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CD read issue


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Howdy Parnters

Recently I bought Daft Punk's 'Alive' CD. Great stuff. However here is what happened in a specific chronological order:

1. Bought cd, unpacked it and put it in the 'tivo's headunit. It spat it out.

2. Put it back in. It took it and started playing.

3. I go to put it in my PC when I get home. Won't read it.

4. When I'm working out the other day, I put the CD in my stereo in the garage. Won't read it.

It only works in the Sportivo.

WTF much? Any help is great, as it has my curiosity levels going crazy.


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Howdy Parnters

Recently I bought Daft Punk's 'Alive' CD. Great stuff. However here is what happened in a specific chronological order:

1. Bought cd, unpacked it and put it in the 'tivo's headunit. It spat it out.

2. Put it back in. It took it and started playing.

3. I go to put it in my PC when I get home. Won't read it.

4. When I'm working out the other day, I put the CD in my stereo in the garage. Won't read it.

It only works in the Sportivo.

WTF much? Any help is great, as it has my curiosity levels going crazy.


i have seen this before and the only thing i could resort to in order to fix it was to rip the cd to mp3 and create a new cd using a better quality blank cd .... i think it was one of those TDK music CDR's for like $4 or something ..... then i happily packed the original back into its case.

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Either that or the Sportivo Head Unit is the only machine to actually like the music :P

Haha... touche!

Seriously though, i have had this same problem before. It's similar to region coding...don't ask me why or how. But like DVD's that are region specific, only compatible machines will play it.

Answer? Just as xoom said, burn a copy. You can either copy it, make a 'region' free image of it, or rip each song from it.

However, I also acknowledge that as your computer doesn't like it, you probably won't be able to burn it... What program do you use to rip/store your music library?

Compare results from this with turning the program off and using plain old 'my computer'/explorer...

Ironically enough, really expensive equipment seems to do this moreso than el cheapo gear. A $40 'Tevion' you can get from Go-Lo or Aldi reads more stuff than my Dad's expensive Yamaha...

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