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Everything posted by trdsaads

  1. I think ill follow this one as it goes! The work looks good! Keep it coming.
  2. Keep in mind dude, that Wireless Hill closes its gates at 9:30pm or so. Which means you may have to end it at Garden City or something. Thanks for that mate, I had no idea might re-organise somewhere like a shopping centre as a start finish to make sure there is space and no time issues. You can always keep the start the same, and just redo the end. Maybe instead of finishing at Wireless Hill, end at Garden City underground c/p, at the car wash. They're only 2min away from each other, so theres not much deviation. :)
  3. Thats a VERY goodlooking Aurion you have! Hope to see you there!
  4. Yeah, are there any dates or a rough idea when it's going to be held? How many Westies are going? C'mon boys and girls!
  5. Keep in mind dude, that Wireless Hill closes its gates at 9:30pm or so. Which means you may have to end it at Garden City or something.
  6. Thats some funy ****! I felt sorry for the bloke that was lifted up, towards the end!
  7. Its kinda like something out of HI-5!
  8. Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load!
  9. Thats one of the many lil differences that the RunX has. There's afew more, can you spot them?!
  10. Welcome to the forum! It seems that you kiwi's seem to get all the good imports! Thats a great looking car! Enjoy your stay dude!
  11. ....."I’m a rhyme felon; peeps do what I tell them,.......Microphone felony number one"
  12. Everyone must be searching for higher ground! Everyone was around Mundaring! The floods are here! Oh, before i forget, spotted a white facelift with fully sick uleh chrome 17's in Vic Park around 3pm. Riding high like a 4wd!
  13. hahaha, your classic! thick
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