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Everything posted by 69.NIX

  1. bad luck? we add it to the DVD i you like, just have to change the rating :P
  2. I'm taking the laptop and will copy on the spot
  3. FFS, borrow the memory card you twonk just to copy them all the my PC for the TOCAU DVD which i'm working on. (almost there, just need some more footage and photos) g0t king? I would like to list there most embarrassing you have done or done to someone else Done to someone - would have to when I poured olive taparade over the boss at dominos in a food fight, then he had to asnwer the phone while peole could see him :P Done to myself - Squirted mayo on my face when I was filling up the squezzey bottle at dominos (and no it wasn't home made), but the hightlight was then saying - "now I know how you girls must feel" :P
  4. just quitely, I wish the blue mountains city council will NOW take some notes on bushfire prevention. no allowing backburning during winter is stupid. warning for tree hugging hippies! the australian bush needs fire to regenerate (known fact) if we help it with controlled burning, we are actully helping it. now one might say that all that smoke and haze is bad. YES, in summer! Winter where the more cold air pushing it down gives a less visable haze. I've been the mountains for over 20years and during the xmas fire of 2001, the smoke was sooo think I could barely see across the street. when the backburning in winter was on, smoke just sat in the valleys, the rains came, and all fell to the ground oh and btw azza, I could agree more. Its getting to xmas holiday time and the little slashers are out with nuffin to do, and the low pants wearing, "wanna see my underwear" mob are out. I know in my area that just means one thing - Centrelink bum and smoker. oh and how the hell can you wear long nike pants on a 38oC day? so there is my 3 cents of ranting. How is everyone? TGIF? I love it!!!!! Sunday should be a good day. oh and before I forget, if you have a digital camera are a re taking photos, can i please get ya memory card BEFORE we all leave from terrigal!!!!!!! peace out, lawson can burn down!
  5. thanks mish for that write up ......now we all need to live up to it .......I guess :P nar, its alll good
  6. yes, the big fella turns 24 today one more year of being in the highest insurance backet ($880 this year for compro!?!?!?!) so the real question is, who is gonna toyota jump out of my cake for me? :P oh, if anyone is in sydney and free friday night, i'm getting some people together for drinks / dinner at teh red oak cafe' If your in, PLEASE contact me 0414186682 BEFORE!!!!!! 12pm today as I need to make a booking :)
  7. no probs here. I love the aircon and in my camry, the dominos echo and yaris, it feels fine. (my car is manual, doms cars auto) I only notice when the fridge / compressor turns on in my car coz it makes funny noise :S
  8. yes yes, i'm a net junkie! and I spend a weee to much time on forums typing stuff. hehehehehehehe, gross (peter griffin)
  9. its serious we are looking for the 1st ever TOCAU couple! and its kinda a joke :D
  10. no, working in an aircon'd box made from brick :D leave teh firefighting to the pro's
  11. your rudeness is noted actully I was at work until now, and it has been crap
  12. good morning saiya I'm really getting sh*tted off with all the smoke in the mountains
  13. Spoted MRROLA in faulco heading up the mountains with the window down and enya playing loud?????????? WTF?!?!?!? nar, no enya :P just a happy MRROLA
  14. a cheap way is buy her a new head deck :P no messing with pin codes, just something simple for $300. make it a xmas preazy? my old man is getting darkest legal tint for his car (BA Falco Gas)
  15. sounds like 1000 loose spanners in the engine!
  16. your right, but it's looks ok I do the new dashes that toyota are puting in there cars (aurion, camry), gald to see it's move to the rolla now :D
  17. thanks for the plug there MRROLA :D I know there is a pre-face lift stivo round the lower blue mountians (team silver) somewhere. I'll have more when it comes to hand :D
  18. your in ear shot of blue_stivo and tats. they are both from the gong!
  19. firstly, welcome to the TOCAU. enjoy ya time here :) If there are ANY questions (no matter how stupid) ask it! now ya ride, its nice little beast ya got there. the sound systems looks complex :P 5way?!?!?!??!?! the colour is interesting to say the least, but nice. the rims suit nicely, bitta bling is grooovy. any mods inside the car? where abouts in NSW are you based??? might see you at meet someday? there is a day meet at the end of the month
  20. lazy sod :P I cant talk tho, I plan not to work on my bday :D (6 days to go)
  21. dont take this the wrong way but, personally, i think that is an ego thing!
  22. you know good minds think alike sly pete (corzza) and me share the same month of bday and we are both top blokes :D (said while standing on soapbox) anyways, congrats champ. look like you got a bday and the present all at the same time :D
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