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9/11: this is the truth!

Alberto Michelatti

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dunno how many people here have seen floors collapse in multi story buildings but the air pressure of the floor above collapsing would force the windows out...

Naive people ***** me off... quit with this crap, we all know what happened, we saw it with our own eyes. No one bombed anything.

im with you on this one!

why on earth would they destroy thier own twin towers anyway.

If they wanted to do something like that they would blow up a less more insignificant building.

People are sick of the iraq, bin laden blame game so what do they do..... change the blame game onto USA.

Its all those ppl that dont believe in the invasion of iraq that are making these stories up

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there have been documentaries on the history and discovery channels about exactly WHAT HAPPENED when those planes hit those buildings. bombs in the towers? makes little sense since you would think that 2 passenger airplanes would do the job!?

yes, the buildings were built to be stable and withstand a lot of pressure and could possibly stand the force of a plane crashing into it. but think of it this way...

example: the worlds strongest man can easily lift 150kgz over his head, but he cant hold it up forever. hed either have to drop the weight or be flattened for keeping it up for too long.

look at the size of those planes... full of passengers, cargo, jet fuel etc.

would you seriously think ANY modern building can continue to stand up to the pressures of heat from the fire which lasted for that length of time, the force of the impact of the crash, the weight of the planes wreckage PLUS with the weight of the floors of the building that were above the holes those planes made into those buildings??

kinda still hard to believe this happened almost 6 years ago already...

so many more have died goign to war supposedly to get the people who were responsible for 9/11.. its not even bout binladen or 9/11 anymore.. none of it is right

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*yawns* I am so sick of hearing about this...

Ditto, for every consipracy theory out there there's a counterarguement. It's like the fake moon landing theories, everything they brought up have been demonstably proven as false, yet some fools still believe in it. Then again, there are some people out there that still believe the world is flat

And as for Maddox being pro-Bush because he wrote those articles, that has to be the funniest thing I have ever read. Maddox is about as anti-establishment as you can get.

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Anyone catch the Chaser's last night?

They interviewed people in the US about what year 9-11 and the exact date was... people were saying 2000, 2004 etc, everything but 2001 then they were saying it was September 1st, 'some time in October you know... the 9th month', August 16... no idea where that came from... Then they went on to ask what 2 cities were effected (ie NYC and DC) one person was clever enough to say Pennsilvania as well, but most people said... what are you on about, it was only in New York...

Yep, Americans care heaps...

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Anyone catch the Chaser's last night?

They interviewed people in the US about what year 9-11 and the exact date was... people were saying 2000, 2004 etc, everything but 2001 then they were saying it was September 1st, 'some time in October you know... the 9th month', August 16... no idea where that came from... Then they went on to ask what 2 cities were effected (ie NYC and DC) one person was clever enough to say Pennsilvania as well, but most people said... what are you on about, it was only in New York...

Yep, Americans care heaps...

You would care if someone you knew went down with the building.

I saw some of these conspiracy theories / documentaries and some of them are very interesting with enough evidence to back it up - what they showed of it anyway.

It was a terrible tragedy and it would be a bigger tragedy if it was indeed if it was a cover up for something much larger that we will never get confirmation of. People will speculate for decades to come but as you already know, the real truth will only ever be known by a handful of people.

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I have seen Loose Change and Loose Change 2....

i believe every word that is said in them....you cannot argue against the facts presented..

sick and tired of hearing about 9/11 all the time on tv.....

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A workmate of an uncle of mine went down in the 2nd tower.

Also there was a lens producer's trade show programmed in Tower 2 for September 12th which would have taken out a few of my ex work colleagues, including the company CEO who was going to be there, had it happened only a day later.

And in the grand scheme of things, it's not that big a tragedy, bigger tragedies are going on every day in West African Nations with the ongoing civil wars and genocide taking place over there, yet because it's not broadcast daily on international news services, or an instant 'act of ***' such as the tsunami in Indo, no one cares... :rolleyes:

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"There are moments in life when keeping silent becomes a fault, and speaking an obligation. A civic duty, a moral challenge, a categorical imperative from which we cannot escape", Oriana Fallaci.


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oh... it's started Craig... it's definitely started :P

ok here we go...

heres the 'No-planes' theory..

New Video: SEPTEMBER CLUES exposes 911 TV Fakery

Social Service has created a new masterpiece. SEPTEMBER CLUES PART ONE


Building on the excellent work of 911 Researchers Webfairy, Nico Haupt, Fred, Killtown, Andrew Lowe Watson, 911Logic, StillDiggin and the 911 Octopus team, Social Service exposes the TV Fakery, lies and manipulation that fooled the world.

Now those lies are crumbling and theres nothing anyone can do to stop the truth, despite lies, ridicule, and overt Hitlerian censorship.


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The Nose-Out Glitch was computer graphics and has been thouroughly analyzed and explained in the video on this thread, at 911logic.blogspot.com... in the articles "Pinochio Nose Out Gitch" and "Screwing up the cover-up of the cover-up of the Screw Up" by Still Diggin.

The origins of the nose-out were the botched Fox 5 shot that September Clues analyzes.


Edited by puzzle man
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1. steel melts at 2600 degrees Celcius, the hottest the fire in the world trade centers could have reached was 800 degrees Celcius, and for an amount of time shorter than ten minutes.

2. the arab "hijackers" were deemed unable to fly a single engine plane by their instructor, and the planes on 9/11 were flown with military precision

3. Both buildings were hit with a 20 level difference in floors, were hit in different areas and yet they both fell the same exact way. In order for the buildings to fall this way, the bolts would all have to give way on one floor at the same time.

4. At the pentagon, there was no evidence of wing reckage, people reckage or even a plane at all.


In fact, supposedly the plane flew between two telephone poles whose distance apart was smaller than the wingspan of a boeing 757.

5. Black boxes are meant to resist just about everything: in fact an impact of 3400 G's, in comparison, astronauts experience 6 Gs during take off. The plane that hit in Penn. was going around 500 m/h and which would create an impact far under 3400 G's... ALL 8 of the black boxes simply dissappeared

6. Not one body remain was found. Body remains are always found.

7. The chances of 3 cell phones to go through on a plane is about 1/1000. the chances of 13 cell phone calls going through is next to impossible.

8. The south tower was the second tower hit. most of the fuel and burning took place OUTSIDE the building, in fact the plane didn't hit any of the supports, and yet this building fell twice as fast as the first tower that was hit.

9. There were reports of the world trade center 7 having bombs going off, covered nicely by CNN.

10. The same people who cleaned up the Oklahoma City Bombing cleaned up this mess also.

11. The concrete went to tiny dust particles for no apparent reason, not only that, but there were no large peices of steel remaining from the fall.

12. "Romero is a former director of the Energetic Materials Research and Testing Center at Tech, which studies explosive materials and the effects of explosions on buildings, aircraft and other structures.....Romero said the collapse of the structures resembled those of controlled implosions used to demolish old structures.

"It would be difficult for something from the plane to trigger an event like that," Romero said in a phone interview from Washington, D.C."...But Romero recanted ten days later and admitted the whole thing was perfectly natural and unsurprising. I wonder what happened in those ten days to make him so smart on the subject so quickly." (J. McMichael)

13. When planes hit buildings, their wings fall off, however in videos, the planes seem to go strait through the building.


14. The plane which hit the pentagon and the plane which hit the world trade center were carrying relatively the same amount of fuel, yet there was barely an explosion at the pentagon.

15. Seismographs in other cities measured the impacts and the fall of the buildings. The second impact had a smaller measurement than the first, however it had a larger explosion. The first impact, which had a smaller explosion had the largest marking. Not only that, but the buildings falling were insignificant on the seismograph in comparison to the impacts.




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1. steel melts at 2600 degrees Celcius, the hottest the fire in the world trade centers could have reached was 800 degrees Celcius, and for an amount of time shorter than ten minutes.

True, but steel loses roughly half of it's structural integrity by 600 degrees. Heat up a bit of metal in a fire (nowhere near 2600 degrees) and see how soft it becomes

3. Both buildings were hit with a 20 level difference in floors, were hit in different areas and yet they both fell the same exact way. In order for the buildings to fall this way, the bolts would all have to give way on one floor at the same time.

The thing that caused both buildings to fall (gravity) works in exactly the same way, regardless of the building). Besides, bolts don't have to give way, things can bend and shear in many different ways, but once the bulding starts to collapse in any way, gravity takes over and that baby is coming down regardless

7. The chances of 3 cell phones to go through on a plane is about 1/1000. the chances of 13 cell phone calls going through is next to impossible.

Only two of the calls were made using cell phones. The rest were using the onboard phones of the plane, which are designed to work perfectly from a plane. Besides, it has been shown that using a cell phone on a plane has a 75% success rate at 2000 feet, 25% at 4000 feet, and 17-18% at 6-8000 feet. Carnegie-Meillon also discovered that 1-4 cell phone calls are made ON AN AVERAGE PASSENGER FLIGHT.

8. The south tower was the second tower hit. most of the fuel and burning took place OUTSIDE the building, in fact the plane didn't hit any of the supports, and yet this building fell twice as fast as the first tower that was hit.

The south tower was also hit lower. Thus, there was a greater mass of building above it pressing down.

9. There were reports of the world trade center 7 having bombs going off, covered nicely by CNN.

There were reports of weapons of mass destructing in Iraq. Woops

10. The same people who cleaned up the Oklahoma City Bombing cleaned up this mess also.

And I bet they are the same people who helped clean up Hurricane Katrina. FEMA is a federal emergency and disaster management agency.

11. The concrete went to tiny dust particles for no apparent reason, not only that, but there were no large peices of steel remaining from the fall.

Concrete suffers from something known as brittle failure. When it shatters, it shatters. The building framework was constructed out of trusses which means lots of little bits of steel, supported by big long ones. Big long ones snap into smaller ones.

In short, steel snaps, concrete shatters

14. The plane which hit the pentagon and the plane which hit the world trade center were carrying relatively the same amount of fuel, yet there was barely an explosion at the pentagon.

The plane at the Pentagon also hit the ground. The WTC planes had large volumes of air for explosive gases to expand into, giving the impression of a large "explosion". In reality, it wasn't an explosion, just a very fast combustion of the fuel on board

Thats what I can remember off the top of my head, pretty sure the other points can and have been rebutted too.

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some fool said that only people who dont believe the war on iraq is justified make up these conspiracy theories,but i know its you fukin pieces of **** that have racism flowing through your spineless bodies that are so one track minded, even if you were given evidence ie footage of pentagon impact not just flashes of it ,you would still deny it thats how stubborn you racists and bush supporters are .If you cant see that this was to give bush the go ahead on the war on oil then your in a coma

Edited by gengo
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Five sample photos, absolutely eloquent, coming directly from the photographic archive of the US Department of Defense ("dod" = "Department of Defense"):













Edited by Alberto Michelatti
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Havn't read past the first page... but... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

This is up there with the moonlanding conspiracy! Just like how ppl say it cant be real cause the flag is flapping. Solar wind ppl! If it was in a studio it would flap either!

How did the government make all the ppl disappear when they should have been on the plane in pennsylvannia?! When half of them made cell phone calls that came from the towers surrounding the area!

Also ppls bodies were found in the crash. Black boxs are often not found when the plane crashes on land... its not unusual champ.

And if america was going to kick its own *****, they would not use military targets. Now would they crash a plane to make the terrorist look stupid. You would want them to look as dangerous as possible, not bumbling fools!

The US had plenty of human rights reasons to invade IRAQ and afganistan. They would have no need to invent reasons... Another point, the only explanation i have ever heard for the oil thing is, "Cause bush wants the oil!" BAHA! he hasn't gotten his hands on a drop the whole time thet have helped clear out this substandard excuses for humans (im refering to the terrorist not the citizens)

Who ever wrote this needs **** girlfriend

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