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Everything posted by Sportivo05

  1. C'mon guys.. convince us some more :P Mish and i are both in for being silver members
  2. Yep ill do it! i just dont know how to... Whenever u wanna get it ill get it too.. :D :D We'll support the club!!!
  3. I think it might be for "silver" members only
  4. wel thats only 1...........we both know pete and tom r eating lunch...............hehe hot date
  5. looks like no-ones aorund now mish haha.. we got it all to ourselves! :D :P :D :P :D :P :D :P
  6. at least let one chick post per page of this thread !!.....................hehehehe lets make that 2 chicks :D :D
  7. Yep.. i read it lol poor pete! whats this??????? The "Petes dream girl" thread
  8. i think this proves quite a lot really hahahah and petes the BIGGEST whore!!!!!!!!
  9. Tru WHORES and SHIMS the lot of you haha!!!
  10. mish.. looks like u gotta come now!
  11. save some for me mish :D Ill be there after work :P
  12. ill help you mish we'll make you queen again :)
  13. what drawing?? What did i miss??????????????????
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