huge waste because society (the world) is telling you that is a waste.

    so i guess the artists work is done :P

    if some african tribesman whod never seen a car before saw the crushed car, he probebly wouldnt care less.

    in the end it is just a material luxury. how important is that kind of stuff? supposed to make you think bout all that crap which is why its CONCEPTUAL art. kinda like paintings that are just blobs of colour.. its not the artwork thats important, its the concept behind the artwork which makes it worth something.

    or, on the flip side, it could just p1ss a whole bunch of ppl off because most of us can't afford what he just crushed. Sacrilege! Sacrilige I tell ya! :angry: :o :(

    as i said earlier.. thats exactly the reaction he wanted you to have :P so its kinda not the flipside... its still the same side?

    it kinda makes you ask the question - what is art? whether you think its art or not, its definately bloody expensive.

  9. AFL.

    both my teams adelaide and sydney are out :(

    da hell happened to adelaide man?! they were leading most of the match but still not good enough.. first time in a LONG time that they got beaten by hawthorn. oh wellz... go norwood redlegs 4life :P

    at least port is still in there!?!


    GO PENRIFF!! oh right... did they get the wooden spoon?

    alwayz go 4 penrith coz frank, tony and his wife went to my high school :P

    eels vs warriors was a mad game!

    i want parra to win though.. its been bloody long enough

  10. Can anyone shed some light on the 8 hole phenomenon?

    Weight reduction, stress raiser, less use of material dunno.gif

    I reckon they have a multi-task machine that uses a register with 8 drill bits (4 x 100 and 4 x 114). 8 holes are dilled into the wheel, say 12mm in diameter, but only 4 of the holes are machined out to fit a wheel stud depending on the customer order. So every wheel has 8 holes in it, but only 4 of the holes are large enough to put a stud through, deeming them either a 4 x 100 wheel or a 4 x 114 wheel. I imagine this would save production costs whilst maximising the amount of surface area connecting the wheel to the car hub (only 4 x 12mm holes are missing).

    What do you think of my completely made up story?

    its good..

    its really good.

    just needs more cowbell... i gotta have more cowbell

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