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Everything posted by shmicko

  1. this is not an apropriate topic for these forums. Northy
  2. shmicko

    Awesome ad

    HAHAHA I love the ****** one, always plays @ the cinemas.
  3. Thanks for the help guys, im going for the Apexi Power Intake :D
  4. LOL, the slowest 12seconds of her life?
  5. Bentley doesn't take **** from anyone, why would they need too? LOL Good find!
  6. Can't wait! The trailer is absolutely brutal, Autobots... Transform, and roll-out! :D
  7. Maan! Where's my invite? Full dogged me n ****! :(
  8. Yes, I have the 6x9's running off the same head-unit my stock speakers are running. I have the 6x9's running off the same wiring as the back speakers.
  9. Nice work guys, that sedan looks sex. When my one grows up, I want it to be just like that :D
  10. Thats crap - Vortex Gold has been around for a lot longer than any of the 98 octane fuels, it was the original Premium Unleaded (if any one else remembers, Australia used to only get 95 octane till pretty recently) Vortex Gold is a pure 95 Octane fuel, and is quite good for most vehicles, not for the sportivo, but still, any normal car, it would be a waste to run it on 98, stick with the 95. Any before you ask, no im not a caltex employee im a caltex franchisee. And thanks Azza!! Finally someone with sense. everyone keeps saying that their car runs great on this and bad on that and blah blah blah. Wow. who cares. If i run my car on Caltex for 2 years and then chuck some shell in of course im gonna feel a difference. I even feel a difference with different batches of Vortex 98. How do you know your getting the same fuel? How do you know that the fuel your getting is even 98 RON? i'll also add the the whole octane RON business is pretty much a marketing gimmick as well, the real info you want is not the Research Octane Level, its the MON, or Motor Octane Level. Its all when and good to have it researched at a certian level but wouldnt you prefer to know how it is running in your engine? And also, again i'll throw this in - IF you owned a Petrol Station and you ordered your delivery load (60,000 litres) and you found you ordered too quick, and not all of it will fit, what would you do with it? You can't send it back as you have already paid for it. Where do you put it??? I can tell you where most people put it. But im not sure you want to know. Well i work with Caltex Starshop (Caltex Francise) i asked my site manager again, he said the real figures were between 95-97, really a marketing gimmick like you mentioned. I don't want to get into who knows better than who. That's just what I was told while working there for 3 years. Also nice post Azza, good to see you sat down and worked out the best for you. I had a quick question, I was told if your car isn't tuned for a certain type of petrol or octane level. There really wouldn't be any difference in the k's and performance you get from the fuel. Is this true? or a load of crap?
  11. saw MORICE parked @ Burke street, i think it was. About 5ish. I was @ the Rydges on Exhibition for NYE & NY day, thought I'd go for a walk down Burke for some coffee, Looking HOT brah
  12. Ahh I see, all is clear now, thanks for clearing that up for my guys :D
  13. Dad leasing the car FTW! Haha, yeah I'm in the same boat as you. I'm pretty sure there is a supercharger kit for the Camry. Anything on e-bay?
  14. HAHA don't we all, I just want a money tree and Kristen Kreuk..
  15. shmicko

    Princes Hwy

    Well I'm more happy there is more police around, less trouble, it just burns me when i see/hear young people dying on the roads during these holiday celebrations. They usually bust fast-food joints for drug deals, this time of season.
  16. The stealing already was happening before Saddam's death. He should of been stopped long ago, even before the Gulf war. Safe to say Saddam was the 20th century Hitler? The death-toll so far, on the US Army behalf, (not counting Iraqi civilians) is at 3000+, what I am trying to say is that, didn't anyone learn from history? As they say 'history always repeats itself', which has proven the Arabic nation's don't take crap from no one.. e.g. When Russia invaded Afghanistan in 1979, 9 years of fighting Russia pulled out. The Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, I believe he actually says what everyone is thinking, he sent a letter to the White House recently regarding the issues with Iraq. "I sent a letter to Mr. Bush. I really wanted him to revise his behavior. But apparently it didn't have any effect." reference: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/...1570714,00.html Annexing Iraq, was it the right thing to do? Killing Saddam Hussein, a tyrant, will it change anything? Damn, that's deep, I don't know I may be just talking ****, just want to get people thinking about the issue more. This is going down in the history books for George W. Something along the lines of "Restored freedom and peace in Iraq"
  17. Hahahaha.. You'd be surprised how many people don't wash their hands after visiting the urinals or toilets in the office where I work and I believe it happens everywhere. I try to grab the lower part of the door handle to exit the mens, but I guess everyone else does the same as well :( . There is one person at my work that spends 5 minutes doing a clinical hand wash and will get a towel and fold it around the door handle to open the doors just so he doesn't touch the door handle. Folding saves paper as you can re-fold and re-use. Scrunching can only be use once. Ain't that the truth, how many times i have seen in shopping centre people walk into the toilet go to the urinal and don't even wash up afterwards. I'm weird with that stuff I wash before using the toilet/urinal and when i finish as well, the door always gets me though LOL
  18. shmicko

    [NSW] HSC

    congrats on finishing the hsc, just remember if u dont get into the course you want theres more then 2 ways to skin a cat That's right don't freak out! Don't even stress to much about it, just do what needs to be done and relax and enjoy finishing HSC!
  19. Happy New Year guys/gals! Had a blast this year :D
  20. shmicko


    Love these Korean's! haha
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