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Everything posted by Jeff1018

  1. love the gauges...how much did the piller set you back...?
  2. hahahaa yeah i know what you mean by packing the boot with heavy stuff cause i drove my car up to byron bay from sydney 11 hour drive one way ahahah and dyam when it was rolling it looked hot ncie and low cause atm i got King lows which i want superlow or something abit lower but i dont know....
  3. would that mean you gotta roll the gaurds and stuff...
  4. hey guys im just wondering whats the lowest we can go with just using springs and not coilovers whats the lowest i know atm the lowest 50-60mm with superlows but has anyone gone lower then superlow on springs?if so how low and what springs...?
  5. people with CAI are yours loud like you can hear it in every gear... ummmm....does your also seem to not idle right at first and then its all good...got mine put in today what they did was reset the computer or somtehing and its all good nows but at times when i first start the car it dont idle right then goes back to normal anyone having the same problem?
  6. ohhh kk then so does thta mean my idel is normal with out a CAI.... cause i tried getting it fitted today at autobahn at blacktown and they did a crap job the idel was jumping up and down and it so didnt sound right at all...
  7. just wondering whats your idel when you got CAI is it sitting at 1 or bar below 1? whats your idel when CAI is installed? anyone got a up and close pic of when installing a CAI please?
  8. you can have mine for a cheap price $70 its got some pipe welded onto it came off a sportivo 03 but will need to be welded on again if you want
  9. man thats a very nice unit you got there top of the line stuff...wish i had the extra cash for that!!!
  10. i reckon if your going to go all out get black bonnet black roof and black boot....and then get some sik graphics.....will look sweet...lol..it will look hectik...i would just get a black bonnet and some nice simple graphics on my car but i have stopped with my mods....and still going hard ahaha...just some advised for yah...good luck with it dude....
  11. neK ahahha PCO i know it dont do much but its a start ahahah..use guy trying to make me spend money instead of making me stop spending money eheheh... think about it this way which i've been doing well trying to anywyas hahaha....just buy want i NEED and not what i WANT!!! ahahaha thats what i also ask myself when it come to cars nows so yeah
  12. f430 would be my go ehehehe.....or a galardo... term deposit would be a good idea but i've already got another account which has got a stop on it PCO (post credit only) can you tell i work in a bank ehehehe....so basically it works like a term deposit but just abit more flex to it.....
  13. and the thing is i dont wanna spend money to get my mind of cars i wanna save and not think about buying mods ehheheeh now how hard is that.....
  14. hahahaha....no thanks....i was thinking of getting a bike so you dont have to mod it at all but having second thoughts about safety and everything...so i think its all about will power as what IZZ-FE said.....
  15. ahhaha getting married i think is was out of the question at this time....its all will power its just sometimes jsut cant help yourself buying something or even looking for something to buy if you know what i mean
  16. hey guys...its that time of the year again when a new year a new fresh start.......and one of my new years resolution is to actually stop buying things for me car any form of car stuff unless its maintance but thats about it....has anyone going through the same thing or has gone through the same thing....some help would be very great full.......trying to get over the doing up cars and all......i guess its that time to move on with life as there bigger and better things.... cheerz
  17. was the second pic taken at concord west?
  18. hey peeps i just got bored and lucky the rain stopped for abit for me to get a chance to take some day pics as i said hope use all like... +++ more
  19. make sure you get the top of the range sub retail around $1k+ aahhaha dyam seems like someones got a money tree lying around ehehe
  20. love the new aurion sportivo gotta dump it with 22 at the back and 20's and the front with black rims with a chrome polish rim...looks dyam hot
  21. yeah i got kings exhaust to do it cause when i got the rear lip done it was covering my cannon and to re-arrange it cause the heat of the cannon was putting out was heating up the paint causing it to bubble up abit under lucky i got it done on the same cause if not paint job would have stuffed up pretty bad plus it would of looked ugly cause the cannon was too big it would be like 5cm off the ground with would be the lowest point of the car and wasnt going to look good...so i put the stock back on but had to extend it as it was too short......extending it straight would of hit the lip so downwards it went but just a tinny bit.... Damn, can't find anywhere in Melb. that has that exact one,there's a lot of knock-offs, but I'm looking for something with "// TRD" bro you dontunderstand how long it took for me to find this sticker.....cause what i did was i kept going to the same car shops and kept asking them if they got any TRD stickers they had some others but not this one so i told them with one i was after which they said they dont get none...so i kept doing that for weeks and they happen to get one with out me ordering it or anything eheehehe.... but you can try this link...not too sure if your going to like it but this was my other option....this sticks in the inside of the windscreen not the other though.... http://cgi.ebay.com.au/TRD-Windscreen-Deca...1QQcmdZViewItem
  22. so your saying that it can be tinted but i gotta tint it myself or autobarn can?
  23. where can you get it tinted the stock tail lights i've also seen it around but cant figure out where to get it done.....and i dont wanna spray with that paint thingo from autobarn.... can anyone help?
  24. i got the sticker at parklae markets cost me 30 bux
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