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Everything posted by trdsaads

  1. I think Audio Art & Technologies in the city sells Alphasonic. Theyre on Murray St (West end) near Fast Eddies.
  2. Oooh Nando's! Lets have a meet, and use them up in one foul swoop!
  3. Hello, and welcome! Hope to see you at the next cruise we have!
  4. Yeah, set a date, work on a cruise route and activity if you want to incorparate one and we'll come down. Easter, hrmm double demerits and cops everywhere. Good excuse to Touge IMO! :P :P :P If you need help, im sure afew of us here can help out and guide you in the right direction.
  5. I'm pretty sure I will be :) Oh did you still want the camber bolts. i completely forgot about them :( I mite drop by, but ill see how things go in the morning. Give me a tingle before you go Andy, and ill meet you prior.
  6. Maybe its your wife?! It kinda explains the noise going away when you drive off again.
  7. Weapon X & Ken Hell - My Subs & also Still HSV.
  8. Congratulations on the new toy!!! Very nice! Something different and unique! Happy motoring, and keep us updated with future mods!
  9. If i can go, i certainly will. Its got a fresh new engine conversion now, so im very keen to stretch its legs! But, i can tell you its VERY quick ATM! :P Oh, i also got new shoes for it, too! jayme, did u get an S15?! what spec is it? colour? Mmm do tell me more! Its a JDM (as ****) in white with a carbon bonnet, Trial front and rear bar side skirts, chrome SSR Professor rims on Federal 595 or Work Emotions depending on my mood!, Trust exhaust, FMIC, drilled and slotted rotors, it goes like the clap now! I took it out after the beach cruise at Utopia, and it shat itself in the carpark (Kenneth knows :P ) but all's great now! Im still contemplating a hachi-roku AE86 Trueno. Fujiwara tofu style! nono jayme! we want pictures too! behehehhe.... or we cant see it till we see it in person? lolz Hehehehe, i cant post pics of a "rival" car company on a Toyota forum! Thats naughty! hehehehe :P
  10. If i can go, i certainly will. Its got a fresh new engine conversion now, so im very keen to stretch its legs! But, i can tell you its VERY quick ATM! :P Oh, i also got new shoes for it, too! jayme, did u get an S15?! what spec is it? colour? Mmm do tell me more! Its a JDM (as ****) in white with a carbon bonnet, Trial front and rear bar side skirts, chrome SSR Professor rims on Federal 595 or Work Emotions depending on my mood!, Trust exhaust, FMIC, drilled and slotted rotors, it goes like the clap now! I took it out after the beach cruise at Utopia, and it shat itself in the carpark (Kenneth knows :P ) but all's great now! Im still contemplating a hachi-roku AE86 Trueno. Fujiwara tofu style!
  11. If i can go, i certainly will. Its got a fresh new engine conversion now, so im very keen to stretch its legs! But, i can tell you its VERY quick ATM! :P Oh, i also got new shoes for it, too!
  12. Not 100% at this stage. Sundays going to be rush rush for me. Gym, then lunch at uncle Billy's ;) , then mini golf. If others are planning on going, i may make a showing.
  13. DETAILS "Adrian’s (4MY SON) Memorial Cruise 22nd March 2009 at 11.00am Carousel Car Park, Albany Hwy Hey guys n girls, Hard to believe that its been 2 years already how time has flown, but now its time for a cruise so everyone can get together and look back on the past years and reminisce. I would like to invite you all to attend this cruise which is being held to raise money for Canteen who supports families with children who have cancer. We have organized this cruise in memory of Adrian so we can all visit most of his favorite places around Perth. This cruise is going to be open to ALL makes/models & car clubs so SPREAD the word as far as you can, the bigger the better. Gold coin donation will be needed for maps which will be handed out on the day, as the money is going to a good cause I don’t see this as a problem. The main meet point will be Carousel shopping centre, Woolworths end behind the CALTEX service station we are meeting at 11.00AM and departing at 11.30AM SHARP Thank you and hope to see you all there showing your support for a wonderful cause… Heather, Nev, Steve, Matt & Kara Im just spreading the word around Mite see some of ya's there" Hope some of TOCA members will be there. As stated above, its to raise money for canteen (not the school tuck shop kind!!!)
  14. trdsaads


    Can you source a big tall bucket of no idea for me? Oh, and a left handed hammer.
  15. The projectors look great Jezza! I also like the VVTi badge placement. Very neat touch. Adrian, can your car getting ANY shinier! Love the work!
  16. Welcome! Hope to see you at the next meet!
  17. Yeah, i have 6000k HID's and theyre not the best when its wet at night. But it doesnt mean you cant see anything. Its almost like you dont have your lights turned on effect, on the road! A friend of mine has 4500k on his car and its alot better in the rain. But obviously, being a lower kelvin rating the light is yellow/beige, similar to OEM or normal halogen headlights.
  18. Even when i got my membership, i thought "why is it in USD?!!" It was alot cheaper then, though. Plus, you get a sticker pack!
  19. There was a vid on how VVTLI works and what the differences are to VVT, but i cant find it. If i do, ill post!
  20. what car u gettin haii? :P i hope u dont get confused with HONDA and TOYOTA again :P a toyota sign looks like this btw not HAHAHA xD just for laughs! :( im so bored! Oh Oh OH My guts hurt!! My car is far beyond showroom quality..sorry dudes! Kens & TRDsaads are great examples of Modded Corolla & the Celicas & Supras from the last cruise I went to were fantastic.. Thats a huge compliment but my car is FAR from "modded" to be showed @ the autosalon ... plenty of stuff needed to be done but way out of my budget :) andy would be a great rep.. so is jayme ;) Go on Ken! Its just for fun!
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