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Car alarm goes off randomly HELP ME!!!


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hi :D

I own a 2003 Camry Ateva, recently the car alarm goes off randomly i mean once in few hours. I check with the machanics, they couldn t locate where the problem is, and ask me to bring it to TOYOTA dealer to fix it up. I need my car for work everyday. so i have to disconnect the battry everytime i went home. nd put it back on when i leave. i m so sick of doing dis :( . is there anyone can help me with that? or point out the problem?

cheers :)

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Sorry I can't help but i have an unusual electrical issue with my 03 Camry too... think there is something with the electrics on this model year on a number of cars... you could always leave it unlocked until it's sorted?

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Is it one of those Siren Alarms or Beeping Alarms?

If its the Siren ones u can just lock it with the Key for now.

Have any of the fuses been blowing?

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More than likely one of the door switches is playing up. Its become fairly common for ACV/MCV36 series camrys to have alarm or centrel locking issues caused by faulty door switches.

Try parking in a more secure location where people won't be constantly trying to break into your car.

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Hi guys, Im not sure about the 36series Camry but there is a issue on a few ACV40 and GSV40's where the sensor under the Bonnet has been screwed down to tight, gets damaged which affects how it works and ofcourse in these cars randomly makes them go off. :0

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