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Everything posted by MarkMish

  1. hi!!!! welcome to tocau!! where in sydney r u?
  2. ash is a staffy too...both mum and dad r blue so her coat should stay blue .....her eyes r getting darker now but her coat is still the same....shes 14 weeks now i'll get more pics up soon of her.
  3. look at this time of posting.... 835 pm....it so wasn't me!! i left at 4 ish pm!!!!! hehehehe back from holidays now and back to reality today!!! :( congrats king!!!!!!! what did u want us to do??
  4. leaving soon...don't think we can do it...still need 5 more posts
  5. washing machine died...no good before a holiday. back now.....come on quick!!
  6. congrats!!! sounds perfect!!! so when we having a house warming bbq!!!! i love it down there!! it's the perfect time to buy as well!!! we also bought a house about 4 months ago...interest rate at the time we bought this house was 9.25%.....as of last friday we are now on 5.04% that's gone down $1200 a month!!! awesome!!!! pretty good for a 5 bedroom 2 story house and it's only 6 years old!!! :D take care!!! and let us when when the celebrations start!! from mish :D
  7. im leaving for port stephens at 4 ......do u think we can flip a page before then?
  8. hurry up...i wanna be next!!! hehehe
  9. so king??? what u gonna do with the new found power???
  10. update: we kept the brown one and named him milo. heres his latest pic and we bought a new pup, ashlee here's her pics :D
  11. omg!!! why the H3LL was this on page 7??? come on ppl where r u????? let me be queen before i leave tomorrow for my holiday. pretty please!!
  12. sorry for the change in subject but........yay im on holidays for 4 days!!!! yay!! i just had to get that off my chest sounds lame and small but i havent had a full weekend of in over 6 months.
  13. did you get the dumb a$$es plate number? i would report him to the cops for running a red!!
  14. yeah apparently so, so everyone is claiming to be the father next thing you know the baby will be for sale on ebay.........hehehehe
  15. spotted UT34SE a hot rolla at my work last night was doing paper work didnt have time to ask if he was a member here. btw thanks for being understanding!!!
  16. nahh!!!! a juicy steak would be the bomb!!! yummo!!! and would win points too!!! hehehehe
  17. what are y'all doing today?? me i'm working :( to me i see no point in this day it's just a scheme to make money and means nothing!!! hehehe
  18. not sure im not a guy.....what were u boys doing at 12???? i doubt what little alfie was doing does it even work at 12???
  19. what ever happened to playing in the park or riding a bike or just good old fashioned fun??? what has happened to the kids of today???? clicky what are people teaching their children or is it that they work too much to see whats goin on?? have ur say!!!!
  20. i like this colour maybe with a green Perl what u think nate
  21. this dumb a$$ will be banned now too!!!
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