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Senna De Silva

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Status Updates posted by Senna De Silva

  1. Nice as! What colour?

  2. Rain? What rain? I didn't see any rain here... nah not at all... Oh and hail?! Naw bro, dunno what you're talking about... O.o

  3. Hmm... Hybrid camary hey?... could be fun :P

    1. Senna De Silva

      Senna De Silva

      Wondering if I should coax mum to get one :P

  4. FINALLY! I cleaned the corolla.. So much nicer looking; as I did each panel, you could see how dirty the car used to be because it was such darker silver LOL!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Senna De Silva

      Senna De Silva

      Lol I was embarressed to have my friends ride in it hahaha, but yeah I've noticed these tiny little black spots on the car here and there... they're like a black tar, or really really sticky grease... I can't get it off with the squidgy, only my fingernail get it off and that's with some serious rubbing! You guys have this problem too?

    3. dutchie101


      occasionally, its normally road tar picked up while driving. Best solution is meguires tar/bug remover. Im sure there are other brands out there too that do the same job, but im a megs man!

    4. Senna De Silva

      Senna De Silva

      :D Yes! Megs all the way :P

      Awesome so now I have a way to get rid of those bastardly little black marks :D

  5. Need teh munniez fur teh weelz :/

    1. Andrew357
    2. Kenpo


      lmao, don't we all?

    3. Senna De Silva

      Senna De Silva

      Lol I need money to buy some wheels with tires :P

      Argh! $13/h is not enough for an 18/19 year old!

  6. So totally aced biology, completely screwed in chemistry... and all I can think about is my 'rolla! :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Senna De Silva

      Senna De Silva

      Hahaha I'm looking for some good coilovers actually... do you know of any good ones?

    3. johnnieboi


      Pedders coilovers have been a big fav with the zres, others have opted with Bilsteins, Buddyclub, Tanabe. I'll most likely go pedders next year for their 2yr australia wide warranty. And the guys that went with pedders are pretty happy

    4. Senna De Silva

      Senna De Silva

      Fair point hey, they are about $2K though aren't they?

      I'm looking to do some serious upheavals with the corolla so I want to have like moderately serious suspension... I've heard Pedders are good too so thanks for confirming it :).

      2year warranty sounds good to me! :P

  7. LOL Why won't it let me edit my profile? Hahaha

    1. DJKOR


      Try to contribute first with some posts.

    2. Senna De Silva

      Senna De Silva

      Oh I see, in the Forum section yes?

    3. Senna De Silva

      Senna De Silva

      Thanks DJKOR, that did the trick :)

  8. :D Someone's a clever cookie!

    I have very VERY big plans... I'm only 18 and like poor as... but 2-3 years bud, it'll be much quicker than the stock 2ZR-FE that it has :P

  9. Who loves their Corolla? *raises hand*

    1. johnnieboi


      *raises both hands*

    2. dutchie101


      Hands in the air like i just dont care!

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