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My test drive of the 86


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Hey guys I recently test drove the 86 straight after test driving the Megane RS.

Straight away as soon as I got in I loved the seating position better as I felt like i was in a sports car low to the ground. How all sports cars should feel.

The Megane didn't give me the low seating feeling.

The other thing I noticed I had trouble engaging into 2nd gear. It was very hard to select which kind of turned me off as Ive had previous bad experience in the past with 2nd gear when the car is cold it won't engage after a while the gears start to grind and the syncros start to give way.

I thought the 86 was alot more fun to drive over the megane as it felt lighter and more easy to throw into the corners. Although the lack of power I think I would get bored of quite quickly. I put my foot down it started to pull and then nothing just a straight power curve to nothing? I was waiting for some kinda surge of power to kick in.

It is just missing that sort of punch (vtec, turbo, something.) Where the Megane has the power but just feels like your driving a high positioned hatchback you don't get that race car feeling if that makes sense.

Has anyone else had issues with 2nd gear? is it a problem that getters better after time?

I just can't seem to find a car under 45k that I love. If i was to buy the 86 it would definately be getting a turbo kit added.

Let me know your thoughts guys.

Edited by obsessionz
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Mine is still stiff into second when cold , but shifts perfectly after warm up.

They have triple sincro in 1st , 2nd and 3rd.

With a gentle throttle blip in neutral between 1st and 2nd they shift fine when cold.

Mine has also only done 6700 kms.

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