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Everything posted by 69.NIX

  1. I can cook a mean BBQ if kym's got one all TRUE bloke can pull off a good barrbie!
  2. afternoon yall just letting you know that i'm off to see the footy show tonigth at the en cent. should be good! I will not be around for any team speak tonight :( (dunno if that is a good or bad thing) and all sydney memeber coming to the meet, make your pizza seletions before saturday 8am as i will not be able to access the internet from 8pm till the meet so far mish - BBQ Chicken and bacon Kym - Veg with chicken xoom - Veg I assume the blue_stivo wants a double bacon cheesebuger (mayo YUK) if you can make up ya mind before he cut off time, call me (check personal details) and please post your reqests in the cruise info, not here :) ta ta
  3. there is only only problem with that video, and yes its the car! IT'S AN AUTO :( but its an idea
  4. i'm liking that boot area, but where do you put the shopping? :P
  5. mrs palmer doesn't count! such a great day, i hope to be out driving :)
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEcxQsCZiuE wacka turbo innit! this looks like one very mean machine and the sound is pretty good too :)
  7. remember ABC tonight from 8:30pm Spicks & Specks The IT Crowd (new) Glasshouse!
  8. yeah, lets keep it in the law this weekend, if only gets pulled over, wait!
  9. i'm waiting for that and my free test drive :) Sam - hows does Monday round 11 sound? It would great to see wot they have done. And i'll be more than happy to do a jermy clarkeson style review (not driving like jeremy, just be critical of everything!) and submit it to this forum PM me if its all good.
  10. I have one suprise for all those coming It will make you laugh, it will make you cry! and no-one (not even the big billy boy cheese) knows..... oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  11. so there is gonna be a canberra meet? i can try to calim it on tax if you plan it for the right day, i'll just visit a cartridge world and get some tips / hints ;)
  12. i'll keep mine open from 10:30am
  13. well why dont you cry about....................... :P
  14. pfftt, i'm due in under 2mths 23/11. stop ya whinging :P nuffin wrong with getting old......yet
  15. world of warcraft??????????? please dont tell me you like seeing wallet sloged to pay this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh well, each to there own again, if you need the detail, me and northy have them.
  16. i'm gonna se if i can get the dominos car that night pay for the fuel, sweeten the deal :) but dont be holding out for it sad to hear the badboyz and becca are gonna miss out i'm sure sure mish will gladly eat your share of the malteasers! :P
  17. geeeeeeeee, let me think? little johny? The pope? Hitler? Some $5 hooker?
  18. goona have to shake hands with this pete him and me share a name! :D
  19. i'm at home had dinner bout to start my cold beers and getting more people onto team speak >>>>> http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/inde...?showtopic=7990 and you need a headset and or mic before you can start!
  20. I hate shopping centres people always drive soooo slow, even if there is nuffin in-front of them! I know you should drive slowly incasse someone walks out, but that slow that you have a que of people behind you spaning the length of the parking lot :S
  21. not drinking yet beer needs to get cold 1st and i gotta cook dinner 1st then we start round 6ish, just one or two tonight, nuffin major :) I found Brok (Polish Beer, so I gotta like it :P) it is nice, and at $3.40 for a fully imported beer, it's pretty good ;)
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