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Everything posted by 69.NIX

  1. i've noticed that there is a MRROLA and a MSROLA on this forum. Is there something we aren't being being told? together? if not, why not? Suprise us :)
  2. redliner, your hopeless I posted my number you twonk and yes micky_tee - support the club that supports you!
  3. HOW DARE YOU! why anyone would want a greesy box with something that looks like a pizza in it is beyond me :) nar, my number is 0414186682 :P and no, i'm not bringing pizza as I have no firm time that I'll be there. but I will have M&M's and Malteasers!
  4. ok guys and gals, no laughting at my work uniform. I will be racing down from the blue mountains to villawood for a 8pm start time. I'm ment to finish at 7:30, but like hell that is gonna happen. And anyone who points at the car top and has a giggle will be slapped. (If i forget to take it off) OH, and no cheap jokes about "did I bring some pizza" :P still happy with homebush and hooters, i might be late, please someone call if you move locations! as i dont have anyones number. mine can found in the my profile - pete out
  5. count me in! it would be nice to go for a massive drive like that. and again, get ideas from people with toyotas just one question, are there any camry's in the bunch or i'm I gonna be the lone ranger again :) (I have no problem with this by the way :P)
  7. I know wot it is like to be at home. i too am in your boat and no one else around :( my car is looking at me going, please take me for a drive, but yeah, i need a place to go :( OH, i'll take my rightful spot as king for this turn Ladies if you do stuff for me, you can be my queen :o
  8. are you saying your gal has no boobs. /slap, where is the gentleman in you! sounds like a plan there mish, i'll have to dart outta work early. (might be hard but other slackers get to go home on time while i'll still work :@)
  9. ok, time to add SOME seriousness to this threed. ATTN: Sydney TOCAU's Tomorrow night i'm making plans for holding a little doo at my place, nuffin big, just good crowd, snacks and fresh mountain air :) just add your name after this post if your interested by the way, I live in the lower mountains. i'll give all coming my address via PM or MSN -pete
  10. So is that the "proper" way to park for any auto cars or just Toyotas? Never heard of that before, might try this strategy next time! Might have to write an ugly post it and put it in on the gear stick as a reminder :P there is no "proper" way, just the best way to keep every lasting longer :)
  11. above the table, well yes, but not like that :P who knows, i might go into hooters and come out a married man! :o cant wait guys, i'm counting the days ;)
  12. I know when I drive the company cars at work (echo or yaris / both auto's) I tend to knock it into N, put the park brake on, release the foot brake, then knock it into P. Then the car isn't riding / parked on the gearbox and doesn't make a *** awaful crunch noise when start off again :) But I know that no-one else does it this way, so yeah. People dont care if it's not there car which is a shame, coz the car should be a nicer drive if they took a little bit of care with it :)
  13. how much are you looking at for a set of 4 for a gen3??? Rough pricing My springs and shocks are screwed :S
  14. The following thread is rated R. It contains RANDYNESS :P ~VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED~ But seriosly tho, lets keep it above the table guys. get into gentleman mode. No point trying to attract a parnter if your gonna get all dirty, that happens latter! :P Toilet humor and spankings happen in privacy of your own home ( I would assume )
  15. wot a tease :P maybe there should be a section for the single ladies aswell there are 2 sides to a relationship
  16. hey, just a poll to see wot people on the TOCAU like in the food dept. Favs I love spicy food I love turkish bead Love a good Turkish Pide Spag Bowl Anything hot off the BBQ Garlic Prawns Most Chinese / Indian dishes Home made pies Not so Favs Brussel spourts Any veg that is overcooked and soggy :( (BOOOOOOO)
  17. if the bum of my car doesn't get poeple in, nuffin will http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m131/li...19/eb18b02c.jpg
  18. hi, i'm pete and my name is on my feet! :P I like my grandpa car and my family guy :) I live in the relaxing blue mountains. where the air is fresh and the birds are plentyful. I love my driving and hangin' out with mates. (its better than sitting here all alone) I have a diverse range of jobs (dominos pizza guy, part owner of a cartridge world and IT support for my old high school) I'm free most night and love seeing my mates happy I my not be a great prize in the looks dept, but I make up in character and dedication (Y) - pete
  19. yes yes mish, get well soon so we can play monopoly!
  20. hey guys and gals, I've been talking to a couple of people about a TOCAU banner "......for even better pics at meets" This banner would be made possible by dontaions to the Sydney > Newy DVD We just a few things 1. A mod to handle the cash (prefer sydney based) 2. Premission from the TOCAU 3. Donations from the DVD Planned design: The TOCAU Logo (found on the top left of this forum with a web address under it). This is only a suggestion and subject to final approval. Any ideas / suggestions should be left on this page I'll keep posted with updates and designs P.S. if someone has a high-res copy of the logo, please email it me ;)
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