Hey all, Well I managed to have quite a **** day... Lost my license, thought I'd speak to a few of you for some advice though first. I know, I know the police are only doing their job, and fair enough too. Below is what unfortunately happened.... Was detected doing 90km/h in a "new" 60km/h zone around the corner from my work... Quite used to the area being 80km/h and yes I was still speeding but quite a bit more then I thought. Lost my license for 1 month regardless due to excessive speed and $328 fine + 4 demerit points. On top of that I had no "p" plates displayed as I was driving my mates van In the morning and didn't want to get a fine for no plates being up but forgot to swap them back (I even pointed up to where they usually are when he said "where are your plates ?" and i go "right there" pointing in the top left, followed by "oh sh!@#". A further $119 fine and 3 points... Looking at 7 points total + $447 in fines. On top of this my driving history hasn't been to flash and had 1 suspension before this for driving dad's v8 Ute to a job in a rush with no plates up and over the limit and copping again a suspension all in one about 10 months ago. I get my full license on the 29th Oct Vic Roads have told me and will get it regardless, but my options should be 4 - 5 Months suspension or 12 months good behavior. However the question is Vic Roads told me that the points get deducted on the day they are lost once paid not the date I pay them, however I've heard other story's where people have waited to get their full license then paid the fines and have them deducted from their now full license and kept it. At the moment I think I've only got one point left on my license hence the suspension period... So I guess I've got to now wait 28 days to loose it for a month then wait for my option's letter to then loose it for a further 4 - 5 months or take the 1 golden lucky point scheme. What's your thoughts guy's & girls... it's been a **** house day for me just round the corner from my birthday and starting a clean slate with my license, let the flaming begin... another stupid "p" plater but we all learn some the hard way I guess... :(