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Posts posted by apg39

  1. JDM style which is the inside plastic mould (light housing not the plastic glass front) is black, many lancers civic have this look as a mod.

    Ah ok, think you misunderstood me, thats what im planning to do myself, paint the inside chrome bit in black not the clear casing

    Anyways, also found these...but can't speak Thai to know what brand they are. I'd have them if it wasn't for the angel eyes.


  2. Agree I wouldnt risk it, see if you can source JDM style headlights for the Aurion from overseas Thailand, Malay/Indo, and replace the whole unit...

    1) What does the JDM light look like?

    2) Where would I source it? Import monster cant help me find anything, Ive got no idea what to look for elsewhere.

  3. Any citrus based cleaner (using citrus oil not just an orange scent) usually does the trick. I got a Citrus aerosol spray from Repco, Spray it on & leave it to soak through...then rub with a terry toweling until it balls up and comes off. Then spray & whipe off in one direction and every things sweet.

    The stuffs so good I went back for another 2 cans spare :yahoo:

  4. Been looking at the grille, It looks like Ill need to buy a non-sportivo grill to mod...otherwise Ill have the little dip in the middle of the bottom. It looks like the Sportivo's are thinner than the others...

    Means Ill also have the chrome ring around it too unless I go over it.

    Geez it would be easier if I could just buy one....

  5. I know that the ATX , Prodigy & Presara come with the usual clear silver in the headlights, and Sportivo models have some sort of tint to them??

    But has anyone tried cracking open the headlights & painting the headlight surrounds in black?

    Ill be trying this weekend probably...pics & DIY if it can be done.

  6. the 03-05 Forester that APG and I both had was the classic IMHO ;)

    They don't come much sexier than white and LOW... but that's all in the past now hey mate?

    Have to agree - ours was the classic shape, if only they'd worked on the interior, it was so spar-se & basic compared to the Aurion. Doors shut with a solid thud compared to a tinny thunk.... I kinda do but dont miss the Foz, more so because of the time & $$ spent on it, being an NA it wasn't anything special though. Had it been an XT it might be a different story.

    Funny that we both opted for Toyota & NOT white?

    Dont hide the pic in the link...Ill whore it for you :D


  7. But the new Forester exterior does look nice tbh...

    You must be one in a 10 people who actually like it. There's not one bit I like, the nicest model is the 06-08...might appear ugly to some but it will grow on you and looks like s3x on wheels when its lowered riiiiight down. New model is to commercialised as is Impreza. Even the frameless windows are gone !!!

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