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Posts posted by JJCRU23R

  1. all you need is an RCA adaptor and hook that up to your front left and right speaker cables. im using my stock head unit and got 2 amps, sub and punch 3way speakers hooked up to it.

    only cost 15 bucks!?

    but if your keen on getting your aftermarket HU now then dont worry bout it.

    id keep shopping round til im sure i know i can get everything i want for a good price.

  2. thanks hammer, but tis a pretty different look to what i was after :P

    15 spokes looks about right for me.

    has anyone here ever imported their rims from overseas?

    Here's something similar thats available at Jax's Quick fit fitters

    The Hammer

  3. if you know the colour code of the paint, thatll be a plus...

    usually all you need to paint is:

    ive used water based acrylic whenever i paint.

    *lightly and evenly sand the surface

    *spray 2-3 light coats of primer (give time between each coat... instructions should be on the spray can.)

    if your sanding and prime coat dont look good, the finished product wont look good.

    if its not all even, then sand it back again...

    *spray 2-3 light coats of the colour.. (give each coat time to dry... just like the primer)

    * few coats of clear top coat for the gloss.. then polish to increase the shine.

    good luck man!

    did you get the mirror instaLLED?

  4. Theres this thing called the visual arts conceptual framework, which basically consists of the following:


    each of them are related to the others.

    without going into too much detail into explaining this stuff...

    basically the artist wants the viewer to question what is valuable and what is not.

    the artist creating this (artwork)performance/video/sculpture, wants you (the audience) to get the kind of reaction you are expressing right now.

    you are thinking it is a huge waste because society (the world) is telling you that is a waste.

    so i guess the artists work is done :P

    if some african tribesman whod never seen a car before saw the crushed car, he probebly wouldnt care less.

    in the end it is just a material luxury. how important is that kind of stuff? supposed to make you think bout all that crap which is why its CONCEPTUAL art. kinda like paintings that are just blobs of colour.. its not the artwork thats important, its the concept behind the artwork which makes it worth something.

  5. gday all..

    ive been having a bit of a hard time as of late and im not having much luck finding casual work at the moment.

    ive got uni on mondays, but have nothing to do on tues, weds, sometimes thursdays...

    then got my regular job which has cut my shifts down to only fridays and saturdays (sometimes thursdays).

    so definately not enough money coming in.. and bills just keep coming.

    im not too proud to say that my family are struggling right now.

    if you or someone you know in western sydney needs an extra pair of handz please let me know!

    as long as there isnt much experience needed, and the work is LEGAL >:P, id appreciate the help!


  6. these or something similar is what im after.

    these are from the US and come in 4 stud... the proper size for the rolla (ive checked.. 4x100 yea?)


    cant find anything like them in australia that come in 4 stud. :/

    besides the asia brand from tempe tyres (i think?).. but they got 8 holes in em, which besides me being curious bout the safety of having the extra holes, im not a huge fan of the look of the extra holes.

    but since tayles said its fine for street driving...

  7. Hi, not sure if this is the right spot to post... We publish a book on the Celica and we can't find any printed magazines to review it for us, you guys all seem to be online... Or are there some printed publications we've missed?

    We also would be glad to supply review copies to this forum so we can find out what you guys think...

    Details of the book can be found here


    Thanks in advance

    would we have to pay for or return the supplied review copies?

  8. ok this has been confusing me for ages...

    people talking rims on these forums referring to real/fake/copy wheels such as starcorp selling rims that happen to be copies of lensos for example...

    just so i understand what im looking at while im window shopping, which brands make copies of other brand rims?

    which ones are genuine?

    just to get things started ill list down a few brand names ive come across in my search through the net.









    feel free to add to this list if i missed out on some...

    also, ive gathered that it may be unsafe to purchase rims that have multiple stud sizes on them. is there any truth to this or should i really stay away from rims that are made to suit a wider range of cars by having different size stud configurations on it?

    example of what im talking bout:


    notice theres 8 stud holes in this? im sure ill only need 4

    im assuming it may be structurally weaker.. but im obviously unsure since i am asking these questions..

    so yea..

    which brands to trust? which ones to steer away from?

  9. If you disconnect the battery, you have to reset each power window for them to work from the drivers panel.

    Go around to all the windows and wind them down and hold it down for 3 seconds, then wind them up again.

    That should get them working on the drivers side controls.

    can anyone confirm this?

    just curious coz ive dc'd my battery several times and ive never had issues with the power windows.

  10. i got these installed.. ( the chrome 1s)... its listed as part of my cars insurance.

    i think they put the "off road conditions" coz they cant guarentee that you wont get in trouble by cops for installing it.

    the only problem installing these is if your stock bulbs wont fit the new tail lights. in that case youll need to solder the new wires inline with the stock 1s, so you can still connect the stock tail lights later on if you needed.

    thats what happened on mine, so i got em installed by an autoelectrician for a good price coz the guy installed heaps of em and they dont take long for him to install .

    i didnt wanna take chances with installing incorrectly so i chose not to diy... because theyre tail lights! if it were something more ricey (fancy, but no practical function) like the silver door sill lights then it wont worry me if i messed up on installing them myself.

    tail lights have a practical function and other people depend on them to see whether im breaking or reversing, so unless you are sure you are able to do it properly, get it installed by an autoelectrician.

  11. heard throughout the day on the radio and in the news that snipers could have shot em down they were bailed out and they might still be up for a possible 6 months in jail...so they exactly didnt get off scott free.

    helluva stunt.. but will not be suprised if they put them in jail just to prove a point, especially coz they made the cops look bad. all the money spent on security would be a joke if someone wasnt sentenced for something.

  12. negative. shes has to learn bout how to deal with traffic, roundabouts, parking etc before she bothers with a clutch and manual gears! thats crazy talk! baby steps mish! im not gonna throw her into the deep end like that! shes pregnant lets not forget!?! as if im gonna let her stress out like that...

    further more it would be illegal to just let her drive while i sit at home!!?

    SHES ON HER L'S. lol!

    only 3 hours previous driving experience on auto is good enough to drive manual? dont think so. maybe for some, but definately not for my wife.

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