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Everything posted by kym11m

  1. hey sorry 2 interupt but wat happen 2 the orignal post? hahahahah by the way bill those blakava loookkksss so nice..... AND NO PETE IM NOT BENDING THAT WAY!!!!
  2. can a mod close this thread finally got it done a bit of **** ****** around but got it.
  3. can some1 telll me how 2 take the front right h/l out without taking the whole front bar off? or nething that is easy to remove it. thanks guys
  4. gotta say thanks pete for the feed...... cheers good fun last nyt..... go the autos!!!! that was fun 2 watch.
  5. so M&M u guys gonna make it or wat ..... hey bill.......we cant do the tunnel run this time aye........ dammnnnn long weekend!!!!! (unless u really want 2 ;) ;) )
  6. ill be there and im sure mario will b there 2 but bill i wont b there till bout 9.30 but no later then 10.
  7. expression of interest but pendin on price.
  8. all u need 2 do is tap into say ur rear speaker wires +/- (mine are tapped in2 the front speakers) and wit the plug u get that goes in2 the HIGH IMPUT (not 100% on the h/output, dont think u need it) them wires u solder up 2 both right and left side speaker wires. im not 2 sure bout the low imputs but high sounds better :P :P :P yes u need all ur power cables from +/- but u dnt need remote wire........ .....i dnt use a remote wire and mine turns off wen the car is turned off........ im thinkin it has 2 do wit the speaker wires that u tapp in2. let me knw how u go
  9. hey there dude, i did mine wit a sperate sub and amp but im sure with wat u got it doesnt matter, now with ur high imputs\outputs u need the plug that goes in2 that. now the + and - hooks up 2 the speaker wires jus connect post and neg up and it should work. U dont need a remote wire, well mine doesnt have it!! ok ummmm..... let me knw ill get bak 2 u more later unless someone has helped gotta go movies are starting
  10. hey cant hurt 2 laugh aye..... how u doin pete, hey knw wat dude i didnt even knw u went over seas, i think u told me at the last monthly meet. oh well how was it i read the thread, im 2 lazy 2 go bak n write in the thread since im already here. u gonna b at this meet mate?
  11. wat u tryin 2 say tim bailey!!!! ;) ;) i didnt do my 4 years trade of bein a chef 2 not knw how 2 cook meat on a hot plate!!!! oh and no party at kym's coz it aint my house..... sozzzz oh tim bailey bbq sauce doesnt count!!! ;) ;)
  12. ofcourse u can stay at mine rob not a prob atleast i wont be 'home alone' and yeh we can get 2 knw each other....... hmmmm if u can give me a job thats across the road.... then yeh i swap, but u gotta live with my parents!!! cmon its not that bad out there is it mish... <_<
  13. "u could crash at mine if you want I 'll be home alone. " geez that sounds like a good offer..... hmmm
  14. hey ppls jus wanna knw ppls thought on the hpr 5 5-30 penrite oils, ne1 using it n think it makes a diff?
  15. hope you still got wananty not that helped me.... i brole the crown and pinion and toyota would mot warrant the car... i still got warrenty till the 11th month this year, i asked a mech and he reckons its a bearing n it would only get worse, so ur gearbox was doin the same thing? and it lead 2 ur crown and pinoin.... thnks 4 the reply
  16. hey guys can someone who has experienced this help me out, i've read up on this but doesnt seem asthough ne1 has solved the issue apart from replacing the gearbox oil. from wat i read in the old thread i think tinkz had a prob like mine i think, it only happens wen it wants but the noise is knock knock knock, wen the clutch is not depressed and only wen its in netural. my car is sptivo 03, now im sure its from givin it a hard time from 1st n 2nd but has ne1 had this prob and had it fixed??? :(
  17. im in put me down if ur startin a list of attendence.....
  18. hey i can understand that, bill is a good example for floggin the bank cheque.... ( im sure ur a good saver bill ) im not the full brain wiz on cars but im sure the only way 2 get good performance outta our cars are 2 pour **** loads of money it2 it and do lots n lots of engine upgrades, rnt the sptivo engine hard 2 mdify coz of the design qoute me if im wrong. neway 2 a sad note my gearbox is makin a knockin noise, im thinkin its the trust bearing. i knw floggin it is the cause but it stupid how they bring out a car that has high rev range but cant handle the pressure, and not 2 mention the price 2 get/fix the things. thanks on the info
  19. hey lucio_libre wat car r u drivin??? i ask because my misses brother inlaw is a mech at toyota for years and he reckons if u do mods like hedders exhaust it makes the car go bak wards in performance wise... is this true 2 those out there that has done minor mods 2 there cars? except xoom hes gone the whole 9 yards...... yeh ive got cai on my stivo and thats all i got in 'light mods' i honestly dnt knw if it has made a diff but wen hitttin lift it is smoother but hey if the stock box give a hard hit in lift wouldnt that b sayin it is better??? <_< <_<
  20. are you saying your gal has no boobs. /slap, where is the gentleman in you! sounds like a plan there mish, i'll have to dart outta work early. (might be hard but other slackers get to go home on time while i'll still work :@) arg arg arg......... i mite get in2 trouble for sayin this but she aint the double d size girl!!! but as long as im happy she is happy.... opps shhhh na she is cool, she aint fussed. wat u mean tim bailey im a gentle man
  21. hmmm...... if that the case im gonna have 2 ask her 2 finish early and go but i wont b at the meets till late prob around 9.30-10..... so if im comin around that time i will c if its worth me comin or i can meet u guys at the photo shoot if its not hard 2 get 2 haha
  22. yeh im in for the time being.... possibly the girlfriend 2 ( hmmm or should i leave her home since there will be girls wit boobies :P :P )
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