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Having changed the transmission fluid myself, I have to ask about the way you changed the fluid.

Basically, with the engine off and preferably cold (under 40 degrees), you remove the overflow plug on the transmission sump then top up the transmission fluid until it overflows out the overflow tube. Once it slows to a trickle, you replace the overflow plug.

Then you start the car and run it though all the gears for about 30 seconds then you return it to PARK.

Then with it in idle and park, you remove the overflow plug, if fluid comes out wait till it slows to a trickle and then replace the plug. At this point you are done.

If no fluid comes out, you keep adding fluid to the transmission until it does flow out the overflow tube. Once it slows to a trickle, then you replace the overflow plug and you are complete.

You should so all this relatively quickly. That means if your engine was cold when you started, by the time you have run it though the gears, toped up the fluid etc if required, the engine wouldn't have been running for more than a few minutes. This process needs to be done with the transmission around 40 degrees C so you don't want it getting too warm and messing up your measurement.

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now im not so sure. Might have to get under the car and do a drain and refill again.

Does anyone know the correct amount of fluid to completely fill the u660e from dry with a actual proper reference? would be nice to know if its on the 4L side or 6.5L side of things...

Edited by UMAD
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now im not so sure. Might have to get under the car and do a drain and refill again.

Does anyone know the correct amount of fluid to completely fill the u660e from dry with a actual proper reference? would be nice to know if its on the 4L side or 6.5L side of things...

Kind of depends on how much fluid was emptied from the torque converter I'd imagine.

When I dropped my sump and replaced the filter/strainer, I ended up using about 4.5 litres however an estimated 1.2-1.5 litres of that was "wasted" towards flushing a bit of the fluid inside out. And I also have a gearbox oil cooler.

Straight out of the service manual:


Edited by Tard
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