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Everything posted by Sportivo05

  1. im joining!! im joining!!! Sheesh
  2. of course im smart.. i caught onto that a while ago :P :P
  3. i knew it was a silver secret...
  4. no no no... thats a silver secret... ive worked that out :P :P :P :P
  5. the girls are in on this!! watch out!
  6. i dont know what any of u are talking about hahahaha so now u change it... youve been busted!! Jase he doesnt think your the greatest.. watch out for mikey.. he'll turn his back on you
  7. hope to see u then Jase.. maybe u see us maybe u dont.. :P
  8. Whats with the question marks mikey hahaha your not too sure if your the greatest are you?? thats coz US GIRLS are!!!!
  9. hahaha.. your so full of it Jase :P HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH
  10. Thats alrite.. ill see it after tonite.. ill see what your saying about us :P
  11. welllll then why do you want to know where we gonna be lol :P
  12. Mish when u gonna sign up lol I think its only fair that the silver members perform the dance.. Im being fair guys :)
  13. heheheh... Ohh by the way ... My insider has revealed some information .. about the girls !!! ... and the 9th July ! sure sure Jase! we told you what we are doing! :) I know more than what is publically available So we'll see u at Krispy kreme then aye Jase? :)
  14. ok i'll sign up.........but not fair if i dont get to see the dance!! u guys have to do the dance for mish too ok!!!
  15. AHAHAHAAHAHAH... i hope its not mark either!!! <_<
  16. awesome guys... good work!! now i just gotta wait for Toms deal.. and ill sign up tonight!!! and its 2 ROUNDS... not once!!!! chicken dance goes for 5 secs.. so 10 seconds isnt that much more :D
  17. mmmmmmmm.......if mickey didnt know that considering he lives there..................i dont think the young in our country have much hope!! mish!!! im the same age as mikey
  18. Your a few posts behind then mikey.. im 99% sure... they included you for the dance.. its just the chicken dance... come onnnnn :P hehehe
  19. sure Jase hahahaha... when you know what we are doing.. please let me know lol :P
  20. hey how did i get dragged into this????? Yes your involved mikey.. the go is.. that the silver members peform a dance for the NEW silver members! Thats how your dragged into this!! :P Deal or No deal?
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