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Everything posted by Tard

  1. I used to get this problem a fair amount on my SV21 when I was younger. Would get stuck at various places and was quite frustrating. Initially I thought it was the starter solenoid but the old man suggested it was either the starter relay or the cable running from it to the starter motor. Changing the relay first is a good starting point (you should have it in the fuse box in the engine bay), but if that doesn't work, then here is what my experience had been. My memory on all of this is a little shady unfortunately but if I recall correctly, the cable running to the starter motor had deteriorated over the years and wasn't capable of handling the current. Basically we disconnected the cable from the starter (it was the only cable going to it and the cable connected to a male spade terminal on the starter) and connected this cable to the coil side of a new 30A relay (it plugged straight into the relay). Then we ran some new 8 gauge wire from the positive terminal of the battery to one of the N/O contacts of the relay and then some more 8 gauge wire from the other N/O contact to the spade terminal on the starter. Mounted the relay relatively close to the starter by using cable ties to hold it to some nearby cabling. Fixed the problem immediately.
  2. Hold that thought. Family are thinking of visiting in January/February instead so I would be able to hang out with you guys on these Thursday night meets a little more.
  3. Last meet I can go to for the next few weeks since I have some family visiting that will keep me busy during the evenings.
  4. You guys sound like a fun bunch. Been keeping an eye on the forums here for something to read but only came across this thread just recently. So I suppose going by the way you seem to do things around here with all these pictures you have been posting, I shall be there this week.
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