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Posts posted by neK

  1. Some more info.

    Full car respray - Starting from $4000+ for normal colours, starting from $5000+ for metallic/pearlescant.

    (Pending condition of car)

    does this guy have a booth ? and how is his preparation work?

    Full car - include engine bay?

    yup he's got his own booth.

    I've never had an issue with his work, but if you wanna know more its probably best you go check it out yourself.

    I believe it does includes engine bay in that pricing.

  2. Is it worth doing a CAI setup on a Corolla Conquest (Automatic), or would i just be wasting my money?

    So one person said its a waste, and others disagree in general (but from what i gather these are all sportivos).

    So what about just plain Conquest Automatic? Worth it? or just like Leasaunce said, there's no point?

  3. Just spoke with Dave from DSports, unfortunately there are NO discounts for GROUP PAINTS.

    The cost is just to cover paint and labour, but realistically these guys are dirt cheap as it is.

    @FiloRolla - I asked about the cost of paiting body moulds and door handles, you're looking at $300+ due to the labour involved (to paint the door handles they will need to take the door panel off in order to get it off), he could try to mask around it, but its gonna look crap, and if he knows its gonna look crap he aint gonna do it.

    Also i asked about the rear skirt just in case anyone was wondering, that will cost approx $120 to get it


    I also brought my mate along to get a quote to get his rear bumper painted (Silver accord euro), it will cost $240 to get the whole thing done (there are scratches everywhere - he blames his wife :lol: ), so just something to keep in mind if your rear bumper is all fcked up by scratches :P

    Unfortunately I forgot to ask if he's open saturday.

  4. wow cool

    i need my mudflaps and front underskirt thingy colour coded ...

    for mudflaps .. does he jsut take mine off then paint em and i come back a week later and he put them back on ???

    He probably could take them off, paint it, then put them back on.

    But like i said earlier, its probably easier if you just leave the car with him for the day, that way he can ensure the colour matches 100%. Even if the colour is slightly off one can tell.

    Can they paint my body moulding things and my door handles?

    hehe, you trying to make your ascent into a conquest? Shoulda just bought the conquest to begin with :P

    Anyways ill ask for ya this arvo, though i dont expect it to be as cheap as the other grill / eyelids / etc as he will probably need to remove the body mouldings and door handles to paint them.

    guys.. wt mudflaps are u talking about?!?? can anyone take a pic???

    Those black flexible plastic thingys near the back of your wheels.... you have four of them... unless you got a side skirts then you have 2 of them.

    its like 30mins drive for me... how can i leave my car there... its kinda in the middle of no where!!!!!

    im gonna b stuck there for like hours? nooooo

    hehe i work in Liverpool, it took me 35mins to walk to Liverpool Westfields. Walk around and do some shopping :P

    ooo so if i wanna repaint my rear bumper... it cost more than 100?? damn those hit and run drivers!!!!!!!

    Thats per side and depending on damage, mines like a sideswipe/scrape (no filling required) about the size of ones pointing finger.

    I also requested that he NOT take off my rear bumper to do this (because i dont want ppl thinking ive been rear ended).

    If the scratches are on left and right hand side of the bumper its approx $200 cos its two areas he has to fix as opposed to one.

  5. anyone got any cascade blue painting to do? I got a front bar, and i'm looking to buy eyelids and side skirts soon...

    Xploshun is cascade blue, he's looking for a grill i believe.


    I also have cascade blue, but im getting my rear bumper painted today (stupid objects in the M5 tunnel.... make me waste another $100 :angry: )

    Ok guys does anyone have any other items they are looking to buy and want painted (other than Grill/Eyelids/Side Skirts)?

    Can you please post or link some piccies of the objects you want painted so i cant print them out and show it to him this arvo and get some more prices (please let me know before 3:30pm today).

    Keep in mind these prices are for items that come UNPAINTED, it will cost more for stuff thats already painted and you want it repainted (as he will need to sand back and do extra stuff before painting).

  6. I find it hard to actually get in contact with him over the phone, he never picks up - probably cos hes working on the cars.

    I just rock up and ask him when he's free, easiest way to go (I dont even bother arranging a time).

    Earliest ive been there is 8am (and he was there), he usually knocks off work @ 5:30-6ish, so you might be able to catch him in the arvo.

    Indcent, you're in a cabra arent ya, moorebank aint too far away.

  7. Thanks mate!

    Its hard to find places that will do a decent job without ripping you off these days, called like 10 other places in Sydney and each one wanted $100+ for the grill and an extra $50 to fit it. (The more money we save the more mods we can put on :D )

    Though i do find it rather amusing he cant remember me, but he remembers my car. :lol:

    DSports also does custom paints as well if anyone is looking to get their car fully resprayed.

  8. Seen a few posts lately asking how much it costs to paint items such as grills, eyelids, etc.

    So i made a few inquiries seeing that I was getting some things painted myself.

    Grill - $30

    Eyelids - $30

    Sideskirts - $150 (for both)

    Rear skirt - $120

    Mudflaps (for all the non sportivo/ultima cars that have the ugly plastic black) - $25 each (or $100 for all 4).

    Full car respray - Starting from $4000+ for normal colours, starting from $5000+ for metallic/pearlescant.

    (Pending condition of car)

    WHEEL REPAIR = approx $80 depending on the damage of the wheel

    Prices are current, i just asked this morning. (If he asks you where you heard about him/or where you got the prices from, just tell him you got it from the asian guy who got his blue rolla's rear bumper / eyelids / grill painted - he remembers my car but not me).

    Unfortunately there are no discounts for Group painting. (Hey its cheap enough already aint it?)

    Even though you can drop the item off in the morning and pick it up the same afternoon, i do recommend leaving your car there as it gives them more time to match the paint properly (the first time i had my stuff painted i kinda rushed him in matching the colour so i could drive to work quickly, in the end there was a slight mismatch, but he took the time to re-paint it for me for free :D ).

    In my opinion his work is top quality, you cant even tell there was ever a scratch on my rear bumper (and he will re-paint it if you're unhappy with the finish).


    Contact: Dave

    Number: 9601 3599

    Address: Unit 1/7 Regent Cr Moorebank 2170.

    (Its off Heathcote Rd - about 100m from the M5 entrance, kinda in the street behind the 7/11 servo there).


    Red Dot is where DSports is

    Blue Rectangle is where the 7/11 Petrol station is

    (Its approximately 25min walk to Liverpool Station if anyone is wondering)

    Best days to just rock up would be Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday.

    Mondays and Fridays are usually busy for him.

  9. hey nek~!

    can u also ask how much to paint the grille?

    yea no worries mate.

    He charged me $20 to paint my grill, and he even fit it on for me for free.

    I dropped it off to him in the morning, and picked it up in the arvo. :D

    Though it could be more now since he's moved to new premises. :P

    Also could you gimme a link to a picture of the grill you want painted, cos judging from your avatar you got a facelift rolla, which would be different to my one (pre facelift)

  10. Thanks for that mate. you have some more details for the shop. also where did u pick your eyelids up from. Anybody else got any contacts??? Thanks heaps


    Contact: Dave

    Number: 9601 3599

    Address: Unit 1/7 Regent Cr Moorebank 2170.

    (Its off Heathcote Rd - about 100m from the M5 entrance, kinda in the street behind the 7/11 servo there).

    On most occasions you'll get his answering machine as he's in the workshop.

    Like i said above ill try to get you a more definative quote when i pop by there on Tuesday.

    I got my eyelids from CyberCentury in melbourne, but that was like 1.5 years ago, from memory it was $65.

    Check out this thread, these guys got their eyelids + grills for $120!

    (I spent $200 for my grill and $65 for eyelids...... man do i feel rorted for buying it early :P)

  11. I know several topics have been pasted about this but i still havent been able to get the best answer. I have heard that ignition X has good eyelids, but are they the best around. When i say best i mean good price for what they are. So first question being good place to get cheapish eyelids, but still a half decent product. Second, where is a good place to get them painted, i live in sydney, parramatta area. I dont mind a bit of a travel, but just looking for a place that you guys have experienced there work.... So any details related to either questions would be muchly apricieated. Thanks in advanced, and sorry for being one of the 100th posts about eyelids, but after much searching and reading, i couldnt come up with a firm answer


    Place called DSports in Moorebank, i think i got mine painted for $15 or $25... cant remember.

    I'll be popping around on tuesday to get my rear bumper painted due to a scratch, so ill ask him for ya.

  12. I do believe its a just a cap to cover the hole where the manual window handle use to be.

    Do you know if its a genuine toyota part? Cos if its not and you have problems you're gonna get passed around like no tomorrow. (It was this reason alone i just went to the Conquest instead).

    For the Conquest models and above, the central locking is where the power windows buttons are on the drivers door.

    However on the Ascent Upgrade to Power windows option, the Central locking is where the red flashing light is (just beside the steering wheel). The power windows button are in the same location as the Conquest.

  13. Thanks for the tip superdave.

    I called up Toyota today regarding the 50,000km service, they told me it was $225 (and if supplied my own oil it would $25 less).

    This has left me rather confused, if a 5L bottle of Mobile 1 Gold is like $95, then what $25 crap are they putting in my car? (They said it was Shell Helix Ultra) <_<

    How many litres of oil should i supply them?

  14. Has anyone else experienced this?

    While I was driving thru the M5 tunnel yesterday i felt a very minor minor bump.

    Later on the evening when i got out to check there was a scratch/scrape on my rear bumper down to the plastic.

    The best I can describe it is that it looks like a scrape from another car at low speed (ie car parking scrapes), except it wasnt from that.

    I was doing 80km and something hit me in the M5.

    The first time that happened to me was early this year, and I was in the left lane (hence it got my rear bumper on the left hand side), this time I was in the right lane (and it got my rear bumper on the right hand side).

    The scrapes are identical.

    I definately know the scrape wasnt there on Tuesday nite, cos i washed my car, and the following day I parked on the street. It was only after I went on the M5 tunnel and got home that I noticed it.

    Any idea wtf is causing this to happen? There goes another $100 down to drain to get this repainted. :angry:

  15. We should print these out and have them ready when they pull us over :P:P:P:P

    LOL thats an awesome idea!

    A mate of mine suggested to me that we should also have the RTA handbook regard street signs printed out too (apparantly a large portion of the parking inspectors dont have any idea what the signs actually mean).

    eg in a No Parking Zone

    (1) The driver of a vehicle must not stop on a length of road or in

    an area to which a no parking sign applies, unless the driver:

    (a) is dropping off, or picking up, passengers or goods; and

    (B) does not leave the vehicle unattended; and

    © completes the dropping off, or picking up, of the

    passengers or goods, and drives on, as soon as possible

    and, in any case, within the required time after stopping.

    According to the RTA thats within a 2 min timeframe.

    In a no standing zone

    This sign means that in the area in the direction of the arrow you cannot stand your vehicle except to stop to pick up or set down passengers.

    So remember guys you cant get fined for stopping in a no parking or no standing zone provided you are in the car (unless the parking inspector stands there and times you for 2 mins - then you're in trouble)



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