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Everything posted by mrs.sportivo

  1. you're a strange kid lol don't worry, you're 10year reunion will come around before you know it. I just had mine a few weeks ago. Everyone has kids I still feel the same as when i was 23. haha LOL geez, 10year reunion thats like miles away - shouldnt you have kids when your 28 anyways and be in a nursing home as well ? haha old farts :D
  2. hahas yeah its


  3. lols i just kinda got home so yeah lols

  4. haha the weather here in SYD is the same lols oh no we're turning into melb 4 seasons in a day

  5. lmfao i totally forgot about this HAHAHA sorry =x
  6. LMFAO lame ! hows the weather up in qld

  7. OMFG I LOVE SUMMER HEIGHTS HIGH LOLS full got the box set which came with a free "d!cktation" sticker :) the asian chick is fkn HOT "you got your period or what miss" HAHAHA "hey miss i love what your wearing is that from susan"
  8. lols well im half chinese and the rest quarter. canto sucks i hate canto people LOL sorry im a mando mwahaha

  9. lols omg i cant believe its only been 3 days, and i already miss school HAHA
  10. lift IS boring lols dont deny it
  11. HAHA yeah tell your mum last night was great :) im gunna guess your chinese ? your hairs a dead giveaway

  12. im late but ive arived, was i right about this piece of **** from the start?, you've nurchered and fed the beast. now hes out of control like some big emo blob. dont say i didnt warn u, hey justice u should post this stuff on some other foruem plz dude and hey ashley 5t took out the whole singwa gang out in 2months in my old hood they had no chance lmao, macheti'z ftw gangs and drugs are not cool kids.... just say noooo 5t took out singwa ? wdf are you on about buddy 5T is old gen, singwa is more new and 5T dont do that stuff anymore, their pretty much a dead gang half the people in jail and the other half looking after their kids Singwa is more city people as well =.= look asheys a gang warfare expert all of a sudden, the only thing your rite bout is 5t have gone underground most there members are dead, in jail, or gone in to hideing, but im talking about 7-8 years ago when u were still getting driven to netball practice by your mum in her toyota camry after coming back from an all girls catholic school, so dont question me i lived thru the drug wars of the late 90s in south west sydney, my best friend was disfigured for life because of it. we shouldnt be talkin bout this on this foruem any way dont want people knowing my personal life :)
  13. spotted ze black sportivo at fairfield maccas around 11pm tonight LOL - too bad they fully parked and got out of the car to realise it was closed and they had to go drive-thru aww LOL
  14. lols eh ? i beat you in a drag ? what ? LOL

  15. haha yeah and you drive a levin lols

  16. lols who said they wanted sympathy ? eg. William - he only told us about it because he couldnt tell anyone else - because we're strangers to him and he doesnt have to worry about if his other friends found out, and ontop of that he had no one else to tell since his best friend is the girl he liked fk me dead, people dont go complaining about their problems because they want sympathy from others - they want to hear what the other person is going to say and react, if they give them good advice and what not and buddy read this topic through carefully and then tell me whos stereotyping who
  17. hahas Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load!ho-ney! do you know I love you and miss you so muchhh night after night I cannot sleep soooo .. well ! you leave me because of money I do know I, who have nothing, I just love you by my heart and my soul I dont know what to do .. no car, no job, no money, no home i will die very soon honey come back you can save my life! HAHAHAHAHAHAH
  18. im late but ive arived, was i right about this piece of **** from the start?, you've nurchered and fed the beast. now hes out of control like some big emo blob. dont say i didnt warn u, hey justice u should post this stuff on some other foruem plz dude and hey ashley 5t took out the whole singwa gang out in 2months in my old hood they had no chance lmao, macheti'z ftw gangs and drugs are not cool kids.... just say noooo :)
  19. what the fck ? LOL please show me where i have showed off my "material goods" Did i specifically say you did?gtfo =] err ? you posted it under me and the "" gossh at least admit it
  20. why dont you just sell the car and save up abit more and get a stivo (?)
  21. lmfao wdf how am i YOUR RICE fcking steve LOL
  22. No, that may only be the "emos" you know - but me, ive got friends whose parents abondon them, who as a child had to be raised into drugs for money so dont sit there and stereotype them - their all human beings
  23. lols thats because im more asian than russian :( i know why cant i have brown/green eyes like my cousins
  24. what the fck ? LOL please show me where i have showed off my "material goods"
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