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cigarette lighter


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Hi all

i've just notice my cigarette lighter doesnt seem to stay in when i press it. in order for it to heat up to the point it could light up a smoke i would have to press and hold it in place for about 10seconds or so. not sure if this is a safety thing they've introduced? if anyone could kindly let me know would be great.


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Have you tried a cigarette lighter (the actual insert part) from another car? That's normally the part that screws up and is a remedy I tried awhile ago in one of our work vehicles

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I find mine did that after I used it with cig lighter socket chargers, if you look down the cylinder of the socket, there are two pieces of metal at the sides that can be bent out or in, I changed my cig lighter and the new one pushed them out preventing them from holding the lighter in long enough to heat up I believe the heat causes the metal to buckle slightly releasing the lighter. You have to play around with it a bit but I just used a flat screwdriver and bent them back in so they catch on the lighter, you should give it enough grip/tension on the lighter so that you can easily pull it back out when it's pushed in. My phone charger and GPS plugs use to do it all the time, now I just use the aux one in the centre console and I hardwired my GPS holder to hide the wires.

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will try get hold of another ligther from another car and see if that works. if not i'll have a look at the socket as graeme mentioned.

thanks for the quick responses!!

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