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Everything posted by eggbert_99

  1. I was just thinking about this again the other day ! .. I would love to have a higher res copy to print off ! ..
  2. nice work dennis ! .. They look alot nicer than they did in your boot ! :)
  3. too bad you missed out ! .. I won a whole lot on nuttin !!!!!! dammit !!! :D :D
  4. I was very lucky I stumbled across swamp road ... not very long though .. well .. it didnt seem like it .. althoug my missus was hold the "Jesu$ Bar" the whole time !!! .. although unlucky coz im pretty sure on the way home going past the Gong Uni I think I got snapped at that camera ! ... I saw it .. then slammed on the brakes .. looked at my speed and I was just under 95 ... looked up and *FLASH* dammit ... Its damn annoying coz the stretch of road up to that point is 100Kph ... then it drops to 80 .. then to 110 as you join the freeway again !!! lets see what comes in the post !!! .. there was a car next to me .. so hopefully that adds to the confusion .. esp with all those stories on ACA and today tonite about dodgy cameras ... hmmm there goes my helmet and eyelid painting money !!!!
  5. I use my msn space for auto sizing .. I upload in to my space .. and it auto resizes .. and then view it and then save
  6. WOo !! .. just got back !!! .. I actually quite enjoyed myself !!! .. My GPS was set previosuly to aviod high ways and take urban roads .. So it kinda took me the long way .. Ended up really close to jamberoo ... but on a road called "Swamp Road" nice nice twisty .. and no other cars .. tight turns with long straights .. although had a scary moment with a cow on the road !!! Almost had rump stak for lunch !! when summer comes around we need to have a cruise to jamberoo and spend a day there ! .. I really enjoyed myself !!! we can BBQ and all that !!!
  7. umm .. ive got the throw overs .. so dont care anymore .. and bucket seats are not an option !! .. im gonna save up for one of those damn carputers !!!!!! im jealous tom !!! ... very jealous !!!
  8. horror ... (6001 posts .. damn we have nothing better to do !!)
  9. Jack wakes up at home with a huge hangover he can't believe. He forces himself to open his eyes, and the first thing he sees is a couple of aspirin next to a glass of water on the side table. And, next to them,a single red rose! Jack sits down and sees his clothing in front of him, all clean and pressed. Jack looks around the room and sees that it is in perfect order, spotlessly clean. He takes the aspirins, cringes when he sees a huge black eye staring back at him in the bathroom mirror, and notices a note on the table: "Honey, breakfast is on the stove, I left early to go shopping--Love you!" He stumbles to the kitchen and sure enough, there is hot breakfast and the morning newspaper. His son is also at the table,eating. Jack asks "Son...what happened last night?" "Well, you came home after 3 am, drunk and out of your mind. You broke some furniture, puked in the hallway, and got that black eye when you ran into the door." "So, why is everything in such perfect order, so clean, I have a rose, and breakfast is on the table waiting for me?" His son replies,"Oh THAT! Mum dragged you to the bedroom, and when she tried to take your trousers off, you screamed, "Leave me alone, you tart, I'm married! Broken furniture £85.26 Hot Breakfast £4.20 Red rosebud £3.00 Two Aspirins £0.38 Saying the right thing, at the right time......... P r I c e l e s s !! For everything else........................................get back to work!!
  10. I got the TRD throw overs already .. so all good ... actually these are the same material .. but kinda semi throw overs ... its kinda half fitted !!!!
  11. hahahha.. ill bring her to next meet .. and you can help me tell her ! ... hahahahha good work mario ! coffee in the jeep 'rade in the rolla tut tut i know .. tell me about it .. maybe I should ban her from the car !!! muah hahahah
  12. v8 twin turbo ... and 100000000x more expensive too Les ... still .. you get to drive one if you know "Johnny" hahahah .. although we didnt get to drive the porsche cayenne we did get a go at the ferrari !!
  13. You can use the ACC wire coming out from the car. However, this means that the amp will be on whether the car is started, regardless of whether the stereo is on. spot on .. or you could tap in to the back of the ciggie lighter ... but once again your amp will be on as soon as you flick you ignition to ON
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