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Everything posted by Phat

  1. custom cai ftw! i got cai done at liverpool exhaust ages ago. does the job! just no "trd, injen etc" lable.
  2. bwhahah u did it! bwhahahaahah
  3. Phat

    Yay or ney?

    they've come close! theres an energy version of smirnoff double blacks!
  4. nice shots man! lovin it. for easy tan, drive wif ur arm out the window! ive got some madass drivers arm atm!
  5. Phat

    Yay or ney?

    mms bubble pearl tea (L) easyway !! hahas grass jelly drink is nice but wdf durian ? lols you mean JACKFRUIT DRINK ! omg anyone ever had custard apple ? IF NOT lols omfg your missing out (and PHAT, you get that at your ""canley resturant"") yahh i know! fruit smoothies! custard apple is the breast!
  6. Phat

    Yay or ney?

    (I'm not having a go at you, mrs.sportivo) Aren't jager bombs about 50 times as bad? Not only is Jagermeister extremely alcholic, but the fizz from the red bull means the alcohol will be ingested much faster. And if you have multiple jager bombs in one sitting, you then have the question of your heart rate - followed by the crash once the caffeine wears off, and your body meets the depressive effects of the alcohol that it wasn't feeling before. Correct me if I'm wrong, though - I don't drink. yeah they are, i heard they were getting banned from clubs (off my friend who owns nox) so yeah but i think you can still get it ? LOL who cares, it tastes yummy any form of alco with energy drink is bad. i had 4 double shot vodka redbulls, single shot vodka redbull, and 2 jagerbombs. not including random shots of barcadi 151, tequila and henessey. i was drunk but couldnt sleep because of all the redbulls! no good i tells ya
  7. Phat

    Yay or ney?

    tastes the same! haha
  8. what i did was, get the paint... under 20bucks, jacked the car up, wheels off, scrubed the calipers with a metal brush, wipe it down so its clean, mask the areas you dont want to spray with news paper and spray! let it dry and go again repeat over and over depending on how many layers you want and done! let it dry, wheels on and your done
  9. Phat


    was at my mates bday dinner at pancakes on rocks 6th sept 07
  10. Black is just as bad to maintain. Dirt and scratches show up far easier on it. so so true!! in the end, you'll grow to love what ever you get
  11. lols .. sorry i dont know about you but ive got standards hey u look a little like her...... it is her! bwahahaha >=/ yeah ? YEAH ? you wait, tomorrow morning your shiny black stivo will be keyed yeah NOW WHAT PHAT LOLS HUH yeah thats what i thought i look a little like her ? LOL u do know u just contradicted urself right - because u said uve done chicks like her and i said i have standards then u say i look like her ? do u get where im coming from ? LOL just thought i should let u know before other people start laughing at u :) im so kind just because u HAT31T! hahaha dw man just joking! noone would take pics of you anyway hahah :P
  12. lols .. sorry i dont know about you but ive got standards hey u look a little like her...... it is her! bwahahaha
  13. the dog in the car looks better then her awww shieytt!
  14. is he wog looking?/? ummm yeah ahhh hes name would be john! had those plates on a bema before. use to go to my highschool
  15. ooh schnap! haha i wont be there 2 long man! hahaha u have a week! bwhaha btw man, why's your car always SHINEY??? goddamit i got it washed jus a week ago and its all dirty again
  16. very good and reliable cars i tells ya. comfortable ride, has power if you need it, leather seats for abit of lux etc.. overall great cars.
  17. spotted sinan's ride at para westfields this arvo. nice wheels man
  18. i gotta talk to honda and get me some of that vtec in my rolla... i want some of that 280hp at the wheels bwhahaah
  19. lol what did they do ashy?>? LOl nuffin! bwhaha
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