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Low fuel consumption?


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Hi everyone,

First of all, I'm not sure if this has already been answered or not. I tried searching but i couldn't find anything specific to my question. So i apologise if it's already been answered.

But let me get down to it...

In December i bought a '07 Aurion Sportivo sx6. So far its been pretty good, no major problems (beside the 'clicking' noise with the VVT-i which seems pretty common as others have stated on this forum).

My question relates to the fuel economy, or rather reported fuel economy. The gauge constantly reports 8.4-8.5l/100km. Obviously thats is very good, but i'm starting to think it maybe too good.

I do about 80% of my driving to and from work, which is pretty much in bumper to bumper traffic for most of the trip. I have however tested it on highway driving also, and find it hardly (if at all) goes higher than the 8.5l/100km reading. Granted, i generally take it easy and don't really 'thrash' it around, as the traffic kind of prohibits that.

I guess I am just checking if, I should be worried about the low reading (IE. something is wrong under the hood), or I should just shut up and enjoy the low fuel usage.

Any help is appreciated.

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Hi, Have you tried the traditional method if starting with a full tank, drive until almost empty, fill up (take note of amount of petrol pumped in and distance travelled since last pump) and calculate the consumption.

Personally, I find that when i drive within suburbs the car does about 10.5 l/100km. On the highway, it does much better at 8.3 l/100km.

Let us know what you get. Seems like you might have the most economical Aurion around!


Hi everyone,

First of all, I'm not sure if this has already been answered or not. I tried searching but i couldn't find anything specific to my question. So i apologise if it's already been answered.

But let me get down to it...

In December i bought a '07 Aurion Sportivo sx6. So far its been pretty good, no major problems (beside the 'clicking' noise with the VVT-i which seems pretty common as others have stated on this forum).

My question relates to the fuel economy, or rather reported fuel economy. The gauge constantly reports 8.4-8.5l/100km. Obviously thats is very good, but i'm starting to think it maybe too good.

I do about 80% of my driving to and from work, which is pretty much in bumper to bumper traffic for most of the trip. I have however tested it on highway driving also, and find it hardly (if at all) goes higher than the 8.5l/100km reading. Granted, i generally take it easy and don't really 'thrash' it around, as the traffic kind of prohibits that.

I guess I am just checking if, I should be worried about the low reading (IE. something is wrong under the hood), or I should just shut up and enjoy the low fuel usage.

Any help is appreciated.

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I have had my Prodigy for 3 months and have done 8,000 klms. I only get to 8.5Lt/100klm on the highway. Around the city in traffic it is abot 12Lt/100klm. I have kept manual statistics on consumption the whole time and find the reading is always better (lower) by about 0.2 which is reasonably acurate.

I would say your consitent 8.5 figure is questionable!!!! You would be getting over 750 klms out of a tank, does that sound right?

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I have had my Prodigy for 3 months and have done 8,000 klms. I only get to 8.5Lt/100klm on the highway. Around the city in traffic it is abot 12Lt/100klm. I have kept manual statistics on consumption the whole time and find the reading is always better (lower) by about 0.2 which is reasonably acurate.

I would say your consitent 8.5 figure is questionable!!!! You would be getting over 750 klms out of a tank, does that sound right?

No that is a bit high. I filled up with 60 litres last Thursday (had about 10 litres remaining), and the remaining kilometers stated around 650 as it usually does on a full tank.

The 8.5l/100km seems fine for the highway as you said, but with the city driving it is still staying ~ 8.5l.

I did drive it a few nights ago for a test (with sports mode), and i did manage to get it to around 10.5l/100. But that was with a bit of a heavy foot.

But i will drive it home today, which is around 40Km's, 50% city, 50% highway driving, and it will not rise about 8.5 for the whole trip, i can guarantee.

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The 8.5l/100km seems fine for the highway as you said, but with the city driving it is still staying ~ 8.5l.

I did drive it a few nights ago for a test (with sports mode), and i did manage to get it to around 10.5l/100. But that was with a bit of a heavy foot.

But i will drive it home today, which is around 40Km's, 50% city, 50% highway driving, and it will not rise about 8.5 for the whole trip, i can guarantee.

:blink::blink: :o you must have an interesting driving style!

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I like to think i have a normal driving style. I'm just cautious. I rarely get up it, seeing as though its still new.

As long as someone can tell me its nothing to worry about, I'll be happy. If it's working, it's working, right?

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How do you measure or get the figure?

I have aurion touring, when I check the average fuel consumption, at the moment around 11.2l/100 for half a tank (it drop from 12.2l at full tank).

is this normal or I should wait until almost 600km driving then see the average fuel figure?

So far I only fill it once (still a new car) with unleaded petrol.

I cannot get figure less than 11l/100km so far, eventhough on the freeway 100km driving for 20mins.

should I wait after a few refill? or something wrong with the computer?

I drive normally, city and a bit of freeway but city driving normally only for 20mins to point B, 20 mins to point A on the weekdays. A couple of freeway driving for 60 mins in total.

Edit: I normally turn on the AC for 2 bars at 22degrees.

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How do you measure or get the figure?

I have aurion touring, when I check the average fuel consumption, at the moment around 11.2l/100 for half a tank (it drop from 12.2l at full tank).

is this normal or I should wait until almost 600km driving then see the average fuel figure?

So far I only fill it once (still a new car) with unleaded petrol.

I cannot get figure less than 11l/100km so far, eventhough on the freeway 100km driving for 20mins.

should I wait after a few refill? or something wrong with the computer?

I drive normally, city and a bit of freeway but city driving normally only for 20mins to point B, 20 mins to point A on the weekdays. A couple of freeway driving for 60 mins in total.

Edit: I normally turn on the AC for 2 bars at 22degrees.

To calculate fuel consumption manually, (1) Fill your tank then zero set your trip meter. (2) Drive about 500 klm or until the low fuel warning light comes on.

(3) Fill your tank again and note how many litres used and check your trip meter how many klms travelled.

Example: 56 litres and 520 klms

Calculate as follows, 56lit divided by 520 klms multiply by 100 = 10.76lt/100klm

If you only use 48 litres and travel 520 klms

48lit divided by 520 klms multiply 100 = 9.32lt/100klm

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Example: 56 litres and 520 klms

Calculate as follows, 56lit divided by 520 klms multiply by 100 = 10.76lt/100klm

If you only use 48 litres and travel 520 klms

48lit divided by 520 klms multiply 100 = 9.32lt/100klm

Thanks again Julian, I thought it is based on the fuel average on the computer because it is normally shows above 11l/km.

I already note the trip A and I will calculate it later.

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Well i was right. It's completely screwed. i drove home without it getting above 8.4l/100. And i flogged it as much as i could.

Maybe resetting the ECU will help, failing that, looks like its a trip to Toyota.

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Well i was right. It's completely screwed. i drove home without it getting above 8.4l/100. And i flogged it as much as i could.

Maybe resetting the ECU will help, failing that, looks like its a trip to Toyota.

Looks like you have a problem there. I too find that the computer is within 0.2 Ltr/100km of the actual figure. I calculate my fuel consumption everytime I fill up (old habit). On bumper to bumper traffic I'd get 11-12Ltr/100km, for highway you can get around the low 8s or even high 7s.

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Well i was right. It's completely screwed. i drove home without it getting above 8.4l/100. And i flogged it as much as i could.

You can't rely on those test results unless you refilled just prior to the test. Remember that the ECU will average out the consumption since last refill. So if you were driving Miss Daisy :P for 95% of the kms since last fill, it will skew your results where you are trying to get the figure up high during aggressive driving. For example, if you drove 300 kms with an average consumption of 8L/100kms, and then drove 15kms at 14L/100kms, the overall average might be 8.4 L/100 ? (I haven't done any maths here, so it might be different, but you get the point).

If you had refilled just prior to flogging it, then you have a problem. :blink: Try calculating it manually as suggested in one of the previous posts, and see how that compares with the figure ECU gives you. Then take those to the dealer and point out the large variance.

I refilled today after 535kms with 56L. That results in a consumption of 10.46L per 100kms. This was all round driving, some freeway/highway, some 80kms zones, some 60 with traffic & lights, and some sports-mode flogging. Now if only I had remembered to also look at the car's calculated average consumption figure I could have added more value to this thread... :blink:

After refilling (with Shell Unleaded-95) I did some freeway driving and the car was showing a consumption of 7.0. After hitting city traffic, it averaged out to 10.0.

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hm...probably something wrong with my car or it is still new??

this is my second time I refuel the car. based on the km driven, I drove 470km with 59 litres so around 12.5;/100km but the average fuel always above 11litres or around 11.5 average.

I never get below 11litres even drove for 100km in freeway to the airport for 20mins and the rest mostly 80km still above 11l. I checked it twice drove to the airport back and forth and a week later the same thing above 11l.

I am expecting less than 11l or 10l should be good but mostly the rest of the days my wife drove between 60-80km for 20mins each way for 2 weeks.

Do I need to mentioned this in my first service? Do I need to worry or is it normal?

I didn't check the first time but I still continue checking for this third time.

Furthermore, can you confirm if I fill it with unleaded 95, it will goes further? how far further compare to normal 91 unleaded? or Is it worth it?

I guess, I can test myself but just want to know for those people who tried already.


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When I picked up my new car from the dealer I had a 20min freeway ride home. Consumption was ~7.0, so just because it's new is not an excuse for high consumption. Personally I would do some calculations to see if the car is calculating incorrectly (electronics problem), or whether the car is indeed burning fuel at a higher rate.

In terms of different fuels, yes, the higher octane fuels will take you further (car doesn't need to burn as much to get equivalent power output). The 95 fuel has a 6.7% higher octane than standard unleaded 89 fuel. Don't know whether the distance travelled is linear with the octane, there are too many variables at play to accurately determine whether it will drive you exactly 6.7% further - but I'm pretty sure that it will drive you somewhat further. You'd need almost lab conditions to have results with sufficient accuracy on whether the extra cost is worth it... or whether you're paying more for that extra distance than the cost of normal fuel.

I find that the higher octane gets me further and feels better (but was more noticeable in my older car than the new car), but exactly how much further it gets me I don't know.

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No its not linier, many people fine that the 100 octane doesnt give you more distance than the standard 98. different quality fuels also affect the consumption rate. Im my case I find the 98 vortex feels much better and get better economy than the shell vpower racing. Any higher the octane and the fuel burns too slow and car will suffer.

Its all in the case of diminishing returns.

In regards to going from normal unleaded to the premiums, looking at it the price you pay extra nulls the extra distance, but with shell etc they claim to add cleansing additives so if you looking also at a maintenance point of view then perhaps its worth the extra cents.

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hm...probably something wrong with my car or it is still new??

this is my second time I refuel the car. based on the km driven, I drove 470km with 59 litres so around 12.5;/100km but the average fuel always above 11litres or around 11.5 average.

I never get below 11litres even drove for 100km in freeway to the airport for 20mins and the rest mostly 80km still above 11l. I checked it twice drove to the airport back and forth and a week later the same thing above 11l.

I am expecting less than 11l or 10l should be good but mostly the rest of the days my wife drove between 60-80km for 20mins each way for 2 weeks.

Do I need to mentioned this in my first service? Do I need to worry or is it normal?

I didn't check the first time but I still continue checking for this third time.

Furthermore, can you confirm if I fill it with unleaded 95, it will goes further? how far further compare to normal 91 unleaded? or Is it worth it?

I guess, I can test myself but just want to know for those people who tried already.


Don't feel you are alone.

Check out my thread. http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/inde...showtopic=13102

Our Aurion is still not doing too well on the economy.

I have had it checked at the dealership and they said they did a check and ? ECU reset and said for me to see how it went.

Since then I have done a freeway run of about 250km which got me figures of 8.6 L /100km. So I think my car is capable of good economy. However around the city we mostly get 14-15L/100km.

I've had various people tell me either there is something wrong with my car, to I'm foolish to expect fuel consumption anywhere near 9.9 as quoted on the sticker for a 6 cylinder car.

Somebody mentioned about taking their car to a dealership and finding out one of the spark plugs was dead and maybe this was causing poor economy. I would have expected Toyota to find this if they had connected the car up to the diagnostics system.

My current feeling is that people's weekly driving habits probably differ quite significantly and even if you live in the city, if you spend a lot of the time on motorways, perhaps your economy will be better. We drive mostly suburban and rarely motorway or freeway, 20 min trip x2 per day in normal moving traffic.

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I've had various people tell me either there is something wrong with my car, to I'm foolish to expect fuel consumption anywhere near 9.9 as quoted on the sticker for a 6 cylinder car. ....

The sticker uses AS something to calculate that number. Toyota must meet that standard to be able to stick that sictker. If you could run on a flat road, not windy, ...plus at around 60km/h you make be able get better than 9.9l. I believe all of us will never get close to that number.


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On the weekend, I drove mostly 70-80km for 30mins, the average fuel on the display show drop from 11 something to 10.4l.

Then stop for a picnic with engine off and then drove similar speed and stop to buy groceries while I was waiting inside the car with the engine still ON (because my baby was sleeping) and I saw the display going up slowly from 10.4 to 12.6 and when I drove back it will crawl slowly but still end up arrive at home 11.5l.

Oh man...I think we need to drive more than 30mins with average speed of 70km and it will shows the average fuel consumption going closer to 10l.


so I am guessing if we just drive for 20minsx2 per day, we still end up 11l something because that what my wife normally drive on the weekdays.

On the good side compare to my friend's honda crv (2 months old), he also got 12l with similar driving pattern so 2.4 engine compare to our aurion 3.5 v6 engine about the same fuel consumption so I guess we should be happy with Toyota engine fuel consumption :toast:

Edit: but I will check why when we on idle with engine on, the fuel shows going up. Is this because we burning more fuel?

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Edit: but I will check why when we on idle with engine on, the fuel shows going up. Is this because we burning more fuel?

Well, you are not moving anywhere and your engine is running then obviously...

Just to note to all on your next service, just ask Toyota to do a diagnostic check on the engine, it should be covered in your 120 buck bill and or part of warranty.

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Edit: but I will check why when we on idle with engine on, the fuel shows going up. Is this because we burning more fuel?

Simple. The calculation for average consumption is Fuel Consumed divided by KMs Travelled. This gives you Litres/KM. You multiply by 100 to get Litres/100Kms. When standing still with engine running, the Fuel Consumed increases but the distance dravelled doesn't. Therefore the result for the equation will increase all the time until you get moving again.

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My current feeling is that people's weekly driving habits probably differ quite significantly and even if you live in the city, if you spend a lot of the time on motorways, perhaps your economy will be better. We drive mostly suburban and rarely motorway or freeway, 20 min trip x2 per day in normal moving traffic.

Yes, driving style is a big contributor. For exampke, if you like to tail gate your consumption is likely to be higher than someone who leaves a larger distance to the car in front. That's because with a larger distance you can at times avoid unnecessary braking (and consequently accelerating). If you tail gate, you may have to drive more aggressively (hence higher consumption) to keep the distance to a minimum.

... I don't want to hear about any "slip streaming" effect reducing drag and saving fuel (unless you're doing Nascar driving and tail gate by 1-2 inches) :D

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My current feeling is that people's weekly driving habits probably differ quite significantly and even if you live in the city, if you spend a lot of the time on motorways, perhaps your economy will be better. We drive mostly suburban and rarely motorway or freeway, 20 min trip x2 per day in normal moving traffic.

Yes, driving style is a big contributor. For exampke, if you like to tail gate your consumption is likely to be higher than someone who leaves a larger distance to the car in front. That's because with a larger distance you can at times avoid unnecessary braking (and consequently accelerating). If you tail gate, you may have to drive more aggressively (hence higher consumption) to keep the distance to a minimum.

... I don't want to hear about any "slip streaming" effect reducing drag and saving fuel (unless you're doing Nascar driving and tail gate by 1-2 inches) :D

Lol i slip stream all the time gotta make use of all that -.000001% drag factor, j/k.

Another thing, not sure how well the Aurion Gbox will handle it, is to slip it to Neutral down hills and on red lights, you'll save more petrol again...

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I've had various people tell me either there is something wrong with my car, to I'm foolish to expect fuel consumption anywhere near 9.9 as quoted on the sticker for a 6 cylinder car. ....

The sticker uses AS something to calculate that number. Toyota must meet that standard to be able to stick that sictker. If you could run on a flat road, not windy, ...plus at around 60km/h you make be able get better than 9.9l. I believe all of us will never get close to that number.


I've had my Aurion Touring for a good few months now, and driving around in busy traffic in peak hour, I can usually get about 11L/110k, although complete jams it obviously goes higher (as any car will).

When I drive around the suburbs though, usually the economy will improve to about 8.6L/100k, and on freeways I've had it down at 6L/100k before. For a 6 cyl engine, the Aurions do extremely well! I run off United Plus 95 Ethanol typically, and I've never had a problem with it before. I find that typically just after I fill up the car with fuel it may be as high as about 65L/100k (or so it thinks!), but that will quickly stabilise at about 11 and below soon after. Anything lower than that in city driving has got to be a mistake...

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.... Anything lower than that in city driving has got to be a mistake...

Sorry, I'd like to make a bit clearer: not 60km/h in the city, 60km/h on the open road highway/freeway - all AS tests use a set of special rules and on pen road driving from 60km/h to 90km/h (depending on millions of other factors) can imrpove fuel consumption a lot.


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