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Everything posted by gbphotography

  1. One factor I considered when purchasing my Hilux was the locations I intended to travel to. As the mining companies predominantly use Hilux vehicles, parts are readily available in a lot of the more remote areas of australia.
  2. Drive by Wire is explained here: http://www.autron.com.au/pages/Auscruise/PDF/AusCruise%20Drive%20by%20Wire%20rev%203.pdf I didn't find any signifcantly cheaper solutions. and come to think of it I think the Drive by Wire is the only style you can fit to the later model hiluxes anyway. Give Mark a call at JCA and he will explain it to you better than I can. They also come to you in the metro area to fit at no extra cost.
  3. My choice was based on safety factor of "Drive by Wire" style.
  4. I just had one fitted to my 2011 Hilux this week by http://jcafleetservices.com.au/products/cruise-control/ and Price was $895.00. The model fitted was http://www.autron.com.au/pages/Auscruise/Drive-by-Wire.php I believe Toyota unit is over $1000.00.
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