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Everything posted by 69.NIX

  1. can you show us the tango? I wanna know how to dance! :P do a little dance, make a little love, get down tonight! OOOOOOOOO GET DOWN TO TONIGHT!!!!!!!!! GIGADY GIGADY GOO! oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo DEATH CHARGERS ARE GOOD ****! - damm you mark. the only man you can out drink the big fella! HOT DAMM! TADA! i'm done, night :P
  2. i heard too there goes my ABC line-up on weds night and rumour has it that the glasshouse now is the sone of the highest rating ABC shows ever! WHY DITCH IT NOW? to end on a high?
  3. I've taken to Aurion for a spin (SX6 Sportivo) and all I can say is, it goes like stink! I test drove the car on wed (1/11/06) at Caslte Hill, great guys there. The dash is out of this world, so easy to read and well lit up!.Seats are comfortable and supportive. Engine, well wot can I say. I couldn't hear it at 6,500rpm, but I felt the car move!, so it was doing it's job :D The fact that it is a 6 speed tip-tronic may get the hardcore manual drivers thinking twice (me). Well BUGGER that, control and effortless changing is great!, and you can knock it down 2 gears, plant it, and the reaction time is v fast! overall interior layout is good and the new smell wasn't overpowering (21kn on the clock when i hoped in). also, the build quality is top notch (well duh, it's toyota :P) aircon is good ol' toyota aircon, bloody cold bloody quick! (useful in australia) Sound system is average (well compared to mine) but with an upgrade in speakers to something after-market, might get it out of its hole. Exterior styling, well it looks like a lexus (funny that) but from the front i can tell its a car that has some balls behind the looks. I think it should come with 17" alloys across the range with some low-profile tyres, make it look a meaner and lower it a tad. Engine bay, big and phat. there is is HUGE silver plastic cover over the engine to tell the owner that there car has a 3.5L Dual VVTI Quad cam Engine and its a Toyota (um duh), otherwise, pretty neat, nice big airbox (dunno how one who get a TRD CAI in there, but give it time :P) In summary, the Aurion is great car. Well Built, Good Features and priced well to compete with holden / ford The salesman claim that the they plan convert 80% of all the holden / ford people to the Aurion. That is a big claim and i dunno how that would work. i would like to think if the holden / ford fans did some ral hunting around at wot is out on teh market, they will be swayed, but 80% is a bit bigger number. maybe round 30-40% is a more realistic figure.
  4. I hear ya charms! i did open to close last night at dominos (11am-1am)and open this morning (8-2) then i'm going back for more at 4:30pm -8ish, then going out!
  5. O-Y3AsZ19Hc BUGGER ME!
  6. a cheap rip-off of a show!
  7. judging by my current state as I type, anything will go! 8 standard drinks later.................................................................................... WOOHOO I have the LAS VAGES DVD!
  8. me, never :P just wish if you knock people would open the door I had dominos brownies! ahh well, soemthing to munch on on the way home :P I wouldn't leave them on the front door, some random might flog them!!!!!!!!
  9. mishes van with the lights on in her driveway! HA! you wonder how I know. .....................I have ways
  10. done and done, I even got the box to put the other 4 DVD's in (JB Hi-Fi)
  11. so tonight, any takers? I plan to go this evening then go out for a meal somewhere (nuffin flash) call / SMS me 0414186682 If you need to be the taxi, that's fine, I have full tank of fuel and a clean car :P
  12. 69.NIX

    Car Jacked

    just FKN punch the **** outta them next time. so you might drop ya dinner, a small price to pay IMO I had that happen in parramatta once. almost lost my wing mirrors coz I beeped at a bikey gang, like th elights when green and a I clear intersection, coz I wasn't stopping for no-one. moral of the story, dont mess with bikies :P
  13. Should i arrange some place for a BBQ and get some meat and salard ideas rolling (once we have a date of course)
  14. wot is that ment to mean? :P
  15. need it for the wide body camry (Gen3)
  16. everyone has a reason to be here. I know as blokes we joke about how the ladies should be in the kitchen making us pie and getting a cold beer after doing the mowing. HELL, its been fun with no mother around for 6weeks (she is OS atm). I love cooking, dont mind washing. my only problem is ironing!@!@!@@!@!@!@!@!@!@! SO yes, the female of the human form are vitial to everyones well being. ...........but I know, I'm a better cook! :o (in my house at least)
  17. Found on the Top Gear Website (www.bbc.co.uk/topgear) This is great news for those hard-core TopGear Nuts in AU :D
  18. When I come the brisy, we are so meeting up for drinks A Real Man with Real Taste there
  19. g0t milk? i'm so going tomorrow night Wot is it with chicks, long hair and cars?!?!?!?!??!?!?! anyone else in? maybe go out later for a feed? I'll be there from 6ish and driving. If people work in town and need a ride home, I can help! PM me for the details
  20. Corona, you call that beer! Most of the good beers come outta Germany / Czech Republic. Hell! even we make some good stuff! btw, for those in Sydney (and surrounds) i considering a beer sampling night soon, so keep ya ears to the ground!
  21. MSROLA 4:50pm passing the BP at Valley Heights glad to see you have the stereo turned up, coz I beeped! one thing I haven't spotted is MSROLA's Silver membership :o
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