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Status Replies posted by 69.NIX

  1. the time to detail car again is here -_- its come to a point where I am willing to pay someone to do it for me Haha.

  2. the time to detail car again is here -_- its come to a point where I am willing to pay someone to do it for me Haha.

  3. Wont see you in awhile boys, got into an accident. :\


  5. Some people get butthurt too easily.

  6. why must be the person who works for me be soo pretty today? -_-

    1. 69.NIX


      ^^ why do you have to F**k it up with details

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  7. why must be the person who works for me be soo pretty today? -_-

    1. 69.NIX


      Mr X, if she your wife....lucky....but if she is single....you got my deats ;)....help a brother out

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  8. Big Fellas House of CarCare goes mobile today. Awesome day to be outside. Pics to follow :)

  9. is putting TRD badges, stickers etc on your Toyota the same deal as someone putting chev badges on their holdens?

  10. Big Fellas House of CarCare goes mobile today. Awesome day to be outside. Pics to follow :)

  11. Big Fellas House of CarCare goes mobile today. Awesome day to be outside. Pics to follow :)

  12. Big fellas house of car care is open for business

  13. Big fellas house of car care is open for business

  14. "iPhone 5: the lightest fastest iPhone yet." sorry apple, but it still falls WAY behind the galaxy SIII. comparing between iPhones? why don't you compare with OTHER brands and see that better AND cheaper phones are already out? and wtf is this "lightening dock" BS? and "nano SIM"? oh FFS please shove it where the sun dont shine LAWLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

  15. I got a Grow Your Own Loofah kit from a friend the other day. It contained a clay pot, soil, seeds and a few other things required to nurture your plant. He didn't realise it was such a bad gift. I think the clay pot hit him the hardest.

  16. Big fellas house of car care will be open tomorrow. Pop in for great car wash ;-)

  17. picked up some URL stickers from NIX19, thanks buddy

  18. The forum?? what the heck happened to it??

  19. You can eat muesli with water and it tastes the same except it is less milky and tastes yuk.

  20. Toyota screwing with me again!!! no GTS till 18 months now!! wtf?! should've went the GT :(

  21. peking duck was awesome. and now i'm a fat duck...

  22. Jesus. Gave the car such a flogging the CAI hose came off.

  23. someone is in town !

  24. Why can't I start a new thread in the "Toyota's For Sale" section >_<

    1. 69.NIX


      before you rail against everyone and the Buy and sell rules, can you PM me the error message you get. Also, if there is problem with people selling stuff in areas they should be, maybe let one of the mods know.....we cant bet everywhere at once :)

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

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