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Everything posted by trdsaads

  1. Not too early. I dont think many people would want a kangaroo as a new hood orniment! :P Im keen for the idea!
  2. Spotted Jeremy turnng onto Albany HWY from Nicholson. Driving like a bat outta hell too! :P
  3. There we go. It wasnt that hard was it! Now to set a time, route, and were done.
  4. Like my man Jay said. Its the best cure for remorse, William! Now go and crack one!
  5. The prices are actually in "Rand" The currency for South Africa, and Zimbabwe etc I wish they were in Rupee!
  6. Me and afew people i know go. But, were in Perth though! TOUGE FTW!!!!!!
  7. Spotted Big Mo' turning out of Hossack AV this morning.
  8. Fantastic shots Ruimond! Was a great end to a ho-hum morning! :P
  9. Spotted Kenneth fanging it down Albany HWY near Strathfield this arvo. Oh and i sw saw this lil gem! Glad to have your chariot in Perth Seamoose!
  10. ....and blasting Paul Kelly or some of Kerny's very best throught the streets of Perth! :P
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpVHibbKW_8 X & Hell - Dont Stop Movin'
  12. Yeah, i saw you driving around, then saw your carparked infront of the glass wall. We didnt know which one was you, so didnt just want to walk up to randoms and ask if they owned the '86
  13. Welcome to the club. Went back home late last night. vincent has been around for a while now, by the way i wil say this on behalf of jayme and rui... the turn out @ freo was rather dissapointing i heard but i caught up with them @ garbo and we had nandos after.. minimeet nonetheless... photos will come.. lol, yeah me and Ruimond didnt see many ozcelica guys. They prolly came alil later. Ill add some pics i took soon. Mini-meet FTW! :P :P
  14. Ill be at Caro in the morning, if anyone else wants meet up there. I'd say, meet me there at around 8:45, then we can leave at 9:00 coz i dont think many crew will turn up.
  15. Let me know when you order the DBA's dude. Ill grab a pair aswell.
  16. Yeah, that does sound quite steep!
  17. Aparently there is. whether its still going ahead or not im not sure. Maybe there'll be updates in the next couple days. Lunjiaow - Yeah, same place! (outside Fast Eddies for those unsure)
  18. Sounds good. Ill meet you there. They forecast Sat 31 degrees at this stage. Fingers crossed! If the others are meeting at 9:30, we meet up say at 8:45, leave at 9:00 we should be sailing smooth to Freo.
  19. So, for those going, should have a TOCA pre-meet and all go there together?
  20. Damn! My covers blown! What 4x4 were you in? There were afew nuckleheads walking the streets high on chocolate last night i noticed.
  21. Sounds good! If afew of us are going in early for a coffee fix im down. If you guys are going to meet up later on in the day, im down for that too!
  22. For all the Lady GaG fans.... Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load!
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