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Everything posted by eggbert_99

  1. somehow I dont think soo o.... but someof us wont know ... as we will be living our lives .. 1/4 mile at a time ... ***EDIT**** ... ive just realised how ghey that was after I posted ........... Also I can see the fastest 1zz time being broken whilst NSW is putting on tries against QLD ...
  2. I think it comes down to awareness .. As some of you know on wednesday nite I got pulled over randomly .. I spoke to the cops whilst they were checking my lisence and he was asking about the club etc etc ... ovbiously of the Huge A$$ sticker on the back .. I think that since this type of article comes out on TV it gives any car club or car lover an image which is not favourable. I have without any doubt that 50% of the reason they pick me to pull over was the sticker ... I was in no way speeding and there were cars going faster than me ... It comes down to awareness ... who is around us .. and who we represent as a whole ... ie. the club, the ppl in the club, and most importantly the ppl in your Car ! ... esp after what Pete wrote about his close call yesterday ... seeing it first hand ... pretty scary !
  3. its never gone any where .... what you talking about tom ??
  4. TOM !!! .. read my post from the last page !! .. ok .. I could have probably done it by now .. but .. really im turning off the comp now!!!
  5. there is a reason why I won the " Mr Delegation" award ... sleeping now !
  6. maria works in a completely different area !! nothing to do with her !! .. means my neck is on the chopping block more than it is now !!
  7. common pete... you still love us !!!
  8. tom .. you start it .. in general discussions .. and copy what I wrote above .. im going to bed .. I better see it when I get to work tomorrow !!
  9. photo .. so .. hows the car ???
  10. working on it ... looks good .. had a chat with the CEO and Im sure he likes what he is seeing so far!!
  11. maybe we should start a new topic to make the rest of the club aware ???
  12. but you like it .. dont you
  13. flock sorry .. completely forgot about the words .. and yes .. im sure our plans include you !! 1..
  14. cant wait to give it a go tommy ! .. well done mate !!
  15. thanks bec ... petes always slow .. 93 kw .. hehehe sorry .. low blow ! .. heheh
  16. mate .. dont worry about the prices .. just fill up when you need too ... spend far too much time worrying and working out when it is the cheapes to save 2 bucks !!
  17. im trying to justify hiring more staff .. If I can show an increase with $$$$$ then i can start hiring !!
  18. well they were in a hurry to leave out meet last weekend .. but most importantly .. I got pulled over last nite .. and I have a huge sticker on my car .. I think thats half the reason they picked me .. even though it was a random breath test .. . We all need to be weary thats all ... of who and what we represent as a car club and as car lovers .. also we risk the lives of others around us and the ppl in our cars !
  19. yeah ... it dosent put their club in the best light ... just coz of 1 car .. in fact it dosent put any car clubs in a good light ... I would hate to see that on our club ... so next time we are all out on the roads we must remember who else we are representing ...
  20. ok .. tomorrow nite ! ... come round my place .. maybe we go for a drive to Jimmys !
  21. why get angry ... it gives you are reason to wash your car again ???
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