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Big announcement ...

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I just spotted over on Mitsubishi's website, the new name for the Magna replacement.

Its gonna be called the Mitsubishi 380, taken from the new car's 3.8 litre V6.

Maybe they should have stuck with Galant. Oh well, at least if they get a bad rep with this car, they can stroke the motor and call it a 390, and no-one will twig that its just a cheap ploy to change buyer sentiment! :P

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lol..... but i thought the magna was only just starting to become successful so i wonder why they are canning it ?

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The final three names included Galant, which was rejected because in Australia it was associated with a smaller vehicle than the Magna.

Pfffftttt!!! They obviously didn't market test with anyone who'd ever seen a Galant VR4.

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The final three names included Galant, which was rejected because in Australia it was associated with a smaller vehicle than the Magna.

Pfffftttt!!! They obviously didn't market test with anyone who'd ever seen a Galant VR4.

As good as the VR4 was and still is, I can see their point ... if Toyota did a new big V6 and called it Corolla, people would be much confused.

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Cars evolve over time - people should get used to it. Have a look at Lasers, Corollas, whatever, they all tend to grow in size. I know my car now is bigger than an AE86, which is bigger than my first KE20 Corolla....

This sticks in my craw, because I would buy a 'Galant', but the name Mitsubishi 380 makes me think of the Holden 3.8L V6 for some reason.

Oh, and I thought the secret plans from Japan were for a future V6 4wd Corolla.....

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Oh, and I thought the secret plans from Japan were for a future V6 4wd Corolla.....

Where do i pre order ??????? Put me down for 2 :D :P ;) :D :P ;)

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