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Other Clubs ...


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Just wondering if maybe we could have a topic where other Clubs can post info on what they're up to, so TOCA members can see what other events are about that they might like to join in.

I'm a member both here and of the Toyota Car Club of Aust (Qld) Inc., and I know a few people here also frequent Toymods and other forums ... it'd be good to just have a topic where TOCA-exclusive people can see what's on in a convenient way.

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I have to second this one:

As someone who posts regularly (when we have them) events from another car club in SA, it would be very handy to have a section where I can check what's going on in the toyota scene at a push of a button.


Toymods have organised an SA cruise

Boost Cruising have got a show and shine on

Toyota Car Club.net have got toyoshow happening etc etc?

This sort of thing would be wonderful.

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