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Everything posted by Sportivo05

  1. heheheh... Ohh by the way ... My insider has revealed some information .. about the girls !!! ... and the 9th July ! sure sure Jase! we told you what we are doing! :)
  2. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.. who said we gotta tell her.. ok jokes jase No u gotta do the chicken dance twice with Mikey and tom!!... otherwise looks like i wont b signing up then aye?
  3. hahaha.. yep u guys guessed it!.. see thats all we were doing.. no shneaking goin on here
  4. noooooo!!!! In all seriousness... we just gonna meet at krispy kreme for coffee guys.. thats all.. we gonna have our lil bonding time :)
  5. No im being serious now Jase.. what rules are we changing? I'll signup tonite if you dance for me :)
  6. we'll meet one day u know...........and we'll bond then..........hehhee we will indeed :P
  7. yesssss ?!?!?! I'll do it tonite with my mums credit card.. happy? BUT!!! if mish doesnt sign up b4 kiama.. u guys still have to perform the dance for me.. we got a deal? or no signup!!!!!
  8. good to know the boyz have faith in us :D We love you Jase.. dont worry :)
  9. we did.... in spirit... haha :P
  10. i dont know??? whats going on??? common .. spill yet guts ! spill my guts?? i dont think youd like that hahahah mmm lunch time :D
  11. im here... dont worry boyz.. we not up to anything................. mwahahaha lol nah we're not
  12. hahaha nah im ova that <_< just keep this page fun and loving :D no nastiness please :P Morning mish!!.. im having a **** day.. wanna go home :(
  13. tropical (the drink punch :) )
  14. aww thats cute robz :) congrats HEY!!! look at that!!! im QUEEN again :):) hahaha
  15. Charms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Almost involved in an accident this morning people on the Great Western :( some loser from the middle lane wanted to turn into my lane but a couple cars in front.. realised there was no room... raining too.. swirved back into his lane.. car shook around quite a bit.. came to a complete stop.. by this time i was right next to him.. take a glance over and 4 cars smacked into him.. i freaked and drove the rest of the way to work like a granny haha
  16. im here .. but just watching ... !!!! .... hehehehe good work pete .. keep it up .. doing fine without the rest of us ! Big Brother is watching! sneaky!! <_<
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