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Croatian Princess

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Everything posted by Croatian Princess

  1. i live in penrith....if anyone decides they are bored head on down to penrith and i will met you there then decide what we can do LOL *play pool, bowling, iceskating* wooo :P
  2. um spotted at the lights on the corner of GWH and the turn off for easter crk at the petrol station in blacktown - the guy with the hot rolla, the nice blue colour and dumped on its a55...i remeber from the aqua meet. and also spotted D_ice well went bowling realli i smashed him 128 - 84 LOL and we took some piccies.
  3. hey...anyone getting a bodykit on their sportivo and wanna sell me their sideskirts? LOL
  4. do u have to pay to watch or something...ive never been
  5. to me i would hav thought 150 for the set? i won a set on ebay for 220 shipped to door.... but i dont want them anymore!!!
  6. hey there, WELCOME!!!!! nice car you got there..... enjoy it! where abouts are you from?
  7. id spectate but its prob to late and i dont no where im going :P
  8. coz they dont suit the car...looks realli ugly
  9. WElcome!!! hot car u got there!! where u from u havent stated? -klara-
  10. hey welcome? LOL thanx!! wheels are 17's and getting taken off within the week woooooohhoooO!!
  11. holy %&^%&$# that place looks awesome!!!! great pics man!!!!!!
  12. Klara your long lost lover is fat_zze Unless there is another Andrew with a Black Ascent Hatch. LoNg LoSt LoVe............???? LOL u gotta be on crack or somthing hehe. was fat_zze even at the meet??? coz i got no idea!!! HOT PHOTOS PEOPLE!!! sorry i pulled out towards the end :P
  13. WHATHA!!!! u didnt tell me this ...............im confused!!
  14. well some poeple go to church the next morning....and play the piano there too!!! LOL cant play when ur a walking zombie can ya?
  15. Wooooo another westy with a black rolla!!! WELCOME!!! -klara-
  16. oh c'mon saif LOL i didnt tell him to come and ask me about my hello kitty headrests!!! hahah looks like he doesn't exist anyways :P OK PEOPLE STOP IT NOW!! lol
  17. ok thats it....sportivo sideskirts and lowering and eyelids and rear altezzas and dvd playa and system and sunroof...OoOo i wish :P one day ill suprise u all :P not anytime soon but LOL anyone wanna buy my chrome vaults and talon side skirts (pained black) ??????
  18. Hey......great meet guys :D my first one and i can definately say im gonna go again! lol .......HOt HOT cars woah!! hehe ....ummm ok i spoke to a guy called ANDREW wearing a blue hat with a black stock accent are you a forum member or you just came along with your mate ??? you left and i didnt get to say goodbye !!! pm me if u no who u r LOL -Klara-
  19. OoOoOoO possibly me.... but as for a swim :S the ground in the water is realli mooshy n squishy!!! who knows what could be swimming past my feet ARGH!!! i know last time i went it everyone was playing jokes on me n it realli freaked me out LOL. is that the place with the rocks that u jump off?
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