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Posts posted by RedSportivo

  1. Have to sat that mine has done 83,000klm and was an ex-rental and it rides as smooth as no bouncyness whats so ever. As the others have said get it checked out at toyota maybe the shocks have failed.



    I'm with Peter on this one.

    I've just hit the 80,000km mark and also an ex-rental. I never have problems with the ride being bouncy, just a smooth and joyful ride every time ;)

    Haha, My one was an ex rental to and is one of the smoothest cars i have driven, so theres definetly something wrong.

  2. Good work Troy! keep it up!

    Thanks mate! Like I said, nothing particularly mind blowing, but I like to think it's being looked after. Pity it didn't look it last night, lol

    fantastic little car... Mrs had one, drove it from Adelaide to Townsville with no worries. Ballsy little engine...

    Then we kinda lost the love with it and failed to maintain it... ended up selling it for $600 bucks and bought a commonwhore and have a new model corolla now.

    Oh no, it wasn't an SX with the 4A-GE and electric everything like mine was it? Bet you're kicking yourself now that you sold it for so little?

    Cute SX a freind of mine has one uses it as a daily runaround for work etc 500,000k's on clock and still going and mind you yet he doesnt drive it easy at all. so ill back you up n say sx engines= ballsy engines.

  3. Its when you start wheelspinning it happens on diffrent types of road, like in my stivo i can keep it wheel spinning 1st 2nd 3rd but if i get to a ****y road my car just bounches and feeels like the engine is going to come out of the hood.

    And the launch thing your dumping it to hard, try use the handbreak a bit it sounds like your riding the clutch and wheel spinning but its a good wheel spin it just launches off u kick off at a rev and the car should just launch

  4. ep3 are little rockets they will destroy a sportivo so easyy, i seen one running at the track 13s and it wasnt even worked ...Kenneth how much did it cost roughly not askinge xact price im interested in onee :yahoo:

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