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Everything posted by CORONA RT104

  1. If this guy want to spend his money on crap, he deserves it. Now now, at least we actually keep it within the forum, and we don't TROLL onto 'other' car forums like the recent justcommodores.com.au spy we had. I can still smell him. We'll never be as bad as them anyway, because you see, they drive Commodores.
  2. i remember doing a few of them its no fun spose you could let it go on for a while but itll only get worse over time and leak more but as long as you keep an eye on the oil level every week youll be fine 227k isnt bad for a rav ive seen rear mains go with ravs half those klms last time it took me around 2 days to change one and that was an auto obviously if its a manual the oil leak will cause problems with your clutch
  3. Hilux's are unbelieveably tough, these things could drive underwater.
  4. Cause if it does, you really should have it changed as it will fail its next rego inspection. If does not I would wait to change it then. If it leaks bad enough to notice the oil level go down, it should be changed immediatley. i remember doing a few of them its no fun spose you could let it go on for a while but itll only get worse over time and leak more but as long as you keep an eye on the oil level every week youll be fine 227k isnt bad for a rav ive seen rear mains go with ravs half those klms last time it took me around 2 days to change one and that was an auto obviously if its a manual the oil leak will cause problems with your clutch
  5. Does it actually drip on the floor? i remember doing a few of them its no fun spose you could let it go on for a while but itll only get worse over time and leak more but as long as you keep an eye on the oil level every week youll be fine 227k isnt bad for a rav ive seen rear mains go with ravs half those klms last time it took me around 2 days to change one and that was an auto obviously if its a manual the oil leak will cause problems with your clutch
  6. Syncro cost stuff all, even at toyta's inflated spare parts prices $100 would more that cover it. It is huge job to change them though. Sometimes not possible to do correctly when DIY as you need special tools.
  7. That car was on ebay a couple of week ago was it not?
  8. Is it a whine or a clicking noise.
  9. Just buy a Corona, they love water. how big was the puddle? :( well, i got out to push my car n the water was halfway between my ankles n knees? <_< pretty deep, i push it out of the 'puddle' then i pushed it another 10 meters away from the 'puddle', slept in my car coz i didn't wanna leave it. called towtruck in the morning. sorry late reply thats like a freakin pond or lake man..hahaha..what were u doin in there :P
  10. If your car is in a really good and exceptional conditon, by another one swap the trannys over and sell it again. Hopefully you will get your money back. Or check out Pickles damaged car Auctions and see if you can pick up a smashed one from there. This way will get everything you will need and will know how to put it together. Otherwise just by another car and sell the one you have.
  11. The answer to your problem is simple: Stock Tyres and rims= smooth ride poor looks, OK handling Boy racer rims and tyres= great looks maybe better handling but at the expense of ride quality.
  12. Even complete with the tartan blanket covering the seat, Love it. Anymore people out there with classic toyota's?
  13. Toyota may not make the most powerfull vehicles, but they certainly make the most relaiable. Many make engines to last 300K kms, but few make cars that can. Compare any falcon or Commodore to a Camry or Corolla at that milage. The first two, the interior will be worn, the brakes and suspension will be RS and basically the car will drive like crap. The latter two on the other hand, will still drive pretty well Living proof that toyota makes the most lasting cars..what more can u say :P
  14. As my user name may suggest, I have a Corona 1975 RT104, you can't kill these things with an axe. There is a road that passes through a creek near my house with no bridge, i.e. the road dips down to the bottom of the creek, and whenever it rains it would the water level would rise to about 50-60cm. Anyway I used to pass through this creek everyday to work, the thing used to fill up with water to just above my ankles. I must done this about 30 times, and did not bother it. In my back paddock there was small hill, about 2 meters tall, well I used to jump the rona off that numerous times, and still drive it on the road the next day. I used to burnouts with it like you would not believe, it used to axle tramp like crazy, you would think the dashboard would fly off it would shake that much. These things were built very tough.
  15. I think that you have a suspension component that is loose, for a car to pull randomly left and right there are very few things that can cause that. If you have a resonable idea with cars I would jack it up on all fours on stands and make sure every nut and bolt is tight, this includes the rear suspenison as well, as if something is loose here this will also cause the car not to track correctly. The only other few things which it could be is a crack in the chassi somewhere which causes the wheel alignment to change. (extemley rare) I am not sure whether or not your car has power steering or not, but I once had a car that I tried doing a wheel alignment on and no matter what I did it would not drive straight, in the end I ended up changing the power steering rack, sometimes if there is an small internal leak in the rack the it can cause the rack to drift slightly to one side. That is extremly rare but not impossible. I would making sure that evey nut and bolt is tight first. I am also taking for granted that you have set ALL the tyre pressures to the correct pressure and that none of the wheel are buckled and they are balanced, as any of these can cause your problem. Again do not overlook your rear suspension. Another thing is that you have a worn bush or ball joint or something like that. What you could try and do is take this car to a local mechanic (preferable and older and more expirenced and patient guy) and send the bill to Toyota. The other thing cars do not have moods they are an invention by humans, they do not have a mind of their own. All problems are explainable. Just some take a lot longer than others. my 4 tyres dun any trace of makan sebelah... its been 35k now... I had try with another avanza (new batch 1.3 MT), same road, same time, his avanza working well... my car is random pulling, sometimes to left sometimes to right and depand on its mood. Drive fast or slow same effect... but hot weather more obvious. i still can send back to 3s sc but they wanna charge me and if problem again still hv to send back gain.... where i got so much time??
  16. Wheels car of the year is not worth the toilet paper that it is printed on, If you have a look you will find if a Holden for example wins every 2nd page will be filled with holden adds. It is one the most misleading car mags out there, and yet like most media that is out there it is incorrect it is the most popular. Yet it won Wheels Car of the Year Go figure
  17. Hey Seizai, I tried to read inbetween the lines of your orginal post to find out exactly what the mechanical faults are with the car, and everytime I try I get a headache, there too much infomation. I want to cleary identfy the MECHANICAL faults with the car and maybe try and help you that way as I am a mechanic by trade. I do not really want to know who you have taken the car to or what they had for breakfeast, just the faults with the car.
  18. Do what Mzz said and stick it up her Jasie.(the person who you had the accident with)
  19. No not safe and Illegal, Infact is very dangerous
  20. When you are expirencing the problem does the engine labouring or does it rev freely? Agreed it seems eveybodys taken the round trip instead of the direct,Take it back to the tranny guys who did it or go to a more reputable trans specialists..
  21. If I was in your shoes I would get really really angry with your insurance company, Since the cost of repair is so close to your access I would even threaten to cancel your insurance policy and threaten to go to a current affair type TV show. (I am not sure who they are in Perth) I would not pay them 1 cent in access as you have nothing to loose. You have rememeber with insurance companies (and other large organisations) that they have delt with many customers in your situations like yours and hence they are very good in disarming you. Keep persisting and you will get your way. Just do not take no for an answer. If you are in the right just keep making a lot of noise until they listen. Hahahaha I could give you her address too if you want It's one of those newer looking Ford Falcons I'll give you that :) Now don't you go smashing every Falcon now buddy :P ford drivers.. pfft.. not much better then the holdens are they? Not as bad as Corolla drivers :P And Jase you go son, if you need any help you know where to go....this forum lol
  22. Famous Lemon car = Leyland P76, many owners experienced multiple problems due to poor design and poor wear testing procedures. I agree. A dud car when all the other experience little or know problems normally not (once you dig a little deeper). Cars are made on a production line and most made within tolerances are exactly the same. The owners of these "Dud Cars" normally experience very bad service (as outlined above), but in their eyes their car is still not fixed and so they say the car is a dud. What I was trying to get at is that just about ALL mechanical problems are repairable (no matter how hard they are to find). The problem is due to a set of circumstances which cause the dealer to misdiagnose problems, or say they cannot find them. From experience this is due to 2 things: 1 x the lack of time availble to diagnose problems and 2 x the lack of expierenced mechanics. Becuase of this thing get blown way out of proportion and end up in front of courts and so on, once this happens the chances of getting the car fixed are very close to NIL
  23. Sometimes the most catastophic problems are caused my the most simplist things. There is no such thing as a "Lemon Car", they may be Lemon models of certain types of cars but lemon cars are never usually singular. I have worked in dealership before and let me tell you when customers complain there car is a Lemon it is usually due to a long set of circumstances rather than just a poorly made vehicle. Your story above outlines that. A car is simply a lump of neatly pressed metal, everything that goes wrong with them is explainable and 99 times out of 100 repairable. Putting all the bad service aside and what happened Write down all the problem you have with the vehicle. I find this ironic. Yes. I am a child.
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