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Posts posted by DHC09

  1. I don't think it's possible to run -2 camber on my car with current setup which must stay (though I've said that before)

    Does that mean the re001's aren't the ideal choice for my car?

    I'm also willing to consider 595... my main aim is to just get to a 205,50 tyre size, and the added bonus is they should be better than the turanzas on the track, when i go back in July. I'm only a three times a year track warrior.


    RE001 should handle 3 track days a yr quite comfortably

  2. Aussie GP





    Congrats to Brawn! And great drive by Trulli from pitlane, I blame Lewis for the penalty :P

    Due to Hamilton's exclusion from the Australian GP for "misleading comments". The Official Results has been revised.

    Since the mini league points follow the official results, the following changes are made (bold)

    I have also decided to remove the double point bonus for the Toyota car, due to all the drama, and also because Super and I will be 40 pts ahead of everyone just after the 1st round :P


    1. BUTTON Brawn 10

    2. BARRICHELLO Brawn 8

    3. TRULLI Toyota 6 (double points for starting outside 15th, pitlane)

    4. GLOCK Toyota 5 (double points for starting outside 15th, pitlane)

    5. ALONSO Renault 4

    6. ROSBERG Williams 3

    7. BUEMI Toro Rosso 2

    8. BOURDAIS Toro Rosso 1

    Team Pts:

    Brawn 18

    Toyota 11

    Renault 3 (-1)

    Williams 2 (-1)

    Toro Rosso 3

    Ferrari -1 (-1)

    McLaren -1 (-1)

    Pole: Button

    Fastest lap: Rosberg


    R. MASSA Ferrari +13 laps

    R. PIQUET Renault +34 laps

    R. NAKAJIMA Williams +41 laps

    R. KOVALAINEN McLaren +58 laps

    Round Score:

    DHC 27

    Super 24

    Boz 9

    SB 4

    Levinboy 0

    thegourou -1

    North -2

    JVN -2

    Round 1 Standings

    DHC 27

    Super 24

    Boz 9

    SB 4

    Levinboy 0

    thegourou -1

    North -2

    JVN -2



  3. Well this isn't really a joke but I'm going to post it anyways haha.

    When turning left in a normal motor vehicle, which tyre suffers the least wear ??

    I'll let you guys answer this lol. I'm sure someone here has heard it before. :lol:

    The one in the boot? :P

  4. T money do tell as I am home here with a very very sore left leg and hip from a heavy fall at basketball last night. Actually I just plain simply got taken out big time by a fella bigger than me. So much for a non contact sport!!

    I cannot drive without severe pain and discomfort so the drive from Bracken Ridge to Kingston and home this arvo was not fun at all. By the time I got home it took me about 5 minutes to just get out of the car wincing the whole time.

    As for Northy's car is concerned lets say that the ol' Commodore didn't say "oh what a feeling".......

    It's white... 4 wheels...


    Don't forget the turbo..... oh i said too much................

  5. During one of her daily classes, a teacher trying to teach good manners, asked her students the following question:

    "Michael, if you were on a date having dinner with a nice young lady, how would you tell her that you have to go to the bathroom?"

    Michael said, "Just a minute I have to go pee." The teacher responded by saying, "That would be rude and impolite. What about you Sherman, how would you say it?"

    Sherman said, "I am sorry, but I really need to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back."

    "That's better, but it's still not very nice to say the word bathroom at the dinner table. And you, little Edward, can you use your brain for once and show us your good manners?"

    "I would say, 'Darling, may I please be excused for a moment? I have to shake hands with a very dear friend of mine, who I hope to introduce you to after dinner.'"

    The teacher fainted...

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