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Everything posted by Kenpo

  1. Alright well Weather Zone is telling me that there is a 12% chance of rain at 9pm and a 14% chance of rain at midnight.. yet it'll still be 20-21 degress.
  2. nah mike, food is always the main priority. with or without friends :D LOL. Hahaha, thumbs up to that!
  3. I've been running 4gb on Vista since the start of '07, if I go any lower Vista will just crash constantly :/
  4. I giggled when I just thought about this, how whenever you meet up with a friend or a few mates food is always the main priority :P
  5. lmfao. It was raining cats n dogs just earlier and got a feeling it'll only get worse. You're probably right though, unless we go somewhere under cover.. I've never been to Noodle Kingdom, is it worth a shot in going there tonight? or should we all just bail?
  6. We can meet at the Coles carpark at 9pm? Waterfield St, Coburg.. just off Bell st. How about you Sunshine boys, you guys up for coming down this way too?
  7. yes this is the correct way to change gears with a "semi automatic" transmission, no different to the old buses that used this method,give it time to release from one gear to the next. it can even be done in full auto mode, try lifting your foot off the throttle where you think the gear changes are and it will change like a manual. fooled a few! ..and I thought that was something that happened for my car only :P
  8. hmm.. There is a carwash on the corner of Bell st and Sussex st + there is a kebab place on the corner of Sydney rd & O'hea st. Whereabouts on Sydney rd were you thinking, because I don't think all the other Kebab places on Syndey rd are open that late..
  9. At your expense, of course. Even If you live next door, and you prefer by post, I'll do it. But that would be stupid wouldn't it? Make it air mail and just throw it over the fence and yell "CATCH!" Hahahaha Could you please find out how much it'd cost to post it to 3064?
  10. LOL. I agree with your wife, it does look like a screwdriver.. with that said, it's pretty cool! B)
  11. Nice pick man. Hopefully it makes everything run smoothly once installed!
  12. Well seeing as though you live in Mitcham, and last week the meet was in Sunshine.. Would anyone agree to having the meet somewhere closer to the east? or maybe in the middle somewhere? Does anybody know of any place with a decent carwash && have an awesome Kebab place near by!?!
  13. Hey Mike, I'm a Mike too :D My previous car is a 2000 Camry Wagon, given it to my little brother to learn in. So I just ran outside and measured the length of the space with the seats down; The length from the rear of the head rest of the seats to the rear of the car is 167cm (When the rear seats are down of course). The Width in boot is at a maximum of 138cm, but is 98cm in width from the tyre to tyre bit. I haven't got the slightest idea about the newer models. So I don't know if they have a larger space with the seats down. Hope it helps :)
  14. Weather Zone says the weather is going to be crap, and it's going to be raining for the next week! :( http://www.weatherzone.com.au/vic/melbourne/melbourne/detailed-forecast
  15. hmm... Would it be possible to send the TRD Spoiler down to Melb?
  16. That's so true man. There are always people that walk into the store at Gaffeny St and ask what's the difference between this and this, the answer they get is always the same. "The more expensive one is better." The price list is horrible. Unless you have a good idea what each part is/does + have some experience with MSY you'll just be lost in all the numbers. Hahaha, but yea it's extremely cheap and I've built myself/with friends 4 computers from there in about 3 years. Never had any problems, yet... Edit: NVIDIA FTW.
  17. Seeing as though MSY hasn't even got that part for sale and models above it for less... I'd assume that means it's expensive :P If you know what you're looking at, you'll find the Graphics card section in the middle of the first page. http://www.msy.com.au/Parts/PARTS.pdf
  18. That's expensive >.< Why didn't you check out MSY?
  19. Computer vs. Car That battle should be illegal. The computer hasn't got a chance B) But hey what's your budget & which graphics card do you currently have?
  20. More ram. Definitely more ram. Go 8gb :D
  21. Would you happen to have any of the eyelids left?
  22. the FW1 is no good on paint if you ask me. I would never apply it to a dirty car like the guy who tried to show me. The FW1 is ok on tyres though, but the price of a can is too bloody expensive. I did manage to grab 2 cans for 50 bucks... haha, I might need to get onto the Meguiars/Mothers band wagon some time soon.
  23. To start, I've never actually used any of the products mentioned by all you guys. The only product I've used is FW1. An Indian convinced me to buy it from a car park at a Coles in Doncaster >.> The finish is pretty awesome, love the shine and glow it brings out. Although, I've never seen another product's work so I can't judge anything else :P
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