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Everything posted by Mello

  1. take it to a tyre shop and get them to find the problem. my car had a tyre that kept going flat over 2 weeks, i took it to a tyre shop and problem solved. Leave it to the experts.
  2. im getting my car lowered at suspension city 2morro or thursday, i hope i dont get the same problem =P My car has so much air resistance underneath after new wheels that is sounds like a 4x4. Damn falken tyres :P tried taking off the wheel and taking a thorough look? maybe rocks and stuff in your tyres causing friction noises =P or some rocks and stuff got onto you chasis somewhere in that area. But i doubt that would be the case. Else my guess would be something along the lines with bearings but thats going way... wayyyy.... tooo far. Go to pedders or something and get a suspension safety check (29 bux i think) if you suspect its a suspension problem
  3. check your nuts, might be loose, did your get cv's put in for your rims?
  4. put this back in the corolla section its not about wheels MODERATOR!!! ERROR!!!! DOES NOT COMPLY MALFUNCTION MALFUNCTION does the robot dance
  5. :( not about the performance, but wen i purchased my dvd system the dvd player din was faulty. no warranty as the system was bought off ebay ; ;
  6. *jealousy * you got your dvd system in b4 me ; ; i was informed that i need to find a new guy to check my dvd player ; ; after 1 month of waiting HE TELLS ME THAT!!!! ARGHHHHHH any1 know a good car audio electrician in melb? willing to travel
  7. if your willing to slap a celica gt4 engine in your car im sure that will pull some1s attention
  8. Mello

    New Club

    cough cough somes1s destroying all your records at an accelerated rate. their current post no. : 698 days been on the forum : 23 \(O.O)/ your all ruined if they keep up that pace.
  9. wat colours new car sean? say black =D (i know that thongs will get you a 1 way ticket =D )
  10. OMG the 1zz sleeper is being SOLD STOP HIM!!!!!!!!! hehehe =D
  11. atom ariel wait till you guys see it a formula 1 legal for street use found this off the exclusive forum atom ariel
  12. cant make it 2nite or 2morro =D will show every1 my ride at a later date
  13. LOL spec_black hahahahhahaha u crack me up translation ( i want to press ....... *let your imagination go wild here*)
  14. LOL yea... pow wow. i can speak japanese too =D watashi wa bentonamu jin desu. BANZAI!!! BANZAI!!!
  15. everythings cheaper in brisbane.... (because its closer to asia)
  16. i reckon a toca baseball cap would look good.
  17. LOL u funny he said "i am a person of viet nam" or logically i am vietnamese "duu maa is hmm.... BRANDON U explain that word =D "
  18. Born in Aus. ..Vietnamese + 1/4 chinkanese but have no clue how to speak chinese or know about the culture. parents never let me get into that honky stuff ^^; musta been a bad influence. toyota... its a viet thing (kinkyness)
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