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What Would You Do If Someone Scrached or Marked Your Car?

Stratos Kay

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Well I had my Girlfriend and Autistic brother in the car with me... Along with the dash-cam and the damage on my car and his, he couldn't deny that he hit me...
This was the damage to both cars:

If you notice the small scratch at the rear of my wheel arch, that was damage that was already on the car when I bought it. They fixed it too :P


Edited by rentaspace
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People just dont get it.

Had a lady rest her rear drivers door against my passenger door with no hesitation whilst I was in sitting in my car. First I thought it was an accident and that she would immediately tend to it but she continued to put her bags in with the sound of her door intermittently making contact with my car.

I was ******. Accidents are ok, we've all been guilty of making contact with another car, but she had no intention to avoid contact.

I finally got out and stood around the front of the cars and ask if she thinks it will buff out. She looked at me, and looked my door, at me and at her door. She responded, 'it's not even touching..', just as she said that her bags fell out hitting her door resulting in a domino effect of her door hitting my car really hard All of a sudden I hear, 'WHAT THE F**K!!??' -- and at this point I'm thinking *Jeebus fking christ, I've approached the wrong woman* . Turns out to be the womans partner.. anyway, the guy was really apologetic and empathetic. He owned a R32GTR and cant stand it this type of stuff. We stood there talking about my Supra (2JZGTE) and his GTR for a good 20minutes and he gave me his details and $300 for the initial costs to repair...

Ended up costing much less and I gave him the change.

i totally agree with everything you have stated here & thanks for the laugh ;) i am not quite sure if i am just a little paranoid or i was Just born little Crazy :spiteful: but when i am sitting in the Car & somebody proceeds to open their Car door while i am sitting there my head turns in an instant ;) & i make Sure that there is no Contact or any sought of Contact, i am sure you will agree we just can't let people get away with it any longer, for too long this has been happening & we must get the message out loud & clear stating don't touch or You will feel my touch :spiteful: it doesn't matter where you Park under neath or outside in this Crazy Mixed up World our Beloved Cars are no longer Safe no matter where we park it, it gets me all fired up when i start to hear stories like this, they may not give a sh*t about their rent a bomb ;) but we do. i used to work in a Motel & that was when i was owning the V8 Commodore & would you believe it was about once a Year that i had to make a Claim to AAMI saying my Tiger's been hit in the Car Park & with me not in it that was so frustrating, people are becoming too much Careless is why Today we Must get a Dash Cam or what ever you like to Call it so that we can Protect our Pride & Joy enough is enough there is so much we can only take & it may seem like only a Scratch to them but to us it Pierces our hearts. it's funny when we get ****** we really get ****** :spiteful: well if you feel the way i do my Car is now apart of me OK i guess we can't wrap it up in bubble wrap all the time it would cost a fortune that Bubble Wrap isn't Cheap you know ;)

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AUTO STICKER but does it really work.?? how long will the Sticker Stick :g:

How would it last against weather?

For instance:

Where my house is, my car gets direct sunlight on it in the mid-late afternoon, will this UV and heat destroy the sticker? and will the adhesive cause further long-term damage?

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AUTO STICKER but does it really work.?? how long will the Sticker Stick :g:

How would it last against weather?

For instance:

Where my house is, my car gets direct sunlight on it in the mid-late afternoon, will this UV and heat destroy the sticker? and will the adhesive cause further long-term damage?

this to me is only a short term fix & there is no amount of stickers that are going to make those scratches & dents just disappear, Yes the weather is so much unpredictable, i not think the adhesive will cause any more damage as you can see it is easily applied & i bet you could easily pull it off ;) i have a magic pen in my Glove box ;) but hoping sometime down the track that somebody does come up with an idea to cover up those unwanted Scratches, sadly when they gave me a sample pot of my Voo doo Blue it is a lot darker is why i choose not to use it. this is Just a short term fix. just remember that.!!

Edited by Sonia
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I would be worried about the adhesive, especially if it is some cheap product. Many adhesives can have acids or bases in the ingredients, and as we all should know, mix that with a scratch (say for instance through the paint), *could* lead to rust under the paint, which means that after a touch-up, the rust is there under the paint :/

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Yes i too would be a little worried about the adhesive but as i had said prior is really only a short term fix, also i forgot to mention the stickers come in a range of colors so that you can have the exact color for your Car. lead to rust.?? ahemm i would think so as you have already damage under neath the sticker & to Just Cover it up & hope it will just disappear is mixing with your head :spiteful: if you want my honest opinion when it comes to Scratches there is no quick fix, i have a motto if you don't do it right the first time than what's the point :g:

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This is more of a "D-head driver on the road" video... but driving home tonight and I am almost side swipped leaving my girlfriends house... I was literally 30cm from driving off the road to avoid this guy...


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Ok,2 weeks ago me and my gf decided to go watch a movie at stockland mall weatherill park. We parked her yaris and went to watch the movie,when the movie was over and we went back to the car, the side door didn't look right. I went to have a closer look only to find out some doosh bag keyed the rear door all the way to the guard. What made it worse was it was both side of the car and the front bar.

Like common it's a standard yaris,not a Ferrari or what's so ever.

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Saw a woman today in Menai Carpark, too lazy to take her trolly over the opposite side of the lane to put it in the bay and instead tried to wiggle it between her late 90's commonwhore, and a BMW.
She hit the BMW x4 times in the door with the trolley, then walked straight into it's mirror...
Then to my horror, she started walking past my car with it, and I cleared my throat loudly to make my presence known, as soon as I did that, she had full control over the trolley and it wasn't near my car the whole way through... (The gap was even smaller than the BMW)
I noted her number plate and got some photos with my phone as she opened her door into the recent model WRX on the other side, and reversed out. I put note on the BMW and the WRX with my email address and her number plate, since she had left x4 decent dents in the door, scratched the paint on the mirror and bent it completely backwards and put a further dent in the WRX.
Both people emailed me and I have sent them photos of the Woman and her car, showing the license plate :)

Hope she gets what's coming to her.

Edited by rentaspace
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This is more of a "D-head driver on the road" video... but driving home tonight and I am almost side swipped leaving my girlfriends house... I was literally 30cm from driving off the road to avoid this guy...

OMG thought i was the only one with music blaring ;) you do know there are many more D - head drivers on the road who will try & test your Patience as i had found out on Monday. at moment here in Cairns there is road works happening & all of that to add to the tension, there are only 2 lanes up ahead open instead of 3, anyway this D- Head left side of me in an Old Ford sedan decided not to Indicate to get in front of me as i was in the next lane but what happened next Shocked me. He Just Pushed his way in & it didn't matter where my car was i had to make room for him. i am not a Racist Person but Being Black does not give you the Right to Push in & nearly Cause an accident, then to my Horror what happened next another Car up ahead wanted to get in front of this D-head Driver & what he did next i couldn't believe he put his foot down Sped up & didn't want this Car to be in front of him. this D- Head was playing Russian roulette & i didn't have my Camera going :( think from now on i better have it recording every time i go out coz you never know when you are going to need the evidence. maybe you should have stayed a little longer at your G'F's house :D next time i log in YT will Subscribe to your Channel & hope you will Sub Back as i have a Video in the Making maybe i will share it here but it has nothing to do with Scratches ;)

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Ok,2 weeks ago me and my gf decided to go watch a movie at stockland mall weatherill park. We parked her yaris and went to watch the movie,when the movie was over and we went back to the car, the side door didn't look right. I went to have a closer look only to find out some doosh bag keyed the rear door all the way to the guard. What made it worse was it was both side of the car and the front bar.

Like common it's a standard yaris,not a Ferrari or what's so ever.

OMG that is Heart Wrenching to say the least. who would be so Evil to key any one's door, but nothing shocks me these days as i seem to find myself losing a Battle trying to keep my Halo Scratch free. i not go to the movies all the time but when i do i try to park it up the top where the Cinema's are & park right in front of the front Doors leading into the Cinema. that way your Car is in full View not to mention i have my Camera Recording ;) people today are so God damn Jealous that they will do just about anything & everything to make you suffer. to me these are Heartless Poor excuses for a Human Being & when my favorite Wheel Caps get stolen that just sets me off as i mean they are only wheel caps but think they want to take much more. You see i am having Painted Mags & think they wanted to take them but found out they can't be taken you need an allen Key & not to mention they are tightly screwed on. so i do feel for you & your G'F & maybe next time you can park it where is going to be in full view of people, but then you only have a Yaris WTF ;)

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Saw a woman today in Menai Carpark, too lazy to take her trolly over the opposite side of the lane to put it in the bay and instead tried to wiggle it between her late 90's commonwhore, and a BMW.

She hit the BMW x4 times in the door with the trolley, then walked straight into it's mirror...

Then to my horror, she started walking past my car with it, and I cleared my throat loudly to make my presence known, as soon as I did that, she had full control over the trolley and it wasn't near my car the whole way through... (The gap was even smaller than the BMW)

I noted her number plate and got some photos with my phone as she opened her door into the recent model WRX on the other side, and reversed out. I put note on the BMW and the WRX with my email address and her number plate, since she had left x4 decent dents in the door, scratched the paint on the mirror and bent it completely backwards and put a further dent in the WRX.

Both people emailed me and I have sent them photos of the Woman and her car, showing the license plate :)

Hope she gets what's coming to her.

hahaha you made me laugh i never heard any one call it a Commonwhore ;) i am guessing she was a Pensioner, i clearly remember when i had my Commonwhore ;) when i was still sitting in the car at the time & these pensioners walked past & to my horror made the Mirror flick back if only i didn't have the window up but i did bang on the window so they knew i was still in there. this is what gets me really fired up listening to these stories & know exactly what you are talking about. as i see people all the time trying to Squeeze there way through cars & wonder why they are doing that & not walking some where else where it is more room. when i park at the shopping center i always park it near a Concrete pillar also i reverse it in every time that way i can drive it out & not to mention my camera is recording lucky for me i am a good reverse driver had plenty of practice ;) Thank God there are People out there like You who will do the right thing & not let these low life's get away with it, they need to pay up that is the only way you are going to stop them. i too Hope she Gets whats's coming to her Keep up the Good work :D

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Actually, she was in her early/mid 30's by the look of it... She just did not give two craps about her, or other peoples cars... You know, until the person was watching the...

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Ok,2 weeks ago me and my gf decided to go watch a movie at stockland mall weatherill park. We parked her yaris and went to watch the movie,when the movie was over and we went back to the car, the side door didn't look right. I went to have a closer look only to find out some doosh bag keyed the rear door all the way to the guard. What made it worse was it was both side of the car and the front bar.

Like common it's a standard yaris,not a Ferrari or what's so ever.

OMG that is Heart Wrenching to say the least. who would be so Evil to key any one's door, but nothing shocks me these days as i seem to find myself losing a Battle trying to keep my Halo Scratch free. i not go to the movies all the time but when i do i try to park it up the top where the Cinema's are & park right in front of the front Doors leading into the Cinema. that way your Car is in full View not to mention i have my Camera Recording ;) people today are so God damn Jealous that they will do just about anything & everything to make you suffer. to me these are Heartless Poor excuses for a Human Being & when my favorite Wheel Caps get stolen that just sets me off as i mean they are only wheel caps but think they want to take much more. You see i am having Painted Mags & think they wanted to take them but found out they can't be taken you need an allen Key & not to mention they are tightly screwed on. so i do feel for you & your G'F & maybe next time you can park it where is going to be in full view of people, but then you only have a Yaris WTF ;)

I can't really pin point who did it.

1.could be kids that hang around the movies

2.low life people

That day it was packed so I had to park it outside where the shopping carpark was.+ 1 on jealous people but I guess there not much you can do unless you end up finding who did it. What kind of camera do you have in the car? Might invest in some.

On a good note lucky I'm a spray painter so I will be preparing everything at home and use my work booth for the final touch.

Only a yaris but that day I was lazy to drive manual so my sportivo didn't come out or else bye bye sportivo.

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Ok,2 weeks ago me and my gf decided to go watch a movie at stockland mall weatherill park. We parked her yaris and went to watch the movie,when the movie was over and we went back to the car, the side door didn't look right. I went to have a closer look only to find out some doosh bag keyed the rear door all the way to the guard. What made it worse was it was both side of the car and the front bar.

Like common it's a standard yaris,not a Ferrari or what's so ever.

OMG that is Heart Wrenching to say the least. who would be so Evil to key any one's door, but nothing shocks me these days as i seem to find myself losing a Battle trying to keep my Halo Scratch free. i not go to the movies all the time but when i do i try to park it up the top where the Cinema's are & park right in front of the front Doors leading into the Cinema. that way your Car is in full View not to mention i have my Camera Recording ;) people today are so God damn Jealous that they will do just about anything & everything to make you suffer. to me these are Heartless Poor excuses for a Human Being & when my favorite Wheel Caps get stolen that just sets me off as i mean they are only wheel caps but think they want to take much more. You see i am having Painted Mags & think they wanted to take them but found out they can't be taken you need an allen Key & not to mention they are tightly screwed on. so i do feel for you & your G'F & maybe next time you can park it where is going to be in full view of people, but then you only have a Yaris WTF ;)

I can't really pin point who did it.

1.could be kids that hang around the movies

2.low life people

That day it was packed so I had to park it outside where the shopping carpark was.+ 1 on jealous people but I guess there not much you can do unless you end up finding who did it. What kind of camera do you have in the car? Might invest in some.

On a good note lucky I'm a spray painter so I will be preparing everything at home and use my work booth for the final touch.

Only a yaris but that day I was lazy to drive manual so my sportivo didn't come out or else bye bye sportivo.

Sadly without a Video Surveillance Camera you are Screwed, Yes Kids will do just about anything & everything these days & especially things that not belong to them. think no 2 you got that right as that is exactly who they are & it's also my saying. Yes there are many Low life's out there who are so God Damn Jealous that it gets me so Cross knowing good every day hard working People are having their Pride & Joys Scratched & what ever else. OMG you are a Spray Painter well than that would definitely come in handy as i can only imagine just how much that would have Cost. i only go to one Spray Painter here in Cairns as they also deal with Toyota & not to mention they do me a deal :spiteful: Sorry about my last Comment i was Only Joking when it comes to any one's Cars being Vandalized i feel the Pain & know exactly what you are feeling even though is only a scratch. Thank God The Sportive Stayed at home or else they would have had a Party :spiteful: even though there are many Security Camera's out there, there is only 1 that i find will do the Job & Keep your Baby safe. now before i forget here is everything you need to know if you are wishing to have that Camera i wouldn't be without it

Dual Camera HD 720P Vehicle DVR

Dual 180° Left-Right Rotatable 120° Ultra Wide Angle Lens

2.7" TFT LCD Screen + SOS Button

IR Remote Control + HDMI & AV Out

Motion Detection & Cycle Recording

One button for night/day mode switching Ebay

When the Engine Start the Camera will turn on Automatically that's if you are having it plugged into the outlet or cigarette lighter place. Sorry for the colored writing i copied & pasted the details up above & now is going a little crazy :spiteful: also with my Halo i had to have the battery wired up so that my Camera will switch on even if the car is not running but you must have the Battery rewired to be able to do that. as i work job of an evening i was finding that the Camera's Battery Life was not lasting the 4 hours or more & now i am all set to go my Camera is always ready no need to Charge. with this type of Camera also many sellers are selling it on E-bay & they are all different prices you will have to take a look so that you can see which one will be the Cheapest. Good Luck hope you get that Camera you won't regret it.

Edited by Sonia
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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok,2 weeks ago me and my gf decided to go watch a movie at stockland mall weatherill park. We parked her yaris and went to watch the movie,when the movie was over and we went back to the car, the side door didn't look right. I went to have a closer look only to find out some doosh bag keyed the rear door all the way to the guard. What made it worse was it was both side of the car and the front bar.

Like common it's a standard yaris,not a Ferrari or what's so ever.

OMG that is Heart Wrenching to say the least. who would be so Evil to key any one's door, but nothing shocks me these days as i seem to find myself losing a Battle trying to keep my Halo Scratch free. i not go to the movies all the time but when i do i try to park it up the top where the Cinema's are & park right in front of the front Doors leading into the Cinema. that way your Car is in full View not to mention i have my Camera Recording ;) people today are so God damn Jealous that they will do just about anything & everything to make you suffer. to me these are Heartless Poor excuses for a Human Being & when my favorite Wheel Caps get stolen that just sets me off as i mean they are only wheel caps but think they want to take much more. You see i am having Painted Mags & think they wanted to take them but found out they can't be taken you need an allen Key & not to mention they are tightly screwed on. so i do feel for you & your G'F & maybe next time you can park it where is going to be in full view of people, but then you only have a Yaris WTF ;)

I can't really pin point who did it.

1.could be kids that hang around the movies

2.low life people

That day it was packed so I had to park it outside where the shopping carpark was.+ 1 on jealous people but I guess there not much you can do unless you end up finding who did it. What kind of camera do you have in the car? Might invest in some.

On a good note lucky I'm a spray painter so I will be preparing everything at home and use my work booth for the final touch.

Only a yaris but that day I was lazy to drive manual so my sportivo didn't come out or else bye bye sportivo.

Sadly without a Video Surveillance Camera you are Screwed, Yes Kids will do just about anything & everything these days & especially things that not belong to them. think no 2 you got that right as that is exactly who they are & it's also my saying. Yes there are many Low life's out there who are so God Damn Jealous that it gets me so Cross knowing good every day hard working People are having their Pride & Joys Scratched & what ever else. OMG you are a Spray Painter well than that would definitely come in handy as i can only imagine just how much that would have Cost. i only go to one Spray Painter here in Cairns as they also deal with Toyota & not to mention they do me a deal :spiteful: Sorry about my last Comment i was Only Joking when it comes to any one's Cars being Vandalized i feel the Pain & know exactly what you are feeling even though is only a scratch. Thank God The Sportive Stayed at home or else they would have had a Party :spiteful: even though there are many Security Camera's out there, there is only 1 that i find will do the Job & Keep your Baby safe. now before i forget here is everything you need to know if you are wishing to have that Camera i wouldn't be without it

Dual Camera HD 720P Vehicle DVRDual 180° Left-Right Rotatable 120° Ultra Wide Angle Lens

2.7" TFT LCD Screen + SOS Button IR Remote Control + HDMI & AV Out

Motion Detection & Cycle Recording

One button for night/day mode switching Ebay

When the Engine Start the Camera will turn on Automatically that's if you are having it plugged into the outlet or cigarette lighter place. Sorry for the colored writing i copied & pasted the details up above & now is going a little crazy :spiteful: also with my Halo i had to have the battery wired up so that my Camera will switch on even if the car is not running but you must have the Battery rewired to be able to do that. as i work job of an evening i was finding that the Camera's Battery Life was not lasting the 4 hours or more & now i am all set to go my Camera is always ready no need to Charge. with this type of Camera also many sellers are selling it on E-bay & they are all different prices you will have to take a look so that you can see which one will be the Cheapest. Good Luck hope you get that Camera you won't regret it.

Hehe all good Sonia. I actually can't wait to start preparing the car,just have to wait abit since I'm using my mates house LOL.

Thanks heaps for the information about the camera :)

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