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Posts posted by Hiro

  1. That's rich coming from the person who couldn't even tell they were test driving a different model car to the one they wanted to buy...

    And you'll be surprised what stores will do when someone is whacking a grand down on the table - I had committed to buy but hadn't paid, and wanted to make sure I was getting exactly what I was paying for. I specifically wanted to open the box in the store (we're talking Harvey Norman by the way, not some mom-and-pop corner shop) because both the printing on the Nikon box and the Harvey Norman sticker said it came with a 55-200mm lens (which is what I wanted) but it was scanning into their computer as the 55-300mm kit - so we opened the box to make sure I was getting what I wanted, then manually fixed the computer so the receipt printed what was correct and I was on my merry way. If the box contents had been wrong, then they would have been replaced for the correct ones and then it is the store's responsibility to either correct their mistake or inform their supplier of the problem.

  2. The Great Fire Sale of 2013 - Parts edition

    1) AE82 Seca rear speaker delete pods - handy if you have rear speakers in the parcel shelf and don't want ugly holes
    2) 7-rib bigport 4AGE cam covers + oil cap - SOLD
    3) 7-rib bigport 4AGE TPS - p/n 89452-12050 - SOLD
    4) 7-rib bigport 4AGE fuel rail
    5) AE82 front grilles - 1 red, 1 black
    6) AE82 Twincam steering wheel
    7) AE82 Seca rear garnish - SOLD
    8) 4AGE bigport cam gears

    9) AE101 Levin 3-point strut brace
    10) AE101 Levin 3-spoke leather steering wheel - SOLD
    11) AE102 Sprinter liftback front lip
    12) AE101 FXGT 3-door rear window trim

    13) Airbox + snorkel
    14) K&N panel filter - 33-2054

    Newcastle, NSW

    Item condition:
    1) Good - could use a clean
    2) Poor - suitable for custom/respray
    3) Visually good - electrical condition unknown, but spring rotates fine
    4) Good/poor - oxidation on the FPR, would need a good flush and clean
    5) Red - poor, missing all but 2 clips, no Toyota badge, small chip
    5) Black - V. good, all clips present and correct, Toyota badge with minor scratching on 1 or 2 letters
    6) V. poor, suit complete retrim - leather very weathered, worn through in 1 or 2 places on rim, 1 spoke split. Metal slightly rusted, couple of marks on horn pad and missing 1 clip
    7) Good - 1 scuff mark (might be able to polish out), a couple of paint dots (also might be able to polish out), superficial cracks
    8) Good - all teeth intact
    9) Good - a few scruff marks from cable ties and bolt heads
    10) Good/poor - Leather weathered/worn in a few places but relatively intact - would suit retrim if pedantic
    11) Good - never installed, most clips/pins present. Fits 102 Sprinter 5-door liftback but can be modified to suit sedan/hatch
    12) Good
    13) Good - suitable for Big Freaking Intake modification on 1J
    14) Good - needs clean, unknown kilometres (came with car)

    Reason for selling:
    1) No longer own AE82
    2) No longer own 4AGE
    3) No longer own 4AGE
    4) No longer own 4AGE
    5) No longer own AE82
    6) No longer own AE82
    7) No longer own AE82
    8) No longer own 4AGE
    9) Replaced with 3-bar TRD item
    10) Replaced with 4-spoke FXGT Momo
    11) Bought FXGT front bar with lip
    12) Mis-translated Engrish on Yahoo Japan/Import Monster
    13) Replaced with custom alloy intake
    14) Replaced with K&N pod filter

    Price (all + postage unless noted otherwise, pickup welcome)
    1) $20
    2) SOLD
    3) SOLD
    4) $20
    5) Black $30, Red $20
    6) $25
    7) SOLD
    8) $25
    9) $75
    10) SOLD
    11) $50
    12) $50
    13) $20
    14) $75

    See following posts

    Here via PM
    SMS only 0401907794

  3. So you are saying when you buy anything you take it out and inspect it before buying. They must love in stores. lol.

    If it is something of value, of course I do (I'm not going to ask the checkout chick at Woolies to open the packet of TimTams to make sure that I got the full 11). I bought a ~$1k DSLR camera package just before Christmas, and I made sure that the contents of the box matched what I wanted before I left the store. If I was buying a car, I would check to make sure that the VIN/spec etc matched what I had ordered, new or used. There is an old Latin saying that is very appropriate to car buyers - Caveat Emptor; let the buyer beware. Basically not only is it the seller's responsibility to supply the goods as described, it is also up to the buyer to confirm that they are receiving what they want. In a lot of transactions, the act of payment, delivery or package-opening is enough for the buyer to accept liability and thus void right of return

  4. Like I have stated many times in here before. When I test drove the corolla it wasn't the same car as I bought. I was hood winked by the dealer.

    The car I had the test drive it was much easier to drive. I thought I was buying that car. It was a thinner car and better visability. When I arrived with my bank cheque I then went into their hanger out the back to drive it off. When I was driving back home I noticed sdomething was different and it was the poor visability.

    Are you trying to say it wasn't even the same MODEL car (as in you test-drove a ZZE but bought a ZRE)? And you still handed over the cheque?

  5. I don't quite get your theory about people being to lazy. Why is it lazy when one can't even see the front of the car. How on earth is anyone suppose to park a car when they can't see the front of the car. The only ones making money out of all this is the car cam companies who have seen a market for people needing to park their cars.

    Like I said in the other thread, you don't NEED to see the front of the car to know where it is. You have binocular vision and a brain for a reason - you can determine distance and size (and don't give me any crap about distortion, we're talking about looking through a 1.5x1m pane of flat freaking glass here). The car doesn't magically grow overnight, the extremities are always the same distance away from you. Thus, when parking you don't look at YOUR car, you look at how far away the OTHER cars are. That car that is 3m ahead of you? No worries, the front of your bonnet is 2m away so you won't hit it if you nudge forward a little. That car behind you, you can still see a part of it's bonnet in your rear view mirror, right? Good, that means you've still got a little way to go before it gets too tight. Are the other cars sticking out onto the road a bit more than you? Better use your side mirror to make sure you're not about to hit the gutter.

    And if you're so damn paranoid about running into things, get some freaking parking poles (they're fully hektic JDM-yo) and look like a granny. If you still run into things then (or park 5m away because you're so scared), then I'll send you enough money for a bus fare to go to the RTA and cancel your license, because you shouldn't be driving.

    Some car manufacturers have gone much further and have built in car cams at the front and rear along with a computer which will park the car itself which is quite amazing. Its all because of poor desin in the first place. There are more accidents on the two front corners of these cars than any other place which says everything.

    Not poor design, poor driver skill and laziness. And you know why there is more damage to the front corners? BECAUSE CARS GO FORWARDS 99% OF THE TIME. When you go forwards, you hit things in front of you, causing damage to the front of the car.

    I don't allow my car to be hit in a car park by parking right in the middle of two car bays.

    The funny thing is, whilst you are less likely to be hit by parking in between two bays, you are much more likely to get keyed for being a douche (and fined for parking illegally too) :P

    Its almost as if people with older cars try to damage people with newer cars.

    You're not paranoid, they really are out to get you

  6. You own an old car no doubt but the newer ones badly distort the distance from cars coming up from behind.

    A car coming up from behind looks as though its 5 car lengths back when in reality its less tnan a car length.

    No camera I know does this.

    I know I own an "old" car (although two mid/late 90s cars are hardly "old" in the scheme of things), but as I said, I have driven quite a few BRAND NEW cars, and whilst I do tend find the visibility poorebecause I fear for my life that some dark and dangerous evil is lurking in the blind spot behind the A-pillar

    As for "no camera I know does this", ever seen a wide-angle reversing camera? You know, the ones that show a ~180 degree field of view on the dash screen but just ends up looking like a fisheye? Yeah, that's not distorted at all


    Oooh look, it's even from a Toyota....how fitting

    I'm not the only one saying this. Many other car forums have many people posting about this very same thing.

    And people love to bitch, moan and whine over the tiniest little problems rather than just suck it up and enjoy all the good things. The same people are the ones that take a car back to the dealer 5 times to trace down a mysterious and very annoying noise that just happens to be a stone stuck in the tyre. Car reviewers point these things out because that is what they are paid to do - review the car and note all the good and bad bits. Ever fully read a Commodore review? Yes, almost all of them will say that the A-pillar is annoyingly large, and that the handbrake action is un-natural, and that the dash is dated, but how many reviews say that it is a bad car and you shouldn't buy it? Almost none, because on the whole it is still a decent car, just with a few niggling issues like every other car ever made.

    I'm surprised they get passed fit for sale in Australia.

    How can poor visability be safer. That is simply dumb. Its like the NRA in the US saying that its safer to own a gun that not,

    simply an argument that makes no sense what so ever.




    I think I'm close enough to the bowser to get fuel but when I get out of the car I've

    over compensated and I'm nearly 2 metres away from thre petrol pump.

    They are passed fit for sale because Australian drivers are supposed to have passed mandatory driver evaluation tests and know how to drive a car safely and properly, including head-checks, properly adjusting mirrors, and eliminating blind-spots by constantly shifting eyes and head.

    And judging by your inability to pull up at a petrol pump I'm surprised you still have your license.

    You don't sell new cars by chance ?

    Hardly. Would a new car salesman be driving around in a 370,000km '97 Corolla sedan? You don't happen to sell blind-spot mirrors and reversing cameras by any chance?

    And how is not seeing any part of the front of the car a good thing. All one sees is the front windscreen.

    I'm over 6 feet tall and even if I put my head up near the roof I can't see any part of the front of the car which

    has to be an accident waiting to happen. It has to be best guess when parking or going between two objects.

    I'm 6'2" and can't see the leading edge of my bonnet (the 101 Levin seats sit lower than the stock sedan ones), and can't see ANY of my boot in the rear view mirror. How many times have I hit a car in front or behind? Never. Can I park in a ridiculously tight car park that others would baulk at parking a bicycle in? Yes. Why? Because I KNOW how far away the extremities of the car are, I don't need to see them, this is called EXPERIENCE. Can you open the door to your bedroom in the dark? Of course you can, because you know exactly where it is from experience, you don't need to see it. Can you type without looking at the keyboard? Of course, because you know where the keys are and where your hands are, from experience. I most certainly hope you don't go around all day looking at your shoes to see where you are walking, because THAT is an accident waiting to happen

    Almost designed that way on purpose. Designed so that they can make money from spare parts.

    That is the world we live in. Everything designed to fail.

    That has got to be THE stupidest thing I have heard in a long time. Car manufacturers deliberately designing cars to make them more likely to be in an accident AND POSSIBLY KILL PEOPLE just to make a few extra bucks on spare parts.


    Why not get something like this, have no front visibility problems whatsoever.

    I don't know, those front lamps are pretty damn big. Could easily lose a small car in that blindspot. And man, no side- or rear-view mirrors, forget about reversing camera too. . Instant Deathtrap

  7. Then you've not got one of these newer cars. Your own photos of some cars all have thin pillars.

    I don't OWN a new car. I have DRIVEN plenty of new cars however.

    How can not seeing the front or rear of the car be a good thing. Looking around when moving out to another lane all

    one sees is the middle pillar blocking most of the viewing area. I hav eto trust my outside mirrors which do cover the blind spot

    but they do distort the actual distance a car is behind. It swhy I've installed cameras at the back and front of the car.

    More accidents are caused by newer cars not by older ones which sort of makes your theory look a bit wacky.

    How is poor visability a good thing. If the pillars were thin there would be less car accidents.

    You're twisting my words. I never said that poor visibility is a good thing, I said that a trade-off in visibility is required to ensure adequate crash safety and cost. You could make paper-thin A-pillars out of unobtainium which performs excellently in a crash AND gives you perfect visibility, but you would need to be a millionaire to buy a new car. It is the old "3 desirable options, can only pick 2" problem - you have crash performance/occupant protection, visibility, low cost - pick 2 and the one left over is negatively affected. Personally, I prefer my cars to not cost the earth and not kill me in an accident, so I would accept a trade-off to visibility (especially since it can be corrected - you can't easily strengthen an old car and you can't make an expensive car cheaper, but you can move your head and install blind-spot mirrors/cameras/poles)

    As for "most accidents are in newer cars", that is because people BUY new cars. The FCAI reports that 1.112 MILLION new cars were sold in Australia last year, that is one car for every 20 people. Australia's population growth rate is about 1.5%, that means that there are more new cars being sold than there are new people being born - ie there is a turnover in the car population, people get rid of older cars and buy new ones.

    As for "mirrors distorting the distance" (I can guarantee that the cameras are distorting the perspective too), there is this thing in your head between your ears called a BRAIN. It interprets things for you, and learns and adjusts to things. If it can't work out that the car that looks far away in the side mirror is only 2m behind you after driving for 30 years (and driving the same car for more than a few months), then you shouldn't be driving.

  8. CarAdvice did a review on all new cars with poor visibility.

    The Corolla scores a 3 where the Commodore only 1.

    Anyone with a Corolla in here or any new car will kow that the pillars on either side creates

    a blind spot especially when going around corners or around round abouts. This must cause more

    car accidents.

    Most new cars all you see is the front windscreen and impossible to see the front of the car making parking a living hell

    and if a car is parked on either side of a thinish road then working out the distance between the two cars is only best guess.

    My older 1994 Corolla didn't have any of these problems.

    Why do they build them like this. Is it so there are more damage caused to the corners of the car so

    they the car companies can make money with constant repairs.

    I notice many new cars have scratch marks on the left and right front bumpers.

    And I notice I hit the curbs when turning every so often where on my old car I never hit any curbs.

    Its to hard to judge the distance between the front of the car and a curb.

    When parking now I take up two car spots an dpark n the middle as my car has been hiot a few times by other people

    with the same problem.

    I've since had cameras installed in the front and rear so when parking I can see the front and rear of the car.

    Most times I go out and a similar car is ahead of me I see them go up onto the curb when turning or going around

    round abouts.

    I've been driving for over 30 years. Never had a single crash but these new cars its only a matter of time.

    They've made the pillars wide to fit in the side air bags. Persinally I would prefer no side air bags

    and have thin piullars to see better.

    2 words - crash safety.

    Thicker pillars, smaller windows and higher belt-lines increase strength and occupant protection in the event of an accident. And, as you said, aid in the mounting of additional airbags. Exact same reason as to why cars are getting bigger and heavier over time despite improvements in space efficiency, materials and design.

    Car manufacturers have to compromise between visibility and occupant safety. By your logic the safest car would be a glass bubble, because you can see everything, yet I shudder to think what would happen if someone ran in to you. Conversely, a tank with slit windows is incredibly safe in an accident, but you can't see anything out the windows. Somewhere in the middle is the best compromise.

    Using an older car is not a good idea, because whilst visibility might be much better, crash performance is much worse - your current Corolla might be a 5-star ANCAP car with a visibility rating of 3, but your '94 model might only have a visibility rating of 4 (I have a '97, I'm rather tall and even I can't accurately determine the front or rear of the car without shifting my head and experience) but an ANCAP safety rating of 2 STARS under the current system....that's right 2 whole stars, as safe as a Great Wall or Chery which get slammed in modern reviews for being deathtraps on wheels. At the end of the day, the general public (ie Joe and Mrs Bloggs with 2.5 kids and a dog) want a safe car to protect their family, and can live with minor inconveniences like thick A-pillars and poor reversing visibility (or get workarounds such as reversing sensors/cameras).

    I would argue that despite newer cars having worse visibility, accidents are more likely to be caused by the extremely poor level of driver skill in this country, thick A-pillars or not. It only takes a fraction of a second to move your head to check a blind spot, but Little Miss Princess in her cosy new Civic with the music blaring and tapping away on her iPhone is much more likely to hit the kerb or another car when reverse parking because she is off in her own little La-La land. Hell, my wife (with ~6 years driving experience) can reverse-park her 5m long Soarer (as big as a current-model Commodore) with a bonnet a mile long and big thick pillars just as well as I can, it comes more down to skill and awareness than it does vehicle design.

  9. Will Toyota ever make a 2litre Corolla Hatch ?

    My Toyota is the Corolla Hatch Auto bought December 2011 as what I thought was a new car.

    Its only 1.6 litre and gee wiz you can certainly see the difference in say a Ford Focus Hatch 2 litre

    which zooms up our steep hill compared to my car which struggles up the hill.

    My nephew has a Ford Focus and its quite good. Its lower down than my car so I would prefer the Corolla on that alone

    as its easier vwhen say turning left and a 4wd comes up to turn right I can then see throgh the 4wd windows to see if

    the road is clear.

    Why Can't Toyota do what the public wants. A 5 speed auto Corolla that is a 2 litre engine.

    Will we ever see a 2 litre model ?

    Are there any future plans ?

    Are you sure you bought an Australian model? All ADM Corollas have been 1.8L (except for the 2.0L ZRE Ultima) since 1999

  10. The timing belt should be changed around 150 000 km for the 7afe, but I would recommend changing it at least 10 000 - 20 000 km before just to be safe.

    I think the Ultima model is between the top model Levin and middle model Conquest (I think).

    Ultima is the top spec for the sedan, Levin is top spec for hatch. And I'm a little worried about the 150,000km interval for the timing belt (I know that is what Toyota recommends) as the earlier AE102s (with the same engine) recommend 100,000km...

  11. The Great Fire Sale of 2013 - Audio edition


    1) Eclipse AVX5000 single-DIN flip-screen DVD head unit

    2) PIoneer TS-A6962E 6x9" 3-way speakers

    3) JL Audio 12W0 12" subwoofer

    4) Pioneer TS-W301R 12" subwoofer - SOLD

    5) Twin 12" ported sub box - SOLD


    Newcastle, NSW (some items will post)


    Here + assorted other forums

    Item Condition:

    1) V. good - fully working when removed, screen flips perfectly, no damage to LCD or scratches

    2) V. good

    3) V. good

    4) SOLD

    5) SOLD

    Reason for selling

    1) Replaced by double-DIN GPS unit

    2) New car has much better speakers

    3) Bought as pair, changed to single for convenience/space

    4) SOLD

    5) SOLD


    1) $200 + postage

    2) $40 + postage

    3) $100 + postage (would prefer p/up)

    4) SOLD

    5) SOLD











    Contact details:

    Here via PM

    SMS only 0401207794

  12. Yep, colour-coding the outside of the car (white rub-strip and door handles, black window frames) are planned to happen some time this year, will most likely get my folding mirrors painted and installed at the same time too.

    Just need to organise funds and time to have the car off the road

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