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Posts posted by DHC09

  1. The World's Sexiest Car, Scientifically Speaking

    No double entendre needed: it truly is a turn-on. To call the Maserati seductive on the same page with its picture is just plain redundant, but who knew it was actually capable of foreplay? You don't need a degree in biochemistry to realize that this car stirs the blood. On some level, men have long understood its effect on the ladies, but now science confirms that, if possible, the Maserati is an even bigger turn-on than you thought. According to a study by Hiscox, a British-based luxury car insurer, the sound of a Maserati engine was shown to spark a biological response among women. Visit www.maserati.us to learn more about Maserati.


  2. CES isn't going to spend a lot of hours of R&D and dyno time to produce something that they may only sell 1-2 sets a year. Just not good business principals and not cost effective. Remember you are driving a Sportivo Corolla not a Rex,Evo etc etc.

    Hang On a Minute......

    I thought thats why everyone paid the big bucks for a CES cat Back.. or a CES CAI, now your saying they didnt spend the time R&Ding it??

    I'm confused SB.....

    I think SB is talking about custom headers. There were R&D time spent on the catback and cai. If you dig back to the early ces cai threads you'll find out that there were a few versions.

  3. Welcome Guni

    Spring Hill is REALLY close to our thurs meets, infact its the same suburb :lol:

    We're happy to show you around, here are two options:

    1. Sights and sounds of Bris: Cruse through chinatown, cross the story bridge, go under story bridge for some shots, go to the top of the cliffs on kangaroo pt, then south bank, and then if have time head out to mt cootha for ice cream (hope they open this time). We'll prob need to meet earlier tho like at 8


    2. Experience the togue of Brisbane: Nebo

  4. the guy simply asked for a place to get cheaper part but it end up being a huge debate whether if he SHOULD or SHOULD NOT get it..

    come on guys.. if someone is willing to spend 3g on a set of coils.. and if he is happy.. why ruine his day? if you want something bad enough.. money is not the problem sometimes..

    friendly advice is good but just dont fight over someone else's thread..

    Completely agree. The OP could have already done all the research and was only asking where to get a good price.

    BUT, I also do appreciate Suprathai's post which spells out other options for the OP, just in case the OP didn't know, and in a sincere manner. As opposed to Dead which himself is on the "anti-coilover bandwagon" making a strong comment on a product which as far as I know has never used before.

  5. Unless you're going to be tuning every nuance in your suspension setup and taking this tuning to the track with you, then you are wasting money. On the street you'll notice sfa between a the Zero 2's and a change of springs / Koni Yellows as an example.

    I think I've only seen two people on this site actually use the Zero 2's to their full extent, one being Superdave who tracks very often. All the other people that jumped on the Zero 2 bandwagon said they just wanted a better handling setup combined with the fact they have the ability to change the ride height. The funny point here is, everyone set their ride height and just left it...and never touched it...again. You can do the exact same thing with springs and shortened shocks...yay. Using the Koni's as an example here, it works out a lot cheaper than the above figures, and they're Koni's so they are high quality.

    Note: I might add that yes, once upon a time they were only a few hundred dollars more expensive than a the above example (Koni's). Personally I can't blame the guys who took advantange of that, granted.

    Thats crap, the Zero 2's are head and shoulders above kings/koni setup and im not even talking about track use, even for the short spirited bit of driving they would shine. When i got my set they cost me just under 3K, one of the best mods i ever did to my sportivo.

    Yet no elabroation on 'why' they are better. That's an opinion. From a fanboi. In a twist of irony, it was a friend of yours that convinced me that coilovers on the street were a complete waste of money.

    Corey is probably one of the handful of people that can honestly compare the two setups, since not only he has driven both setups a few times, but has owned cars with each setup.

    Please don't bring your bitterness from the D2's, and crap on all coilover discussions. Coilovers & Spring/shock combo are quite different, and thus perform differently. Some may feel the softer spring/shock is better suited for the road, but that just comes down to their driving style. But the consensus is that the flatter a car around a corner is the better performing one; I'm sure you would agree on that too.

    And please ask Coreys friend which setup he would prefer when having some fun up and down the mountain. He may very well say the springs/shocks are better on road, but thats with everyday comfort factored in, and is probably worth the compromise of lower performance.

    BTW I got mine for a lil over 2G i think, so it was great value. Bad time to buy anything overseas atm :( And i just want to add CZ2 is the only mod i have that truly changed the whole characteristics of the car.

    Buying coilovers is a big investment, and not everyone have the same expectations. So I would HIGHLY recommend having a ride or if u can drive a car with them on.. then you'll know for sure what your getting yourself into.

  6. Awsome, another great move to enhance reputation, now does that mean Evans and Bates have to fund themselves?

    Its got nothing to do with reputation, its all about the fact that the largest car company in the world in losing money for the first time in its history. Its all business, and from a business perspective they need to look after there best interests. I would imagine that they will pull out of F1 fairly soon as well.

    Look at the WRC, is anyone saying Subaru has ruined their image by pulling out? How bout Honda with F1?


    Could you imagine being fired cause your boss can't pay your salary, but find out they are still spending millions on sports? You'd be pretty p!ssed

  7. Just remember that your car will not be roadworthy with the back seats, spare tyres and jacks removed. But atleast if you have the spare tyre and jack you might get by without a fine (as they are safety items).

    :o really? I always drive a shell to the track :P and yes... bring the spare and the appropriate lug nuts :whistling: you never know what might happen...

  8. It was 3 o'clock AM and Stacy and Karrie were leaving the bar, completely plastered.

    On the way home, they passed a cemetery and both really had to use the bathroom. So they stopped and popped a squat.

    Seeing as there was no toilet paper around, Stacy decided to take off her panties and use them.

    Karrie saw a wreath with a ribbon hanging on a tombstone, and snatched it down.

    That afternoon, Stacy's husband became concerned when he found her still asleep and called Karrie's husband.

    "I'm a little worried, Stacy has never slept in this late, and... well, she doesn't have any underwear on..."

    "You think that's bad, Karrie is laying in bed with a card stuck to her ***** that says, 'Hate to see you go, You will always be remembered. Signed the guys at the Fire station'"

  9. One evening a man was at home watching TV and eating peanuts.

    He'd toss them in the air, and then catch them in his mouth

    In the middle of catching one, his wife asked him a question - and as he turned to answer her, a peanut fell in his ear.

    He tried and tried to dig it out but succeeded in only pushing it in deeper.

    He called his wife for assistance, and after hours of trying they became worried and decided to go to the hospital.

    As they were ready to go out the door, their daughter came home with her date. After being informed of the problem, their daughter's date said he could get the peanut out..

    The young man told the father to sit down, then proceeded to shove two fingers up the father's nose and told him to blow hard.

    When the father blew, the peanut flew out of his ear.

    The mother and daughter jumped and yelled for joy. The young man insisted that it was nothing.

    Once he was gone, the mother turned to the father and said, 'That's so wonderful! Isn't he smart? What do you think he's going to be when he grows older?'

    The father replied, 'From the smell of his fingers, our son-in-law.'

  10. I personally think the gov should stop buying hummers and other stupid ideas and pay for every learner to attend defensive courses which include scare scenarios eg, drive down a mock school zone at various speeds with “kids” popping out, and drive around a corner at speed and feel the car spin out or understeer into the cones, etc so they can understand WHY they need to follow certain road rules.

    I agree with the sentiment on greater education... but do you really think that will make them follow the road rules to a greater extent?

    Most kids I've ever known who have gone on defensive driving courses, whilst they may have learnt something, have come back with a huge smile on their face - talking about how awesome it was that they got to speed and go sideways. Going on such courses only makes them even more over confident to drive fast.

    That was actually the point I was going (supposed) to make too, but had to go prep the BBQ :P

    The "side effect" of these defensive driving courses is over confidence. If only the maturity test was a requirement for young drivers.

    This could be a crazy idea, but how bout making everyone take a quick test (both written and practical) every 5-10yrs? I'm mean if surgeons and teachers need to do it, why not drivers, since someones life or well-being may very well in the drivers hand. (this is to weed out sh!tty drivers and old drivers. Yes, I personally see old drivers as hazardous as young ones. Actually, I've prob had more near misses from so called experienced drivers, than L or P platers.)

  11. In the eyes of the community and cops, how can they possibility tell if the guy behind the wheel is Saf with his two FIA licences or a hoon who just finished watching Tokyo Drift with a heavy right foot? The same argument can be made with the car one is driving, ie “I have upgraded brakes so I have a shorter braking distance that others”, or “I have coilovers and performance tyres, so I can corner twice the recommended speed”

    I personally think the gov should stop buying hummers and other stupid ideas and pay for every learner to attend defensive courses which include scare scenarios eg, drive down a mock school zone at various speeds with “kids” popping out, and drive around a corner at speed and feel the car spin out or understeer into the cones, etc so they can understand WHY they need to follow certain road rules.

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