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Lap of Chappel St.

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Last nite went to a mates places, we got bored so we decided to do a lap of Chapel Street. Havent been there in a few years, just thought i'd go and check out the local "birdlife" and see if the stivo got any attention. Anyhow it took an hour and a half to do a lap and back, thats how chockers it was. Didnt see any other stivos around, it was all skylines, rexes, and hondas galore. I felt kinda intimidated by all the big turbo's with kits etc, so i gave myself a few metres from the car in front :D , dropped the clutch at 5grand, and lets just say when i hit lift, the whole street echoed, just to let them know i was in town. Even a few guys in their rexes were impressed by the sound and i got a few looks of envy from your typical lancer drivers :D. Alot of people were checking out the car, maybe coz there arent too many in the area, best of all i even got the a long stare from two gorgeous blondes in a convertible CLK. That might not sound like a big thing, but if any of you guys havent been down chappel before, the chicks are the snobbiest ive ever seen. I wouldnt mind a cruise down there one night a few stivos in a row, that would even get the attention of the local cop patrols :D . Anyone encounter similar experiences?

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Yes, i got a lot of those moments. Here's some

1) A girl stop next to me and ask, what car r u drving. I said, its a corolla. Then she said, I never seen one like that before...(mmm?)

2) Two blokes passed me by different direction on toorak road, they're driving a corolla too. I stop at red light, all of a sudden they are next to my car staring down (since my car is exactly 1 side mirrors lowered). My friend told me this.

3) I went to bunning warehouse to buy some lamps. When i went back to my car after purchasing some bulbs for my house, a couple was looking at my car up close and personal. So i just pressed my alarm button. Beep Beep!

4) Went to Toyota dealer at Glen waverley, accompanying my lady friend. Park my car and went looking for a car which suits her. go back to my car, and it was crowded by the salesmen. HI GUYS!

5) Went to petrol station, fill some liquid for me and for the levin. The counter ask what car is that, I said its a Corolla. He said, WHAT?? It didn't look like one. (MMmm?)

However, there are two moments where sportivos trying to drag me. Dammit, i was just trying to have a quiet drive.

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1.people ask where i go the idea for the colour of my body kit

2. Like Danz said i took it to my dealer i bought it from and showed them all the mods you should have seen their faces - they said we should bring them out like this

3. Had a heap of people asking if the sportivo is turbo and my response is - its stock hahaha :D

4. Drove against an evo and wrx even though i didnt win (only lost but not even half a car length), both drivers got to the next set of lights and commented on the amount of power the car was pumping out.

5.Actaully had a coppa pull me up for a random test and was he was quite impressed by the way the car looked , though he said that i better change my lights seeing they were so bright - do you think i did :lol:

See the trick is badge the car so that they think it is the standard 1.8l 100kw corolla and when you take off from the lights and flat stick it they come up to you at the next set of lights and say - what the f*&K you running under that.

My one and only response to that is the car is - STOCK and keep it that way dont want people knowing to much :P

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Yeah, i think the colour black at night shines really good, i mean my car waz soo dirty that night i could have written my mobile number on the side :lol: , but it still shined. Lift sounds really really good on that street, i know blow off valvles sound great, but lift roars, it scares people. I took off the VVTi-L stickers off the sides, but you can still see the sportivo badges on the skirt.

Hey Danz you pimpas# daddy, i remember the first time i saw your wheels i thought you had 18's on the car. I take it the girl you mentioned in point 1, became the friend in point 4 :P :P

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4. Drove against an evo and wrx even though i didnt win (only lost but not even half a car length), both drivers got to the next set of lights and commented on the amount of power the car was pumping out.

Dude, no way a "stivo" is gunna stay that close to a wrx or an evo. They either weren't racing, were toying with you or were complete retards who couldn't drive :rolleyes:

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It's nobody's thing, but everyone seems to have been there on a sat nite. It was weird how a normal car with a normal family looked so out of place at that time. Dont get me wrong, theres better things to do with your sat nites, but i havent been there in years, and never taken my car there before. Nothing's changed, same old S##T, chicks with attitide and plenty of Habibs pretending they drive a cab :lol:

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Heh my mate and I did up Mini's, we put the loudest exhausts you could imagine and lumpy cams in so they sounded like rotory engined cars, then we used to simply go to where these guys hung out with the RX7's and the turbos and we sat there with out cars idling, lumping over the number of idiots that were asking "Sick man, what you got in that?? 12a? 13b??, silly silly boys, we did get a good laugh out of it though :). Everything about the mini's was parody, they were all show no go, they went ok but they were just 1.1 litre cars with the phat stereo, the shiny paint, the stupid amount of lowering and the big ***** body kit LOL. Had me some real fun in that thing :).

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i gave myself a few metres from the car in front :D , dropped the clutch at 5grand, and lets just say when i hit lift, the whole street echoed, just to let them know i was in town.

So let me get this right - are you saying you did a 5K burnout, and kept it going into lift? Or did you drop the clutch at 5K, get grip and keep accelerating into lift, in the space of a few metres?

If the former, that would have been some tyre-smoker....

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