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Everything posted by mrs.sportivo

  1. Yes Inflation is currently 5%, but I have no idea about what you mean when you say its supposed to be 2-3%. How do you figure that? I also dont see how people borrowing more increases national savings... thats illogical. I do agree that the interest rates needed to be cut to encourage spending to boost the economy. What I dont agree with, and where I think Rudd, Swan, and the RBA have all failed is the agressiveness that they have used with the economy. 6 months ago we were all told by the government that we needed to curb our spending, hence why interest rates were raised by a quarter of a percent several times. The world economy since then has fallen, thats quite obvious to anyone. The rates coming down was a right move, but by 1.75% in less than a month? thats quite drastic. We wouldnt be in this situation if we had not acted drastically and raised the cash rate so many times. anyway, this thread is about Obama. back to original topic. Woo good win sir! the RBA inflation target is 2-3% (which means the economy will do well and stabilise when it is that percentage - meaning its a healthy inflation rate) By Rudd decreasing the interest rates recently, it means households save on their grocerys/petrol/whatever But interest rates shouldnt be cut since inflation rate is still high and a big problem if u want to see ur kids survive - inflation is high because of too much spending in the economy which meant the economy was booming to quickly that in future it would cause problems with the country. Which is why interest rates are high. Ps. Glenn Stevens is RBA (governor of RBA) and they havent failed because they implemented the policies to decrease inflation but these policies (Monetary and Fiscal Policy) have time-lags so you might not be able to see a change in the inflation rate until later, but these policies are good to help stabilise the economy - and i think we used fiscal and monetary policy like ages ago during the asia crisis (i think, cant remember when exactly LOL but we used it before !) :) theres what i learnt in 2years all summed up HAHA
  2. hahas omg, i told u this one LOL :D ashy the guru
  3. Every woman should have four pets in her life. A mink in her closet, a jaguar in her garage, a tiger in her bed, and a jackass who pays for everything. HAHA :)
  4. You have no idea do u? Interest rates are at their lowest point in 2 yrs... But the Pm doesn't directly control interest rates, the reserve bank does. My question would be what else has Rudd actually done to try and address these financial problems? I too am also happy that Obama won. Hopefully this is the beginning of long awaited change in the US. However, i'd be looking both ways when walking down the street. They werent low in August and thats because Rudd implemented the "Tightening" Monetary Policy because of our high inflation - which means that the RBA sold securities back to the govt. which meant there wasnt alot of borrowing money in the banks which meant interest rates went up buddy :) i didnt get 20/20 for nothing. There was only a interest rate cut recently to increase confidence, making people borrow, increasing national savings (Thats what Rudd has done :) ) The RBA doesnt control these policies, they work in conjunction with the government ! Interest rates at the moment are 6% - yes it was originally 7% Inflation is 5% - its suppose to be 2-3%
  5. lols interest rates are high not because of Rudd but - it was all hairy eyebrows fault
  6. LOL WOO OBAMA !! lols yeah rudd speaks better mando than me =x
  7. ladies hair for all you turkish blokes out there HAHA hmms lols you wouldnt believe it but - my great grandfather actually introduced it to china and had a lollie store which he made them :) my grandfathers gunna teach me how to make em next week lols to pass on the ""family tradition"" HAHA
  8. The Beatles - Across The Universe The Beatles - Here Comes the Sun omg i love them !! :) having a mad beatles phase atm LOL
  9. is it stock? ???? if it was stock it wouldnt make noise dude ? wdf LOL ?
  10. i dont think its a writeoff - isnt that term only used when it costs more to fix the car than the actual car market value or what not plus it didnt hit ur engine area so yeah maybe its a repairable writeoff ? but i highly doubt it ps. if you got rear ended does that mean its the other guys fault ? and if so - if it is a writeoff lols cant the other driver compensate for that stuff ? shrugs i dont know LOL im not a insurance person haha
  11. lols the angelina jolin one is scary lols
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  13. it doesnt know when to shut up lols i needa put a sock in it
  14. because all this emo junk is taking up space lols
  15. hahas slack ! your old too
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