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Croatian Princess

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Everything posted by Croatian Princess

  1. I had a cannon on my car and they told me its illegal coz its not standard and was too loud. Apparently some rule about newer cars from like 04 or something (not exactly sure) are not allowed to mod the exhaust!
  2. hm, i do work enough but my spending habits are elsewhere than on my car!!! :P I LOVE SHOPPING!!!!
  3. Neons? No way pete!! I am not making my car illegal so everywhere i go i have cops in my rear view mirror!! Is bill = Xoom? Well anyway my car isn't my hobby so id rather eat good food than 2 min noodles :P !!!!!
  4. Oh yea right.....i wish those pimp my ride people came n did that for me!!! At least they know what they doing :P haha
  5. this sounds all too confusing + im not qualified!! i think ill stick to piano teaching :P
  6. i got a rear skirt........mines from jetspeed! Its abit beefy though. i used to have a cannon so i cut a gap for it and now put my stadard exhaust and it still looks ok! IT would look hot with twin exhausts. Was a bit of a tight fit....but the boiz can manage anything! haha
  7. Im sick of my car already!!! its not tickling my fancy anymore.....its needs something more but i just dont no what!
  8. yea i was talking about anu, well just canberra in general! i would lower my car but i need to save up first sheesh!!! :P
  9. Haha Bit of a crazy uni is it (in a good way) Canberra UNI? no way man!! too far n boring. sowee. And whos car has to be organized for lowering? Hey.....if any one wants my email or msn please pm me and ill give it to you. Thanx
  10. Welcome matey!! sorry i can't help you coz i dont know anything about cars :) but i'd thought id give u a nice warm welcome!! ENjoy your car 2!
  11. Hey, where are yous going to get it lowered grima88, i want mine lowered too!!!
  12. um, what is that car? i dont like the striped either, kinda wrecks the image.
  13. Um what about Penrith panthers Macdonalds, penrith krispy kreme and City Extra in Parramatta i think they 24 hours.
  14. The exterior is shocking!!! i think thats ugly....but the interior is hot...i like how it goes down the middle very groovey! but i wouldnt giv up my rolla for this one stil think current shape is way better!
  15. Hey are your lights black or chrome altezas
  16. Hey everybody!!! Fantastic pics it looks like so much fun!!!!! Where are all da ladies.....it seems to be male dominated!!! haha who were the women in the large photo anyway nicknames?? Coz if we meet i wanna know who i'll be hanging round with!!! LOL. Everybodys cars look so hot!
  17. hey there, omg thats so hottttttt!!!!!!!!!! go da chromies wooohooo
  18. I've driven up from Canberra a few times. Now THAT'S far lol. yeh true true......im just a sook then!!!
  19. hey people, i hope your all having a great day....please post up sum photos or sumthn so i can see u all :)
  20. wow ur from america, tats so kewl!!! HAHAHA kings cross- u sure thats the place to find ur IDEAL lady!!! :P
  21. im 18 too!!!!! your not the only baby now!! :P
  22. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeej! someones getting da hints already!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P :P :P
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