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Everything posted by Shaneo

  1. Anyone and everyone!! i fixed the problem.. if you have this problem.. it was the airflor sensor.. it was fine.. dunno how it blew or malfunctioned.. but somehow during the changing of intake pipes it stopped working. i fitted my m8s airflow sensor and went back to normal.. Thanks for everyones help.. much appreciated.. Tc Shane
  2. ok guys... bad news... i resent the ecu n that.. but still nothing.. it wont rev past 3 grand.. and the malfuntion light is still on.. PLEASE IF ANYONE HAS ANY IDEAS THROW THEM THIS WAY I WANT YOUR INPUT!! would the vacuum advance make a difference because i havent plugged them all in.. but it didnt make a difference before dont know why it should now.. Thanks guys ur input is very much appreciated...
  3. ok i gotta go work now.. so ill try it when i get back tonight.. and ill let you guys know.. speak 2 ya 2nite.. thanks guys
  4. its in the right way and everything.. no airleaks that i can see.. does sound still mean and deep even though its got a standard air filter on it... how do u clear the codes in the ecu??
  5. I had my cold air intake on.. i fuked my 3rd gear syncro.. now i put my standard airfilter back on, and its fukin up.. it wont rev past 3 grand.. and that yellow light came on (malfunction) ive tighted it over and over.. but with the advanced vaccum does it make a difference because i don't know where it plugs into etc... I NEED YOUR HELP GUYS.. i need to take it bak to warranty so i can fix my gearbox and now i fuked it even more...!!!! Please.. thanksss
  6. that is HOOTTT!!! i got a red sportivo aswell.. how did u do it? where did u get the lights from n how did you install them.. sets it off!! good work champ
  7. yeahhh if ur clutch is gone it should just riddee and wont grab at all just like having it in neutral?? :S
  8. are the new brake rotors a big difference?? i find that the standard rotors are fine.. does it stop quicker or is it just good for when u constantly braking so it cools down quicker n better??
  9. i doubt it to be honest.. unless you got some boys in the back or something.. but lows with r17 215/45 should be fine.. im putting superlows at the back of mine which is 55mm but then again mine are r16 205/55 but you should be fine..
  10. i like the way this is heading.. as you continue doing your mods try to explain and show wat u did so me and the rest can learn abit along the way.. Thanks
  11. nicee ride man.. the front kit looks like the pulsar sss kit.. but yer any differences with the computer or anything.. like wat does ur lift kick in at and hows ur gearbox..
  12. Shaneo

    My Rolla Sportivo

    Corolla Sportivo 03
  13. That is rediculous!! why not put nos in the car aswell and get it to run 10s down the track.. but wait if you actually use the nos and the engine blows up.. ur on ur own..
  14. hey guys.. bought king springs for my sportivo few weeks ago.. lows for the front and superlows for the back.. my m8 was supposed to help install them because i have no clue wat im doing.. change of plans.. is it easy to change them?? i have heard i need spring comperssors which just look like clamps (vice grips) and do i have to take out my shocks and can i stuff up anything?? Thanks
  15. thanks heaps guys.. i appreciate it heaps.. i would probably get a new clutch soon as suggested.. i looked at some power fc's but i got quoted 2 g for tuned n all and hahaha i make 200 bucks a week so doubt it..
  16. Hey everyone.. i no this was covered yesterday but i wanted to ask if i heighten the friction point on the clutch and make it grab more, would it prevent it from (crunching/not going in gear) instead of changing like a granny and dropping to 5700rpm and out of lift.. I use to be able to get seconds like no tomorrow at 6500rpm with ease.. so if i change the friction point would this help? or do i have to get a new clutch. (p.s i dont have warranty with Toyota)
  17. so in conclusion which oil was the best to use for the tranny.. because im having problems changing atm dunno if i have to adjust the friction point of my clutch or if its the gearbox...? can any help
  18. i havent got warrenty with toyota but its really gettin on my nervs, i got warrenty with the dealership but doubt they will cover it.. is there something i can do about it.. does anyone know??? Pleaassseeee!!! Thanks heaps
  19. Hey everyone.. i have searched and searched but could not find anything about anyone talking about intake manifold gaskets. i have noticed that on my sportivo within minutes my intake manifold gets extremly hot. and i no that with other cars you can get a special gasket not to transfer heat from the intake to the engine, therefore it will be cold air (the whole reason i got a cold air intake system) and not hot air. does anyone know where or how i can find or if there is such gasket made up for the sportivos or not?? Thanks
  20. is that an exhaust all the way through? n how much did it cost..
  21. i only have 106.4kw at the wheels and i ran a 14.83 with a cai.. that dyno reading isnt accurate.. you should be gettin low 14s with that amount of power.. but yeah the layout and the car looks hot.. good work..
  22. spotted one in greenacre the other day.. number plate jly11t or something.. fuken looked hot but.. ill give him that.. but kept it on the rev limiter for too long..
  23. nahh dont know about it back firing.. mine has never done that or never heard of that.. but yer its got something to do with the gearbox or gearbox cable because when u m shimmy the gear stick while its in gear.. the noise changes.. so its linked with the gearbox somehow.. but dunno what to do about it...
  24. yeah.. i ran 14.8 i took out my seats and spare tyre, and cold air intake, i had a shocking 60 footer, that was my 1st time i have ever been the creek to ever race my car, and havent had my car for long either. A couple more times i should be able to get it 14.7 or even 14.6 once i lower it and get a better launch, but yeah man all sportivos standard personally i think are different, some make more power than others, just depends how much the car has been opened up and how good it goes. You never know you might get the 15.0 flat.
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